Uses of Class

Packages that use InvalidParameterException
dods.dap.parser This package contains JavaCC generated DAP parser classes. 
dods.dap.Server This package contains the DODS Server classes. 

Uses of InvalidParameterException in dods.dap.parser

Methods in dods.dap.parser that throw InvalidParameterException
 void ExprParser.array_index(int count, ServerArrayMethods bt)
 void ExprParser.constraint_expression(CEEvaluator ceEval, dods.dap.BaseTypeFactory factory, ClauseFactory clauseFactory)
          This is the entry point for the Constraint expression parser.
 void ExprParser.proj_clause()
 void ExprParser.proj_variable()
 void ExprParser.projection()

Uses of InvalidParameterException in dods.dap.Server

Methods in dods.dap.Server that throw InvalidParameterException
 void ServerSideFunction.checkArgs(List args)
          Checks that the arguments given are acceptable arguments for this function.
 dods.dap.BaseType BTFunction.getReturnType(List args)
          A given function must always evaluate to the same class of BaseType.
 int ServerArrayMethods.getStart(int dimension)
 int SDGrid.getStart(int dimension)
          Gets the start value for the projection of the dimension indicated.
 int SDArray.getStart(int dimension)
          Gets the start value for the array projection.
 int ServerArrayMethods.getStop(int dimension)
 int SDGrid.getStop(int dimension)
          Gets the stop value for the projection of the dimension indicated.
 int SDArray.getStop(int dimension)
          Gets the stop value for the array projection.
 int ServerArrayMethods.getStride(int dimension)
 int SDGrid.getStride(int dimension)
          Gets the stride value for the projection of the dimension indicated.
 int SDArray.getStride(int dimension)
          Gets the stride value for the array projection.
 void CEEvaluator.markAll(boolean state)
          Mark all the variables in the DDS either as part of the current projection (when state is true) or not (state is false).
 void CEEvaluator.parseConstraint(String expression)
          Parse a constraint expression.
 void ServerArrayMethods.setProjection(int dimension, int start, int stride, int stop)
 void SDGrid.setProjection(int dimension, int start, int stride, int stop)
          Set the projection information for this dimension.
 void SDArray.setProjection(int dimension, int start, int stride, int stop)
          Set the projection information for this dimension.