Cloud Fraction analysis


These are based on one year (Nov '98 through Oct '99) of cloud boundary data from Nauru. The data are binned in 250m (height) x 900 sec (time). A 30 day sample image (30 June to 29 July 1999) can be compared with full 10 second data for June 30, July 7, July 10, July 19, July 20. Note: time runs down and height increases to the right in the 30 day image. The plots below are in no particular order.

ChartObject Cloud Top (using Cloud fraction 75%)

Distribution of ice cloud tops for single layer and for all ice cloud layers (only highest cloud top reported)


ChartObject Ice only (one layer)

Cumulative frequency of ice cloud thickness that are single layer as determined by 75% and 50% cloud fraction.



ChartObject Ice only (multi-layers)


Cumulative frequency of ice cloud thickness for all ice clouds as determined by 75% and 50% cloud fraction



ChartObject Ice only (one layer)


Frequency of ice cloud thickness for single layer ice clouds as determined by 75% and 50% cloud fraction


ChartObject Ice only (multi-layers)

Frequency of ice cloud thickness for all ice clouds as determined by 75% and 50% cloud fraction



ChartObject Cloud Fraction derived

Cumulative frequency of cloud thickness for all clouds



ChartObject Cloud Fraction derived

Cloud thickness distribution for all clouds.



ChartObject Cloud fraction (ice only)


Cumulative frequency of number of layers for only ice clouds.



ChartObject Cloud fraction (all clouds)


Cumulative frequency of number of layers for all clouds.

Last Updated on 9/3/00
By Dave Santek