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uiManager - Variable in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.ui.McvComponentHolder
Kept around to avoid annoying casting.
uiManager - Variable in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.ui.McvToolbarEditor
Used to notify the application that a toolbar update should occur.
uiManager - Variable in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.ui.ParameterTree
The ui manager
UIManager - Class in edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.ui
Derive our own UI manager to do some specific things: Removing displays Showing the dashboard Adding toolbar customization options Implement the McIDAS-V toolbar as a JToolbar.
UIManager(IntegratedDataViewer) - Constructor for class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.ui.UIManager
Hands off our IDV instantiation to IdvUiManager.
uiManager - Variable in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.ViewManagerManager
Convenient reference back to the UIManager.
UIManager.ActionAttribute - Enum in edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.ui
Represents what McIDAS-V "knows" about IDV actions.
UIManager.BundleTreeNode - Class in edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.ui
Represents a SavedBundle as a tree.
UIManager.FormEntry - Class in edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.ui
A type of HttpFormEntry that supports line wrapping for text area entries.
UIManager.IdvAction - Class in edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.ui
Represents an individual IDV action.
UIManager.IdvActions - Class in edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.ui
Represents the set of known IdvActions in an idiom that can be easily used by both the IDV and McIDAS-V.
UIManager.NextDisplayAction - Class in edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.ui
UIManager.PopupListener - Class in edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.ui
Handle mouse clicks that occur within the toolbar.
UIManager.PrevDisplayAction - Class in edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.ui
UIManager.ShowDisplayAction - Class in edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.ui
UIManager.ToolbarStyle - Enum in edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.ui
A ToolbarStyle is a representation of the way icons associated with current toolbar actions should be displayed.
uleft - Variable in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.chooser.ImageParameters
uLEle - Variable in class
ulLat - Variable in class
Nav parameters
uLLine - Variable in class
Upper-left corner satellite coordinates
ulLon - Variable in class
UMap(int, int) - Static method in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.adt.Auto
Provide coordinates between original point and transformed point.
undo - Variable in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.ui.JythonEditor
Undo manager.
undoableEditHappened(UndoableEditEvent) - Method in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.ui.JythonEditor
Handles undoable edits
undockControl(DisplayControl) - Method in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.ui.McIDASVViewPanel
uninstallChooserPanel(JColorChooser) - Method in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.ui.PersistableSwatchChooserPanel
This method removes the chooser panel from the JColorChooser.
uniqueID - Static variable in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.util.GEOSgridUtil
uniquePrefix - Variable in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.ParameterSet
uniqueRangeType - Variable in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.display.hydra.MultiSpectralDisplay
unit - Variable in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.adt.TiffVars
unit - Variable in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.chooser.ImageParameters
unit - Variable in class
UNIT - Static variable in class
UNIT_KEY - Static variable in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.chooser.adde.AddeImageParameterChooser
UNIT_KEY - Static variable in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.chooser.adde.ImageChooser
UNIT_KEY - Static variable in class
unitComboBox - Variable in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.chooser.adde.AddeImageChooser
Widget for selecting image units
units - Variable in class
unitsEnterprise - Variable in class
unitsNASA - Variable in class
unixBrowsers - Static variable in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.util.WebBrowser
Probe Unix-like systems for these browsers, in this order.
UNKNOWN_ICON - Static variable in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.ui.McvToolbarEditor
Icon used when an action does not have one set (monkey!).
UNKNOWN_STATION - Static variable in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.chooser.Level2RadarChooser
Label used in the widgets to show an unknown station
unpack - Variable in class
unpersistComponentGroups(WindowInfo, McvComponentGroup) - Method in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.ui.UIManager
Attempts to add all component holders in info to group.
unpersistData(Hashtable<String, Object>) - Method in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.control.HydraCombo.CombinationPanel
unpersistInput() - Method in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.supportform.SupportForm
Loads user input for the following: name, email address, email address confirmation, organization, whether or not to CC the user a copy, and whether or not a "state" bundle should be included.
unpersistSelectorWrapper(Hashtable<String, String>) - Method in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.control.HydraCombo.SelectorWrapper
unpersistWindowInfo(List, List, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.ui.UIManager
Handles the windowing portions of bundle loading: wraps things in component groups (if needed), merges things into existing windows or creates new windows, and removes displays and data if asked nicely.
UNREASONABLE_DISPATCH_DURATION_MS - Static variable in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.util.gui.EventDispatchThreadHangMonitor
unregister(OnFileChangeListener) - Method in interface edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.util.pathwatcher.DirectoryWatchService
Notifies the implementation of this interface that listener should cease to be notified of file system events.
unregister(OnFileChangeListener) - Method in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.util.pathwatcher.SimpleDirectoryWatchService
Notifies the implementation of this interface that listener should cease to be notified of file system events.
unregisterAll() - Method in interface edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.util.pathwatcher.DirectoryWatchService
Unregisters all listeners.
unregisterAll() - Method in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.util.pathwatcher.SimpleDirectoryWatchService
Unregisters all listeners.
unselectAll() - Method in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.chooser.adde.AddeRaobChooser
Unselect all station
unselected - Static variable in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.ui.DraggableTabbedPane
unselectedBorder - Variable in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.control.MultiSpectralControl.ColorRenderer
unsigned - Variable in class
unverified - Variable in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.servermanager.TabbedAddeManager
Icon for datasets that have not been verified.
UpAction - Class in edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.jython
UpAction(Console, Console.Actions) - Constructor for class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.jython.UpAction
update() - Method in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.control.HydraCombo.SelectorWrapper
update() - Method in class
Update this adapter for new data
update(AreaDirectory, MapProjection, AREAnav, String, double[]) - Method in class
update() - Method in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.display.hydra.DragLine
update(Graphics) - Method in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.ui.JPanelImage
Update the panel after a change.
updateAddeServers(String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.chooser.ServerInfo
Re-reads servers.xml and re-initialize all lists.
updateBluGamma(double) - Method in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.control.RGBCompositeControl
updateBluRange(double, double) - Method in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.control.RGBCompositeControl
updateBox() - Method in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.control.ScatterDisplay.ImageBoxSelector
updateBox(Gridded2DSet) - Method in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.control.ScatterDisplay.ImageBoxSelector
updateChooser() - Method in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.ui.PersistableSwatchChooserPanel
This method updates the chooser panel with the new value from the JColorChooser.
updateComboPanel(String, float) - Method in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.control.HydraCombo
updateControlSelector(String, float) - Method in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.display.hydra.MultiSpectralDisplay
updateCurve(SampledSet) - Method in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.control.ScatterDisplay.ImageCurveSelector
updated - Variable in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.util.SunRelativePosition
true is the elevation and azimuth are computed, or false if they need to be computed.
updateGamma(double) - Method in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.control.RGBCompositeControl
updateGrnGamma(double) - Method in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.control.RGBCompositeControl
updateGrnRange(double, double) - Method in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.control.RGBCompositeControl
updateGroundStationWidgets(GroundStation) - Method in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.control.PolarOrbitTrackControl
updateGroups() - Method in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.chooser.adde.AddeChooser
Sort the groups alphabetically
updateHistogramTab() - Method in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.control.MultiSpectralControl
updateImage(float) - Method in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.control.MultiSpectralControl
updateLegendLabel() - Method in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.control.Grid2DReadoutProbe
This method is called to update the legend labels when some state has changed in this control that is reflected in the labels.
updateList(List<MultiSpectralControl.Spectrum>) - Method in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.control.MultiSpectralControl
updateLocationValue() - Method in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.control.Grid2DReadoutProbe
updateLocationValue() - Method in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.control.HydraImageProbe
updatePosition(RealTuple) - Method in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.control.Grid2DReadoutProbe
updatePosition(RealTuple) - Method in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.control.HydraImageProbe
updatePosition(RealTuple) - Method in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.control.MultiSpectralControl.Spectrum
updatePositionWidget() - Method in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.control.ADTControl
Update ADTControl.latLonWidget if it exists.
updateProbeLocation() - Method in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.control.ADTControl
Updater() - Constructor for class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.control.HydraImageProbe.Updater
updateRange(Range) - Method in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.control.HydraControl
updateReadout() - Method in class
updateRecentSwatchPanel() - Method in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.ui.PersistableSwatchChooserPanel
A method updating the recent colors in the swatchPanel This is called whenever necessary, specifically after building the panel, on changes of the tracker, from the mouseListener
updateRedGamma(double) - Method in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.control.RGBCompositeControl
updateRedRange(double, double) - Method in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.control.RGBCompositeControl
updateRef(DataReference, Color) - Method in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.display.hydra.MultiSpectralDisplay
updateRunButton() - Method in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.ui.McIdasFrameDisplay
Update the icon in the run button
updateSelector(String, float) - Method in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.control.HydraCombo.CombinationPanel
updateSelector(String, float) - Method in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.control.HydraCombo
updateSelector(String, float) - Method in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.control.LinearCombo
updateServerList() - Method in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.chooser.adde.AddeChooser
Force a reload of the available servers and groups.
updateServers() - Method in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.chooser.adde.AddeChooser
updateSpectrum() - Method in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.control.HydraImageProbe
updateSpectrumColor(Color) - Method in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.control.HydraImageProbe
updateStationColor(GroundStation, Color) - Method in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.control.PolarOrbitTrackControl
updateStationFont(GroundStation, Font) - Method in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.control.PolarOrbitTrackControl
updateStatus() - Method in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.chooser.adde.AddeChooser
Disable/enable any components that depend on the server.
updateStatus() - Method in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.chooser.adde.AddeFrontChooser
update the buttons
updateStatus() - Method in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.chooser.adde.AddeImageChooser
Update labels, enable widgets, etc.
updateStatus() - Method in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.chooser.adde.AddePointDataChooser
Update labels, enable widgets, etc.
updateStatus() - Method in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.chooser.adde.AddeRadarChooser
Update labels, etc.
updateStatus() - Method in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.chooser.adde.AddeRaobChooser
Update labels, etc.
updateStatus() - Method in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.chooser.FileChooser
Set the status message appropriately
updateStatus() - Method in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.chooser.FlatFileChooser
Set the status message appropriately
updateStatus() - Method in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.chooser.FrameChooser
Disable/enable any components that depend on the server.
updateStatus() - Method in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.chooser.PolarOrbitTrackChooser
Update labels, enable widgets, etc.
updateStatus() - Method in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.chooser.PollingFileChooser
Set the status message appropriately
updateStatus() - Method in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.chooser.TDSRadarChooser
Update the status of the gui
updateStatus() - Method in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.chooser.UrlChooser
Disable/enable any components that depend on the server.
updateTrackSelect() - Method in class
updateUI() - Method in class
Updates the UI of itself and the popup.
updateUI() - Method in class
Updates the UI and sets the day button preferences.
updateUI() - Method in class
Updates the UI.
updateVImage() - Method in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.control.McIdasImageSequenceControl
updateWith(List<MultiSpectralControl.Spectrum>) - Method in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.control.MultiSpectralControl.ProbeTableModel
updateXImage(int) - Method in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.control.McIdasImageSequenceControl
upItem - Variable in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.ui.MenuScroller
uright - Variable in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.chooser.ImageParameters
url - Variable in class
The url
URL_NAME_KEY - Static variable in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.chooser.PolarOrbitTrackChooser
URL_PROTOCOL - Static variable in class
URL protocol identifier
URL_ROOT - Static variable in class
URL type identifier
URL_SOURCE - Static variable in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.chooser.PolarOrbitTrackChooser
Property value that represents the "URL" button.
urlBox - Variable in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.chooser.TDSRadarChooser
catalog URL holder
urlBtn - Variable in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.chooser.PolarOrbitTrackChooser
UrlChooser - Class in edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.chooser
Allows the user to select a url as a data source.
UrlChooser(IdvChooserManager, Element) - Constructor for class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.chooser.UrlChooser
Create the UrlChooser.
urlListHandler - Variable in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.chooser.TDSRadarChooser
persistent holder for catalog URLS
urlPanel - Variable in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.chooser.UrlChooser
Holds the combo box.
usage(String) - Method in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.ArgumentManager
Print out the command line usage message and exit
usage(String) - Static method in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.startupmanager.StartupManager
Print out the command line usage message and exit.
USAGE_MESSAGE - Static variable in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.ArgumentManager
Usage message.
USAGE_MESSAGE - Static variable in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.startupmanager.StartupManager
usage message
use360Box - Variable in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.control.MultiSpectralControl
useAquaLookAndFeel - Static variable in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.McIDASV
Set to true only if "-forceaqua" was found in the command line.
useBrowserForUrl(String) - Static method in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.util.WebBrowser
Test whether or not a given URL should be opened in a web browser.
UseCKZTF - Static variable in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.adt.Env
useComplete - Variable in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.util.McVTextField.McVTextFieldDocument
useDefaultRenderer - Variable in class
useDerby() - Method in class
useDisplayUnitForColor() - Method in class
Does this object use the displayUnit (or the colorUnit) for its display unit.
useLatLon() - Method in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.chooser.adde.AddeImageChooser
Check if we are using the lat/lon widget
UsePMWTF - Static variable in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.adt.Env
usePropFromUser(String) - Method in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.chooser.adde.AddeImageChooser
Should we use the user supplied property
usePropFromUser(String) - Method in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.chooser.adde.AddeImageParameterChooser
Should we use the user supplied property
usePropFromUser(String) - Method in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.chooser.adde.ImageChooser
Should we use the user supplied property.
user - Variable in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.chooser.ImageParameters
user - Static variable in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.chooser.ServerInfo
user - Static variable in class
Accounting information
user - Variable in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.servermanager.TabbedAddeManager
Icon for datasets that the user has provided.
USER_DIRECTORY - Variable in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.servermanager.EntryStore
Path to the user's "userpath" directory.
USER_DIRECTORY_NAME - Static variable in interface edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.Constants
Default user directory name
userBundles - Variable in enum edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.startupmanager.Platform
Path to the bundles subdirectory within userDirectory.
UserDefineDomain - Static variable in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.adt.Env
userDirectory - Variable in enum edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.startupmanager.Platform
Path to the user's "userpath" directory.
userErrorMessage(String, boolean) - Static method in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.ArgumentManager
Show a dialog containing an error message.
userField - Variable in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.servermanager.ImportUrl
userField - Variable in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.servermanager.RemoteEntryEditor
userField - Variable in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.supportform.SupportForm
userLabel - Variable in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.servermanager.ImportUrl
userLabel - Variable in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.servermanager.RemoteEntryEditor
userMessage(String, boolean) - Static method in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.ArgumentManager
Show a dialog containing a message.
username - Variable in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.servermanager.AddeAccount
Username to hand off to the server.
USERPATH - Static variable in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.startupmanager.options.FileOption
System property that points to the McIDAS-V user path.
USERPATH_IS_BAD_MESSAGE - Static variable in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.StateManager
Error message shown when given userpath cannot be used.
USERPATH_PICK - Static variable in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.StateManager
Message shown when asking the user to select a userpath.
UserpathRollingFileAppender<E> - Class in edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.util
Logback "file appender" that uses some knowledge of McIDAS-V to infer a default path to mcidasv.log if the user has run McIDAS-V without setting the mcv.logpath property.
UserpathRollingFileAppender() - Constructor for class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.util.UserpathRollingFileAppender
userPrefs - Variable in enum edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.startupmanager.Platform
The path to the user's copy of the startup preferences.
userSelectedNewColor(Color) - Method in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.ui.ColorSwatchComponent
User chose a new color.
useSatBandInfo - Variable in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.chooser.adde.AddeImageChooser
A flag so we can debug the new way of processing sat band file
useSelectedTreeValue(JTree) - Method in class edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.startupmanager.options.DirectoryOption
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generated at 2023-11-13 03:00 +0000