vispy.visuals.collections.agg_fast_path_collection module

Antigrain Geometry Fast Path Collection

This collection provides antialiased and accurate paths with caps and miter joins. It consume x4 more memory than regular lines and is a bit slower, but the quality of the output is worth the cost. Note that no control can be made on miter joins which may result in some glitches on screen.

class vispy.visuals.collections.agg_fast_path_collection.AggFastPathCollection(user_dtype=None, transform=None, vertex=None, fragment=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: vispy.visuals.collections.collection.Collection

Antigrain Geometry Fast Path Collection

This collection provides antialiased and accurate paths with caps and miter joins. It consume x4 more memory than regular lines and is a bit slower, but the quality of the output is worth the cost. Note that no control can be made on miter joins which may result in some glitches on screen.

append(P, closed=False, itemsize=None, **kwargs)[source]

Append a new set of vertices to the collection.

For kwargs argument, n is the number of vertices (local) or the number of item (shared)


Vertices positions of the path(s) to be added

closed: bool

Whether path(s) is/are closed

itemsize: int or None

Size of an individual path

capslist, array or 2-tuple

Path start /end cap

colorlist, array or 4-tuple

Path color

linewidthlist, array or float

Path linewidth

antialiaslist, array or float

Path antialias area

bake(P, key='curr', closed=False, itemsize=None)[source]

Given a path P, return the baked vertices as they should be copied in the collection if the path has already been appended.


Draw collection