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Sounding Controls

For 3D derived gridded data, one of the Fields you can select is Sounding Data (Temperature & dewpoint only or with true winds). In the Displays panel of the Layer Controls tab, there is a category for soundings. The three sounding display options are Grid Skew-T, Grid Stuve Display, and Grid Emagram Display. This display uses the model data to produce soundings, and their controls are similar to those for Point Data sounding display controls. You can modify the location of the sounding in the Main Display window by dragging the selector point to a different position on the map.

The example below is loaded from the 'Sounding Data (with true winds)' field. If you select 'Sounding Data (Temperature & dewpoint only)', then wind data will not be included in the display. Therefore, there will be no barbs along the side of the sounding in the Sounding Chart tab, the Hodograph tab will not be available, and there will be no wind information listed in the Table tab. For more information on what wind speeds correspond to each of the wind barbs in McIDAS-V displays, please see the table in the FAQ.

The Sounding Chart tab includes an aerological diagram (e.g., skew-T, Stuve, Emagram):

Image 1: Sounding Display of Model Data
Image 1: Sounding Display of Model Data

A label above the sounding's chart shows the model, date, and time of the data. You can modify the individual T and Td profiles on the skew T by clicking and dragging the profile lines. You will see changes in the parameter table to the left of the Skew-T that reflect modifications made to the sounding.

The Hodograph tab shows a 3D hodograph display. Note that this tab is only included with the display if you select a Field that includes wind data:

Image 2: Hodograph Display of Model Data
Image 2: Hodograph Display of Model Data

The hodograph is enabled if the plotted data includes wind fields. It can be rotated into 3D by right-clicking and dragging. You can zoom in/out by holding down Shift and right-clicking and dragging up/down or by using the scroll wheel on your mouse. To reset the hodograph, use Ctrl+R.

The Table tab shows a table of all available values in the sounding. You can invert the order of the table by double clicking on the name of a column (ex. AirPressure).:

Image 3: Table Display of Model Data
Image 3: Table Display of Model Data
Aerological Parameters

The table to the left of the sounding diagram contains aerological parameters determined from the atmospheric sounding displayed in the diagram. The following abbreviations are used:


Many of the menu items seen utilizing this display are standard options that can be found in the Menus section of the Layer Controls page. However, there is one option that is unique to this display.

The File menu has this unique option:

The Edit menu has these unique options:

The View menu has these unique options:

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