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July 2011

Director's Note

best Tom Achtor

It seems the directors are off in several directions, most of them busy working...more

Department News

Technical Computing

SSEC participated in World IPv6 Day on June 8th. IPv6 is the next-generation...more

Web Team

You may have noticed: changes have come to the Break Room...more

Human Resources

The following is a list of appropriate and inappropriate interview questions that can also carry over to our supervisors and staff with regard to...more

Equity & Diversity

Another year has gone by and that means some changes are coming to the Equity and Diversity Committee...more

Comings and Goings



volcanic ash cloud

Real-time Tracking of Cordon Caulle Volcanic Ash Cloud

The Cordon Caulle volcano in Chile began erupting violently on 4 June 2011, disrupting air traffic over South America and beyond...more

nearcast model

GOES Sounder Near-casting Demonstrated at the Hazardous Weather Testbed

Robert Aune and Ralph Petersen of CIMSS participated in the Hazardous Weather Testbed (HWT) at the National Weather Service's Storm Prediction Center...more

cma on roof


In June 2011 SSEC and CIMSS continued their close collaboration with the China Meteorological Administration when three SSEC scientists traveled to Beijing...more


ASPB Participation in GOES-R AWG Annual Review

Several scientists from CIMSS participated in the GOES-R Annual Meeting held in Fort Collins...more


Brad Pierce on GEO-CAPE SWG and ARSET Panel

Brad Pierce has been asked to Co-Chair the Air Quality Standards and Processes Science Working Group (SWG) for the NASA Geostationary Coastal and Air Pollution Events (GEO-CAPE) satellite...more


rowley at ALNC

Science on a Sphere Collaborations with Aldo Leopold Nature Center

Patrick Rowley, Margaret Mooney, and Steve Ackerman from CIMSS attended the opening of the Aldo Leopold Nature Center...more


kids on green screen

19th Annual CIMSS High School Workshop

Ten high school students from as far away as Connecticut participated in the 2011 CIMSS High School Workshop on Atmospheric and Earth Sciences...more


elise and jacola

CIMSS Students Make a Big Splash in the Desert

Jacola Roman and Elise Garms found themselves launching radiosondes at midnight in support of the JAXA/JPL team...more



In essence, science is a perpetual search for an intelligent and integrated comprehension of the world we live in.

Cornelius Bernardus Van Neil