vispy.scene.widgets package

Module contents

The vispy.scene.widgets namespace provides a range of widgets to allow user interaction. Widgets are rectangular Visual objects such as buttons and sliders.

class vispy.scene.widgets.AxisWidget(orientation='left', **kwargs)[source]

Bases: vispy.scene.widgets.widget.Widget

Widget containing an axis


Orientation of the axis, ‘left’ or ‘bottom’.


Keyword arguments to pass to AxisVisual.

Link this axis to a ViewBox

This makes it so that the axis’s domain always matches the visible range in the ViewBox.

viewinstance of ViewBox

The ViewBox to link.


Resize event handler

eventinstance of Event

The event.

class vispy.scene.widgets.ColorBarWidget(cmap, orientation, label='', label_color='black', clim=('', ''), border_width=0.0, border_color='black', padding=(0.2, 0.2), axis_ratio=0.05, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: vispy.scene.widgets.widget.Widget

Widget containing a ColorBar

cmapstr | vispy.color.ColorMap

Either the name of the ColorMap to be used from the standard set of names (refer to vispy.color.get_colormap), or a custom ColorMap object. The ColorMap is used to apply a gradient on the colorbar.

orientation{‘left’, ‘right’, ‘top’, ‘bottom’}

The orientation of the colorbar, used for rendering. The orientation can be thought of as the position of the label relative to the color bar.

When the orientation is ‘left’ or ‘right’, the colorbar is vertically placed. When it is ‘top’ or ‘bottom’, the colorbar is horizontally placed. The colorbar automatically resizes when its container’s dimension changes.

  • ‘top’: the colorbar is horizontal. Color is applied from left to right. Minimum corresponds to left and maximum to right. Label is to the top of the colorbar

  • ‘bottom’: Same as top, except that label is to the bottom of the colorbar

  • ‘left’: the colorbar is vertical. Color is applied from bottom to top. Minimum corresponds to bottom and maximum to top. Label is to the left of the colorbar

  • ‘right’: Same as left, except that the label is placed to the right of the colorbar


The label that is to be drawn with the colorbar that provides information about the colorbar.

label_colorstr | vispy.color.Color

The color of labels. This can either be a str as the color’s name or an actual instace of a vipy.color.Color

climtuple (min, max)

the minimum and maximum values of the data that is given to the colorbar. This is used to draw the scale on the side of the colorbar.

border_widthfloat (in px)

The width of the border the colormap should have. This measurement is given in pixels

border_colorstr | vispy.color.Color

The color of the border of the colormap. This can either be a str as the color’s name or an actual instace of a vipy.color.Color

paddingtuple (major_axis, minor_axis) [0, 1]

padding with respect to the major and minor axis


ratio of minor axis to major axis

property border_color

The color of the border around the ColorBar in pixels

property border_width

The width of the border around the ColorBar in pixels

property clim
property cmap
property label

Resize event handler

eventinstance of Event

The event.

property orientation
property ticks
class vispy.scene.widgets.Console(text_color='black', font_size=12.0, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: vispy.scene.widgets.widget.Widget

Fast and failsafe text console

text_colorinstance of Color

Color to use.


Point size to use.


Clear the console

property font_size

The font size (in points) of the text


Resize event handler

eventinstance of Event

The event.

property text_color

The color of the text

write(text='', wrap=True)[source]

Write text and scroll


Text to write. '' can be used for a blank line, as a newline is automatically added to the end of each line.


If True, long messages will be wrapped to span multiple lines.

class vispy.scene.widgets.Grid(spacing=6, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: vispy.scene.widgets.widget.Widget

Widget that automatically sets the position and size of child Widgets to proportionally divide its internal area into a grid.


Spacing between widgets.


Keyword arguments to pass to Widget.

add_grid(row=None, col=None, row_span=1, col_span=1, **kwargs)[source]

Create a new Grid and add it as a child widget.


The row in which to add the widget (0 is the topmost row)


The column in which to add the widget (0 is the leftmost column)


The number of rows to be occupied by this widget. Default is 1.


The number of columns to be occupied by this widget. Default is 1.


Keyword arguments to pass to the new Grid.

add_view(row=None, col=None, row_span=1, col_span=1, **kwargs)[source]

Create a new ViewBox and add it as a child widget.


The row in which to add the widget (0 is the topmost row)


The column in which to add the widget (0 is the leftmost column)


The number of rows to be occupied by this widget. Default is 1.


The number of columns to be occupied by this widget. Default is 1.


Keyword arguments to pass to ViewBox.

add_widget(widget=None, row=None, col=None, row_span=1, col_span=1, **kwargs)[source]

Add a new widget to this grid. This will cause other widgets in the grid to be resized to make room for the new widget. Can be used to replace a widget as well

widgetWidget | None

The Widget to add. New widget is constructed if widget is None.


The row in which to add the widget (0 is the topmost row)


The column in which to add the widget (0 is the leftmost column)


The number of rows to be occupied by this widget. Default is 1.


The number of columns to be occupied by this widget. Default is 1.


parameters sent to the new Widget that is constructed if widget is None


The widget’s parent is automatically set to this grid, and all other parent(s) are removed.

property grid_size
property layout_array

Remove a widget from this grid


The Widget to remove

resize_widget(widget, row_span, col_span)[source]

Resize a widget in the grid to new dimensions.


The widget to resize


The number of rows to be occupied by this widget.


The number of columns to be occupied by this widget.

class vispy.scene.widgets.Label(text, rotation=0.0, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: vispy.scene.widgets.widget.Widget

Label widget


The label.


The rotation of the label.


Keyword arguments to pass to TextVisual.


Resize event handler

eventinstance of Event

The event.

property text
class vispy.scene.widgets.ViewBox(camera=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: vispy.scene.widgets.widget.Widget

Provides a rectangular widget to which its subscene is rendered.

Three classes work together when using a ViewBox: * The SubScene class describes a “world” coordinate system and the entities that live inside it. * ViewBox is a “window” through which we view the subscene. Multiple ViewBoxes may view the same subscene. * Camera describes both the perspective from which the subscene is rendered, and the way user interaction affects that perspective.

In general it is only necessary to create the ViewBox; a SubScene and Camera will be generated automatically.

camerainstance of Camera | str | None

The camera through which to view the SubScene. If None, then a PanZoomCamera (2D interaction) is used. If str, then the string is used as the argument to make_camera().


Extra keyword arguments to pass to Widget.


Add an Node to the scene for this ViewBox.

This is a convenience method equivalent to node.parent = viewbox.scene

nodeinstance of Node

The node to add.

property camera

Get/set the Camera in use by this ViewBox

If a string is given (e.g. ‘panzoom’, ‘turntable’, ‘fly’). A corresponding camera is selected if it already exists in the scene, otherwise a new camera is created.

The camera object is made a child of the scene (if it is not already in the scene).

Multiple cameras can exist in one scene, although only one can be active at a time. A single camera can be used by multiple viewboxes at the same time.


Get the total bounds based on the visuals present in the scene

dimint | None

Dimension to return.

boundslist | tuple

If dim is None, Returns a list of 3 tuples, otherwise the bounds for the requested dimension.


Get whether the given node is inside the scene of this viewbox.

nodeinstance of Node

The node.


Resize event handler

eventinstance of Event

The event.

property scene

The root node of the scene viewed by this ViewBox.

class vispy.scene.widgets.Widget(pos=(0, 0), size=(10, 10), border_color=None, border_width=1, bgcolor=None, padding=0, margin=0, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: vispy.scene.visuals.Compound

A widget takes up a rectangular space, intended for use in a 2D pixel coordinate frame.

The widget is positioned using the transform attribute (as any node), and its extent (size) is kept as a separate property.

pos(x, y)

A 2-element tuple to specify the top left corner of the widget.

size(w, h)

A 2-element tuple to spicify the size of the widget.


The color of the border.


The width of the border line in pixels.


The background color.


The amount of padding in the widget (i.e. the space reserved between the contents and the border).


The margin to keep outside the widget’s border.

add_grid(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Create a new Grid and add it as a child widget.

All arguments are given to Grid().

add_view(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Create a new ViewBox and add it as a child widget.

All arguments are given to ViewBox().


Add a Widget as a managed child of this Widget.

The child will be automatically positioned and sized to fill the entire space inside this Widget (unless _update_child_widgets is redefined).

widgetinstance of Widget

The widget to add.

widgetinstance of Widget

The widget.

property bgcolor

The background color of the Widget.

property border_color

The color of the border.

property height

The actual height of the widget

property height_max

The maximum height of the widget

property height_min

The minimum height of the widget

property inner_rect

The rectangular area inside the margin, border, and padding.

Generally widgets should avoid drawing or placing sub-widgets outside this rectangle.

property margin
property padding
property picking

Boolean that determines whether this node (and its children) are drawn in picking mode.

property pos
property rect

Remove a Widget as a managed child of this Widget.

widgetinstance of Widget

The widget to remove.

property size

The size (w, h) of this widget.

If the widget is a child of another widget, then its size is assigned automatically by its parent.

property stretch

Stretch factors (w, h) used when determining how much space to allocate to this widget in a layout.

If either stretch factor is None, then it will be assigned when the widget is added to a layout based on the number of columns or rows it occupies.

property width

The actual width of this widget

property width_max

The maximum width the widget can have

property width_min

The minimum width the widget can have