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April 2011

Director's Note

achtor Hank Revercomb

My topic this month is the effect of the Federal budget on our work for NASA and NOAA. I’d like to say that I’m bringing you all good budget news, but...more

Department News


Enter your best all–around weather photo in the Second Annual SSEC Photography Contest...more

Web Team

In an effort to create the most effective Web presence possible, the SSEC Web team has created a set of guidelines...more

Human Resources

Human Resources at SSEC is currently involved with training for the use of the new Human Resource System...more

Academic Staff

Whether you are academic staff, classified staff, or faculty, you probably have concerns about what is happening around campus these days...more

Comings and Goings



satellite view of protesters

Satellite View of Wisconsin Protests

The GeoEye satellite "IKONOS" captured this scene of the recent protests in Wisconsin from its 681 km (423 mile) orbit....more


AOSS Community Poster Reception

The inaugural AOSS Community Poster Reception will be held Tuesday, 26 April 2011, in the NEW Union South...more

spinning globe

Science on a Sphere Acquires Earthquake Data

Rick Kohrs of the Space Science Engineering Center (SSEC) developed a data set for Science on a Sphere...more


Duluth NWS Using SSEC MidWest Winter Road Conditions (WRC) Composite

In cooperation with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WiDOT), the Space Science and Engineering Center (SSEC) is producing a real-time display...more


storm animation

Invective Initiation Disturbs Wisconsin Climate

Recent abnormally high Invective Initiation over Wisconsin has been captured in dramatic high-resolution images...more








Research is to see what everybody else has seen, and to think what nobody else has thought.

Albert Szent-Gyorgi, U.S. biochemist