April 2011

AOSS Community Poster Reception

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Attention faculty, staff, and students affiliated with centers and departments in the Atmospheric, Oceanic and Space Sciences Building:

The inaugural AOSS Community Poster Reception will be held Tuesday, 26 April 2011 in the NEW Union South from 3-6 pm. This free event showcases the innovative science, engineering, educational outreach, and other projects going on in the Atmospheric, Oceanic and Space Sciences Building today!

Please feel free to present a recent poster of your work (for example, from AGU, AMS or some other recent conference) or just come and check out all the great projects happening here! There will be free snacks and refreshments. We will also award cash prizes for best graduate and undergraduate posters.

We are hoping to make this an annual event, so please help make the first one a blast! You don't need to bring a poster, but you do need to register to attend. Please see the attached poster and visit our website to register, submit a poster, or learn more:

Thanks! Looking forward to seeing you all at the reception!

Note from Hank Revercomb:

Thanks to the AOSS Community Poster Reception Committee formed by Clarie Pettersen for a great idea and for bringing it to life.

Claire Pettersen, Committee Chair
Ankur Desai, AOS and CCR
Maria Vasys, SSEC and CIMSS
Mat Gunshor, SSEC and CIMSS
Linda Hedges, Schwerdtfeger Library
Mark Kulie, AOS
Jean Phillips, Schwerdtfeger Library
Eric Thompson, SSEC

I think this is going to become an exciting new annual event to issue in the Spring. It will be fun to see more of what everyone is doing and to share your own accomplishments. Just bring the posters you have already produced for other events and enjoy.

Looking forward to seeing you all at at the new Union South reception!


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