Uses of Interface

Packages that use SubClause
dods.dap.parser This package contains JavaCC generated DAP parser classes. 
dods.dap.Server This package contains the DODS Server classes. 

Uses of SubClause in dods.dap.parser

Methods in dods.dap.parser that return SubClause
 SubClause ExprParser.value()

Uses of SubClause in dods.dap.Server

Classes in dods.dap.Server that implement SubClause
 class BTFunctionClause
          Represents a clause which invokes a function that returns a BaseType.
 class DereferenceClause
          Represents a sub-clause that is a URL reference to remote data.
 class ValueClause
          Represents a clause containing a simple value.

Fields in dods.dap.Server declared as SubClause
protected  SubClause RelOpClause.lhs

Methods in dods.dap.Server that return SubClause
 SubClause RelOpClause.getLHS()
          Returns a SubClause representing the right-hand side of the comparison.
 SubClause ClauseFactory.newBTFunctionClause(String functionName, List children)
          Generates a clause which invokes a function that returns a BaseType.
 SubClause ClauseFactory.newDereferenceClause(String url)
          Generates a clause representing a remote value, referenced by a URL.
 SubClause ClauseFactory.newValueClause(dods.dap.BaseType value, boolean constant)
          Generates a clause representing a simple value, such as "var1" or "19".

Methods in dods.dap.Server with parameters of type SubClause
 TopLevelClause ClauseFactory.newRelOpClause(int operator, SubClause lhs, List rhs)
          Generates a clause which which compares subclauses, using one of the relative operators supported by the Operator class.

Constructors in dods.dap.Server with parameters of type SubClause
RelOpClause(int operator, SubClause lhs, List rhs)
          Creates a new RelOpClause.