Uses of Class

Packages that use FormulaException
visad.formula Provides an interface for automatically evaluating formulas based on user-defined operators and functions. 

Uses of FormulaException in visad.formula

Methods in visad.formula that throw FormulaException
 boolean FormulaManager.canBeRemoved(String name)
          check whether it is safe to remove a variable from the database
 String FormulaManager.getFormula(String name)
          get a variable's current formula
 ThingReference FormulaManager.getReference(String name)
          get a variable's associated ThingReference
 Thing FormulaManager.getThing(String name)
          get a variable's current value
 void FormulaManager.remove(String name)
          remove a variable from the database

Constructors in visad.formula that throw FormulaException
FormulaManager(String[] binOps, int[] binPrec, String[] binMethods, String[] unaryOps, int[] unaryPrec, String[] unaryMethods, String[] functions, String[] funcMethods, int implicitPrec, String[] implicitMethods, String preParseMethod)
          construct a new FormulaManager object