4.2. ABI L2 NetCDF Reader

The ABI Level 2 Reader operates on NOAA Level 2 (L2) NetCDF files from the GOES-16 (GOES-East) and GOES-17 (GOES-West) Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) instrument. The ABI L2 NetCDF reader works off of the input filenames to determine if a file is supported by Geo2Grid. Files usually have the following naming scheme:




These are the mission compliant radiance file naming conventions used by the NOAA Comprehensive Large Array-data Stewardship System (CLASS) archive and the CSPP Geo AIT Framework Level 2 software. The ABI L2 NetCDF reader supports most L2 products, but Geo2Grid is tested with a limited subset of these. See the table below for more information. The ABI L2 NetCDF reader can be provided to the main geo2grid.sh script using the -r option and the reader name abi_l2_nc.

Product Name



Cloud Top Height


Cloud Top Temperature

4.2.1. Command Line Usage

usage: geo2grid.sh -r abi_l2_nc -w <writer> [-h]


geo2grid.sh -r abi_l2_nc -h

geo2grid.sh -r abi_l2_nc -w geotiff --list-products -f abi/full_disk/CG_ABI-L2-ACHAF-M6_G17_*.nc

geo2grid.sh -r abi_l2_nc -w geotiff -p TEMP -f CG_ABI-L2-ACHTF-M6_G17_s20223271830316_e20223271839394_c20223271842100.nc

geo2grid.sh -r abi_l2_nc -w geotiff -f /data/conus/CG_ABI-L2-ACH?C-M6_G16*.nc

geo2grid.sh -r abi_l2_nc -w geotiff -f /abi/meso1/CG_ABI-L2-ACHAM1-M6_G17_s20223271830588_e20223271831056_c20223271831440.nc