Training Sessions

The VISIT Program

VISIT People


Links / Tutorials


Page Form Last Updated:
September 7th, 2004

Virtual Institute for Satellite Integration Training (VISIT)

Updated: September 7th, 2004

The VISIT program sponsors Distance Learning Training for Satellite Meteorology as part of the National Weather Service's Integrated Sensor Training program.  One of the tools used for this activity is the VISITview program.  The VISITview tool was developed for the VISIT program at the University of Wisconsin-Madison by Tom Whittaker; the tool set continues to evolve as needs are identified.

For more information about the VISIT program, please use the navigation aids on the left.

VISITview screen capture - Click to enlarge
Screen capture from a VISITview teletraining session

VISIT program contacts at CIMSS:
