
Provides for importing data to and exporting data from VisAD.


Interface Summary
DataProcessor A hierarchy of methods used by BaseDataProcessor to write an arbitrary Data object.
DataWriter Standard routines used to write a Data object.
FormBlockReader FormBlockReader is the VisAD interface for reading in subsets of data, or "blocks," from a data file.
FormFileInformer FormFileInformer is the VisAD interface for checking system- and file-specific data from a file Form.
FormProgressInformer FormProgressInformer is the VisAD interface for checking the current operation's progress from a file form.
MetadataReader MetadataReader is the VisAD interface for reading in a file's associated metadata (other than pixel data).

Class Summary
AreaImageAccessor Knows how to read local satellite data to be used by a cache adaptor.
AreaImageCacheAdapter Adapts a FlatField backed by a AreaImageAccessor to work with a FlatFieldCache.
ArrayCache This class is used by the CachingCoordinateSystem to do the actual caching mapping one array to another one
CachedBufferedByteImage Class CachedBufferedByteImage _more_
CachedFlatField This is a FloatField that caches to disk its float array.
DataCacheManager This provides a global cache for primitive array data You access it via the singelton: DataCacheManager.getCacheManager() Client objects can store their data with: Object cacheId = DataCacheManager.getCacheManager().addToCache(theData); Where data can be 1D or 2D byte/float/int/double arrays If the data changes then update the cache with: DataCacheManager.getCacheManager().updateData(cacheId, newData); When the client object is finalized or is finished with the data call: DataCacheManager.getCacheManager().removeFromCache(cacheId); When you want to access the data use one of: DataCacheManager.getCacheManager().getByteArray1D(cacheId); DataCacheManager.getCacheManager().getByteArray2D(cacheId); DataCacheManager.getCacheManager().getFloatArray1D(cacheId); DataCacheManager.getCacheManager().getFloatArray2D(cacheId); DataCacheManager.getCacheManager().getShortArray1D(cacheId); DataCacheManager.getCacheManager().getShortArray2D(cacheId); DataCacheManager.getCacheManager().getIntArray1D(cacheId); DataCacheManager.getCacheManager().getIntArray2D(cacheId); DataCacheManager.getCacheManager().getDoubleArray1D(cacheId); DataCacheManager.getCacheManager().getDoubleArray2D(cacheId); The cachemanager will keep the data arrays in memory until the total size is greater than getMaxSize().
DataNode Abstract class for adapting a VisAD data object to the "Visitor" design pattern.
DataRange Holds a simple min/max range
DataVisitor Abstract class for visiting a VisAD data object.
DefaultFamily A container for all the officially supported VisAD datatypes.
DirectoryRepository A data object repository implemented as files in a local directory.
EmptyDataProcessor A do-nothing DataProcessor implementation.
EmptyDataWriter A do-nothing DataWriter implementation
FileAccessor Exchange data with a "file".
FlatFieldCache Memory cache for FlatFields.
Form A leaf-node in the data form hierarchy for the storage of persistent data objects.
FormFamily A interior node in the data form hierarchy for the storage of persistent data objects.
FormNode A node in the data form hierarchy for the storage of persistent data.
LinkedDataSource A class for linking a data source (e.g., a URL) with a DataReference.
Repository A repository of persistent data objects.
SocketDataServer A class for exporting data to a socket stream.
SocketDataSource A class for linking a socket stream to a DataReference.

Exception Summary
BadFormException Exception thrown when the form that the data is in is incorrect.
BadRepositoryException Exception thrown when there's something wrong with the repository.

Error Summary

Package Description

Provides for importing data to and exporting data from VisAD. The VisAD data backend subsystem is implemented as a heirarchy of data forms.  A data form is the form in which the data is contained.  I could be, for example, a netCDF or HDF-EOS dataset, or a FITS file.  It could also be local or remote.  The term form is used rather than format to encompase both data access methodologies (e.g. the netCDF API) and the more traditional data file formats.

Related Documentation

For overviews, tutorials, examples, guides, and tool documentation, please see: