/* VisAD Tutorial Copyright (C) 2000 Ugo Taddei */ package tutorial.s2; // Import needed classes import visad.*; import visad.java2d.DisplayImplJ2D; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; /** VisAD Tutorial example 2_06 The same old parabola, but with a different look. We use a MathType ( time -> (height, speed) ), draw time and height along the x- and y-axis, respectively, and map the speed to the line colour. For that we use a ScalarMap with speed as RealType and Display.RGB as DisplayRealType Use the GraphicsModeControl to change line thickness of display Run program with java P2_06 * */ public class P2_06{ // Declare variables // The quantities to be displayed in x- and y-axes private RealType time, height, speed; // height and speed are organized in a Tuple private RealTupleType h_s_tuple; // The function height = f(time) and speed = f(time) // as ( time -> (height, speed) ) private FunctionType func_t_tuple; // Our Data values for time are represented by the set private Set time_set; // The Data class FlatField, which will hold data. private FlatField h_s_ff; // The DataReference from the data to display private DataReferenceImpl h_s_ref; // The 2D display, and its the maps private DisplayImpl display; private ScalarMap timeMap, heightYMap, speedRGBMap; public P2_06 (String []args) throws RemoteException, VisADException { // Create the quantities // Use RealType(String name, Unit u, Set set), set is null time = RealType.getRealType("time", SI.second, null); height = RealType.getRealType("height", SI.meter, null); // Create speed, but without a unit speed = RealType.getRealType("speed"); // Pack height and speed in a Tuple h_s_tuple = new RealTupleType(height, speed); // Create a FunctionType // Use FunctionType(MathType domain, MathType range) func_t_tuple = new FunctionType(time, h_s_tuple); // Create the time_set, with 5 values, but this time using a // Linear1DSet(MathType type, double first, double last, int length) int LENGTH = 32; time_set = new Linear1DSet(time, -3.0, 3.0, LENGTH); // Generate some points with a for-loop for the line // Note that we have the parabola height = 45 - 5 * time^2 // But first we create a float array for the values // Note the dimensions of the array: // float[ number_of_range_components ][ number_of_range_samples] float[][] h_s_vals = new float[2][LENGTH]; // ...then we use a method of Set to get the samples from time_set; // this call will get the time values // "true" means we get a copy from the samples float[][] t_vals = time_set.getSamples( true); // finally generate height and speed values // height is given by the parabola height = 45 - 5 * time^2 // and speed by its first derivative speed = -10 * time for(int i = 0; i < LENGTH; i++){ h_s_vals[0][i] = 45.0f - 5.0f * (float) (t_vals[0][i]*t_vals[0][i]); h_s_vals[1][i] = - 10.0f * (float) t_vals[0][i]; } // Create a FlatField // Use FlatField(FunctionType type, Set domain_set) h_s_ff = new FlatField( func_t_tuple, time_set); // and put the height values above in it h_s_ff.setSamples(h_s_vals ); // Create Display and its maps // A 2D display display = new DisplayImplJ2D("display1"); // Get display's graphics mode control draw scales GraphicsModeControl dispGMC = (GraphicsModeControl) display.getGraphicsModeControl(); dispGMC.setScaleEnable(true); // Create the ScalarMaps: quantity time is to be displayed along XAxis // and height along YAxis; speed is mapped to RGB color // Use ScalarMap(ScalarType scalar, DisplayRealType display_scalar) timeMap = new ScalarMap( time, Display.XAxis ); heightYMap = new ScalarMap( height, Display.YAxis ); speedRGBMap = new ScalarMap( speed, Display.RGB ); // Add maps to display display.addMap( timeMap ); display.addMap( heightYMap ); display.addMap( speedRGBMap ); // Scale yMap. This will scale the y-axis, because heightYMap // has DisplayRealType YAxis // we simply choose the range from 0.0 to 50.0 heightYMap.setRange( 0.0, 50.0); // Create a data reference and set the FlatField as our data h_s_ref = new DataReferenceImpl("h_s_ref"); h_s_ref.setData( h_s_ff ); // Add reference to display display.addReference( h_s_ref ); // Create application window, put display into it JFrame jframe = new JFrame("VisAD Tutorial example 2_06"); jframe.getContentPane().add(display.getComponent()); // Set window size and make it visible jframe.setSize(300, 300); jframe.setVisible(true); } public static void main(String[] args) throws RemoteException, VisADException { new P2_06(args); } } //end of Visad Tutorial Program 2_06