vispy.visuals.infinite_line module

class vispy.visuals.infinite_line.InfiniteLineVisual(pos=None, color=(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0), vertical=True, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: vispy.visuals.visual.Visual

Infinite horizontal or vertical line for 2D plots.


Position of the line along the axis.

colorlist, tuple, or array

The color to use when drawing the line. If an array is given, it must be of shape (1, 4) and provide one rgba color per vertex.


True for drawing a vertical line, False for an horizontal line

property color
property is_vertical
property pos
set_data(pos=None, color=None)[source]

Set the data


Position of the line along the axis.

colorlist, tuple, or array

The color to use when drawing the line. If an array is given, it must be of shape (1, 4) and provide one rgba color per vertex.