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Hovmoller Controls

The Hovmoller display plots grid and gridded point data in a diagram with the Latitude/Longitude component on the X-axis, and the time component on the Y-axis. This display option is found in the Displays menu of the Field Selector tab of the Data Explorer. You can display the data as Time with respect to either Latitude or Longitude, and either as a Color Shaded or Contour display type.

Image 1: Hovmoller Display
Image 1: Hovmoller Display

By default, if you select a Longitude display, the entire spatial domain will be utilized, and the longitude range will go from the western extent to the eastern extent of your domain. The latitude will be averaged from the northern to southern boundaries of your domain. You can restrict the latitude and longitude domain by selecting a region in the Region tab of the Field Selector tab of the Data Explorer. The Latitude displays work the same way, by averaging the longitude across the entire domain unless you subset a region.


Many of the menu items seen utilizing this display are standard options that can be found in the Menus section of the Layer Controls page. However, there are a couple of options unique to this display.

The Edit menu has this unique option:

The View menu has this unique option:

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