vispy.testing package

Module contents


This module provides functions useful for running tests in vispy.

Tests can be run in a few ways:

  • From Python, you can import vispy and do vispy.test().

  • From the source root, you can do make test which wraps to a call to python make test.

There are various diffrent testing “modes”, including:

  • “full”: run all tests.

  • any backend name (e.g., “glfw”): run application/GL tests using a specific backend.

  • “nobackend”: run tests that do not require a backend.

  • “examples”: run repo examples to check for errors and warnings.

  • “flake”: check style errors.

Examples get automatically tested unless they have a special comment toward the top # vispy: testskip. Examples that should be tested should be formatted so that 1) a Canvas class is defined, or a canvas class is instantiated; and 2) the call is protected by a check if __name__ == "__main__". This makes it so that the event loop is not started when running examples in the test suite – the test suite instead manually updates the canvas (using app.process_events()) for under one second to ensure that things like timer events are processed.

For examples on how to test various bits of functionality (e.g., application functionality, or drawing things with OpenGL), it’s best to look at existing examples in the test suite.

The code base gets automatically tested by Travis-CI (Linux) and AppVeyor (Windows) on Python 2.7 and 3.6. There are multiple testing modes that use e.g. full dependencies, minimal dependencies, etc. See .travis.yml to determine what automatic tests are run.