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January 2013

Director's Note

achtorFred Best

This month I would like to call out a very significant achievement by SSEC’s Ice Drilling Design and Operations (IDDO) group who, develop, deploy, and provide operational support throughout the world for the NSF Office of Polar Programs...more

Department News

Human Resources

With the start of a new year, it is always beneficial to do a review of your paystub and verify everything is accurate...more

Comings and Goings




Spectacular Success for IDDO's Replicate Drill

Be sure to read Fred Best's Director's Note for exciting news about IDDO's Replicate Drill Project at the WAIS Divide in Antarctica...more


antarctic map

UW-Madison AWS Observations Contribute to Finding Significant Warming in West Antarctica

Using data collected by the Byrd Automatic Weather Station (AWS), installed and maintained by the UW-Madison in West Antarctica, researchers published...more


cimss audience

CIMSS Science Symposium Debuts

On 12 December 2012, CIMSS Director Steve Ackerman welcomed participants and audience to the first CIMMS Science Symposium. Held in the Marquee Theater of Union South, the Symposium was the first of what is hoped to be a biannual event...more

tta cover

Winter 2013 Issue of "Through the Atmosphere Published

The Winter 2013 issue of "Through the Atmosphere" focuses on cloud studies at SSEC/CIMSS...more


bill hibbard

Bill Hibbard Awarded Turing Prize

Bill Hibbard, an Emeritus Senior Scientist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison Space Science and Engineering Center, recently received the Singularity Institute’s Turing Prize for his paper:...more


New GOES Sounder Retrieval Algorithm Adopted by NOAA

An improved version of the GOES Sounder retrieval algorithm, developed at CIMSS by Jun Li and Zhenglong Li, has been implemented within the NOAA/NESDIS Office of Satellite and Product Operations (OSPO)...more


revercomb speaking

State of the Center Address 2013

On 13 December 2012, SSEC Director Hank Revercomb gave his annual State of the Center Address to a capacity crowd in Weeks Hall, the Geological Sciences Building...more


decorated hallway

Holiday Spirit Decks the Halls at SSEC

Although there was a two-hour gap between the final applause for Hank Revercomb's State of the Center address and the official start of the SSEC/CIMSS Holiday Party, the upbeat mood didn't fade a bit...more



The scientific theory I like best is that the rings of Saturn are composed entirely of lost airline luggage.

Mark Russell