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Instructions for Obtaining and Installing the SDI Version 2002aug29 POES Binaries

This document contains instructions for downloading and installing the POES binaries that were updated in SDI version 2002aug29 to support NOAA-17 AVHRR data. See the Update Summary and SDI Changes for more information about version 2002aug29.

When you attempt to download the files below, you will be prompted for your site's login and password. If you do not know the login and password, ask your site coordinator. If you know the login and password and still have a problem obtaining these files via the Web, ask your site coordinator to contact the McIDAS Help Desk by e-mail or by phone at (608) 262-2455.

Complete the following steps to obtain and install the POES binaries that were updated in SDI version 2002aug29.

  1. Login to the SDI workstation as user root.
  2. Change to the ~mcadde/mcidas/bin directory.
    Type:cd ~mcadde/mcidas/bin
  3. Make backup copies of the current poesadir and poesaget binaries.
    Type:cp poesadir poesadir.bak
    Type:cp poesaget poesaget.bak
  4. Download the following two files to the ~mcadde/mcidas/bin directory on your SDI workstation.
    File name Size
    poesadir 354 KB
    poesaget 414 KB
  5. Verify that the files downloaded in step 4 have execute permission for user mcadde. If they don't, use the chmod command to give them the correct permissions.

This completes the instructions. If you have any questions, send email to the McIDAS Help Desk.