#!/bin/bash -e # # Example scipt that listens for RabbitMQ messages, using amqpfind, that are published by the SDI appliance. # If an 'end' message is found from the abi instrument an example python script is run # SDI_SERVER_IP=$1 if [ $# == 0 ] ; then echo " " echo "SDI Server must be specified" echo "Usage:" echo "${0} {SDI Server IP}" echo " " exit fi echo "$HOME/Client-Testing/amqpfind/amqpfind -p guest -u guest -H ${SDI_SERVER_IP} -C geo.goes.g16.abi.*.*.*.*.end | xargs -P1 -n2 ${HOME}/Client-Testing/scripts/example-python.py" $HOME/Client-Testing/amqpfind/amqpfind -p guest -u guest -H ${SDI_SERVER_IP} -C geo.goes.g16.abi.*.*.*.*.end | xargs -P1 -n2 ${HOME}/Client-Testing/scripts/example-python.py