SSEC/CIMSS Go Big in Texas for AMS Convention

January 18, 2013 | Mark Hobson

The renowned Austin, Texas, music scene was upstaged by the 93rd Annual AMS Annual Meeting held from 06 – 10 January 2013. The theme of the conference, Taking Predictions to the Next Level: Expanding Beyond Today’s Weather, Water, and Climate Forecasting and Projections, was a good fit for the work being done at SSEC and CIMSS.

Crowds lined up early for the 5:30 pm, Monday 07 January, opening of the Exhibit Hall.

Crowds lined up early for the 5:30 pm, Monday 07 January, opening of the Exhibit Hall.

Over 30 oral presentations and nearly 40 posters on display delivered bySSEC/CIMSS researchers and students covered topics as diverse as:

  • performance of instrumentation on the Suomi NPP;
  • GOES-R Proving Ground experiments;
  • collecting weather satellite data for mobile devices;
  • evolution of global satellite composite imagery;
  • tropical cyclone studies;
  • advances in McIDAS-V satellite weather products;
  • and outreach programs such as the CIMSS iPad Library and EarthNow’s Science on a Sphere.

Steve Ackerman, Director of CIMSS presented as part of the Panel of Teaching Award Winners.

Tim Schmit served as a co-chair of the Future Operational Environmental Satellite Systems symposium, and gave two oral presentations related to the Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) on GOES-R.

ssec booth

ssec booth

SSEC maintained an exhibit booth during the meeting demonstrating some of the Center’s latest research, providing close-up looks at the 3-D globe, and allowing visitors to sample the full release version of McIDAS-V’s visualization tools.

steve ackerman

margaret mooney

patrick rowley

dave santek

tim schmit

Steve Ackerman, Margaret Mooney, Patrick Rowley, Dave Santek, and Tim Schmit
presenting at the AMS Convention.

Several presentations by SSEC/CIMSS researchers have been made available online:

EarthNow: Communicating Climate Forecasts Using NOAA’s Science on a Sphere (Patrick Rowley, presenter)

Visualizing Geostationary and Polar-Orbiting Weather Products in McIDAS-V (Joleen Feltz, presenter)

The CIMSS iPad Library and ESIP Workshops (Margaret Mooney, presenter)

McIDAS-V, Visualization, and Data Analysis for Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (William Straka, presenter)

The GOES-R Proving Ground: Summer 2012 Summer Experiment at the Aviation Weather Center (Amanda Terborg, presenter)

More information about the presentations at the AMS Conference is available.
