vispy.visuals.polygon module

Simple polygon visual based on MeshVisual and LineVisual

class vispy.visuals.polygon.PolygonVisual(pos=None, color='black', border_color=None, border_width=1, border_method='gl', triangulate=True, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: vispy.visuals.visual.CompoundVisual

Displays a 2D polygon


Set of vertices defining the polygon.

colorstr | tuple | list of colors

Fill color of the polygon.

border_colorstr | tuple | list of colors

Border color of the polygon.


Border width in pixels. Line widths > 1px are only guaranteed to work when using border_method=’agg’ method.


Mode to use for drawing the border line (see LineVisual).

  • “agg” uses anti-grain geometry to draw nicely antialiased lines with proper joins and endcaps.

  • “gl” uses OpenGL’s built-in line rendering. This is much faster, but produces much lower-quality results and is not guaranteed to obey the requested line width or join/endcap styles.


Triangulate the set of vertices


Keyword arguments to pass to CompoundVisual.

property border

The vispy.visuals.LineVisual that is owned by the PolygonVisual. It is used to draw the border of the polygon

property border_color

The border color of the polygon.

property color

The color of the polygon.

property mesh

The vispy.visuals.MeshVisual that is owned by the PolygonVisual. It is used to fill in the polygon

property pos

The vertex position of the polygon.