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Connector::AdaptsPayloadForOutput< U, B > Class Template Reference

Invoke a payload adapter to allow upstream access Example: blitz array with a different stride, or a view of an array U must be able to initialize from a B::PayloadType provides OutputPort< U::PayloadType >. More...

#include <Connector.h>

Inheritance diagram for Connector::AdaptsPayloadForOutput< U, B >:

Connector::OutputPort< Payload > List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual operator typename U::PayloadType & ()

Detailed Description

template<class U, class B>
class Connector::AdaptsPayloadForOutput< U, B >

Invoke a payload adapter to allow upstream access Example: blitz array with a different stride, or a view of an array U must be able to initialize from a B::PayloadType provides OutputPort< U::PayloadType >.

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Generated on Fri Oct 8 12:18:33 2004 for Calibrate.Connector by doxygen 1.3.4