2a. Select a Solar Wavelength


Solar wavelengths that differentiate between water and ice Sun graphic

Images obtained by Low Earth Orbiting Satellites (LEOS) during daylight hours can come in various solar wavelengths. (See Tutorial 1: Remote Sensing). In Step 2 you'll need to select a solar wavelength that clearly differentiates between water and ice.

Images of the same geographic region at different solar wavelengths (range 0.3 - 3.7 micrometers)

Iceberg image, 0.86 micron solar wavelength Iceberg image, 1.6 micron solar wavelength Iceberg image, 1.38 micron solar wavelength

The highlighted image above uses a wavelength value that provides good contrast between ice and surrounding water during daylight. The Energy Reflection graph below will help you determine the optimal solar wavelength value.

Determining a Solar Wavelength

Use the Energy Reflection Graph to find a wavelength value with the greatest contrast between ice and ocean surface properties.

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This application demonstrates contrast between water and ice at solar wavelengths

Click the forward arrow to select an optimal infrared wavelength.

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