Uses of Interface

Packages that use ColorChangeListener
visad.util Provides a collection of useful utilities, many of them GUI widgets, to aid in VisAD application design. 

Uses of ColorChangeListener in visad.util

Classes in visad.util that implement ColorChangeListener
 class ColorPreview
          A small preview bar generated for a color widget
 class ColorWidget
          A color widget that allows users to interactively map numeric data to RGBA tuples based on the Vis5D color widget

Methods in visad.util with parameters of type ColorChangeListener
 void ColorWidget.addColorChangeListener(ColorChangeListener c)
          Add a ColorChangeListener to the listeners list
 void ColorMap.addColorChangeListener(ColorChangeListener c)
          Add a ColorChangeListener to the listeners list
 void ColorWidget.removeColorChangeListener(ColorChangeListener c)
          Remove a ColorChangeListener from the listeners list
 void ColorMap.removeColorChangeListener(ColorChangeListener c)
          Remove a ColorChangeListener from the listeners list