Uses of Class

Packages that use AttributeAdapter Supports read-only access to datasets on DODS servers by importing such datasets as VisAD data objects. 

Uses of AttributeAdapter in

Subclasses of AttributeAdapter in
 class ByteAttributeAdapter
          Provides support for adapting a DODS Attribute.BYTE attribute to the VisAD data-import context.
 class ContainerAttributeAdapter
          Provides support for adapting a DODS Attribute.CONTAINER attribute to the VisAD data-import context.
 class Float32AttributeAdapter
          Provides support for adapting a DODS Attribute.FLOAT32 attribute to the VisAD data-import context.
 class Float64AttributeAdapter
          Provides support for adapting a DODS Attribute.FLOAT64 attribute to the VisAD data-import context.
 class FloatAttributeAdapter
          Provides support for adapting DODS floating-point attributes to the VisAD data-import context.
 class Int16AttributeAdapter
          Provides support for adapting a DODS Attribute.INT16 attribute to the VisAD data-import context.
 class Int32AttributeAdapter
          Provides support for adapting a DODS Attribute.INT32 attributs to the VisAD data-import context.
 class NumericAttributeAdapter
          Provides support for adapting DODS numeric attributes to the VisAD data-import context.
 class StringAttributeAdapter
          Provides support for adapting DODS Attribute.STRING attributes to the VisAD data-import context.
 class UInt16AttributeAdapter
          Provides support for adapting a DODS Attribute.UINT16 attribute to the VisAD data-import context.
 class UInt32AttributeAdapter
          Provides support for adapting a DODS Attribute.UINT32 attribute to the VisAD data-import context.
 class UnknownAttributeAdapter
          Provides support for adapting a DODS Attribute.UNKNOWN attribute to the VisAD data-import context.

Methods in that return AttributeAdapter
 AttributeAdapter AttributeAdapterFactory.attributeAdapter(String name, dods.dap.Attribute attr)
          Returns an adapter of a DODS attribute.