Uses of Class

Packages that use Control
visad The core VisAD package, providing support for VisAD's Data & MathType hierarchy, as well as for VisAD Displays and remote collaboration. 
visad.java2d Provides support for two-dimensional VisAD Displays using Java2D. 
visad.java3d Provides support for two- and three-dimensional VisAD Displays using Java3D. 
visad.util Provides a collection of useful utilities, many of them GUI widgets, to aid in VisAD application design. 

Uses of Control in visad

Subclasses of Control in visad
 class AnimationSetControl
          AnimationSetControl is the VisAD class for sampling Animation steps.
 class BaseColorControl
          BaseColorControl is the VisAD class for controlling N-component Color DisplayRealType-s.
 class ColorAlphaControl
          ColorAlphaControl is the VisAD class for controlling 4-component Color DisplayRealType-s (e.g., RGBA).
 class ColorControl
          ColorControl is the VisAD class for controlling 3-component Color DisplayRealType-s (e.g., RGB, HSV, CMY).
 class ContourControl
          ContourControl is the VisAD class for controlling IsoContour display scalars.
 class Flow1Control
          Flow1Control is the VisAD class for controlling Flow1 display scalars.
 class Flow2Control
          Flow2Control is the VisAD class for controlling Flow2 display scalars.
 class FlowControl
          FlowControl is the VisAD abstract super-class for controlling Flow display scalars.
 class GraphicsModeControl
          GraphicsModeControl is the VisAD interface class for controlling various mode settings for rendering.
 class ProjectionControl
          ProjectionControl is the VisAD interface for controlling the Projection from 3-D to 2-D.
 class RangeControl
          RangeControl is the VisAD class for controlling SelectRange display scalars.
 class RendererControl
          RendererControl is the VisAD class for controlling DisplayRenderer data.
 class ShapeControl
          ShapeControl is the VisAD class for controlling Shape display scalars.
 class TextControl
          TextControl is the VisAD class for controlling Text display scalars.
 class ToggleControl
          ToggleControl is the VisAD class for toggling other Control-s on and off.

Methods in visad that return Control
 Control ScalarMapControlEvent.getControl()
          Get the Control referred to by this event.
 Control ScalarMap.getControl()
          Gets the Control for the DisplayScalar.
 Control ControlEvent.getControl()
 Control LocalDisplay.getControl(Class c)
          only called for Control objects associated with 'single' DisplayRealType-s
 Control DisplayImpl.getControl(Class c)
          get a linked Control with the given Class; only called for Control objects associated with 'single' DisplayRealTypes
 Control LocalDisplay.getControl(Class c, int inst)
          find specified occurance for Control object of the specified class
 Control DisplayImpl.getControl(Class c, int inst)
          get ordinal instance of linked Control object of the specified class
 Control ToggleControl.getParent()
abstract  Control DisplayRenderer.makeControl(ScalarMap map)
          Factory for constructing a subclass of Control appropriate for the graphics API and for this DisplayRenderer; invoked by ScalarMap when it is addMap()ed to a Display.

Methods in visad with parameters of type Control
 void DisplayImpl.addControl(Control control)
          add a Control to this DisplayImpl
 void ShadowType.addSwitch(Object group, Object swit, Control control, Set domain_set, DataRenderer renderer)
 boolean DataRenderer.isTransformControl(Control control, DataDisplayLink link)
          DataRenderer-specific decision about which Controls require re-transform; may be over-ridden by DataRenderer sub-classes; this decision may use some values computed by link.prepareData()
 void ToggleControl.syncControl(Control rmt)
          copy the state of a remote control to this control
 void TextControl.syncControl(Control rmt)
          copy the state of a remote control to this control
 void ShapeControl.syncControl(Control rmt)
          copy the state of a remote control to this control
 void RendererControl.syncControl(Control ctl)
          Copy the state of the specified control.
 void RangeControl.syncControl(Control rmt)
          copy the state of a remote control to this control
 void ProjectionControl.syncControl(Control rmt)
          Copy the state of a remote control to this control
 void FlowControl.syncControl(Control rmt)
          Copy the state of a remote control to this control
abstract  void Control.syncControl(Control rmt)
          copy the state of a remote control to this control
 void ContourControl.syncControl(Control rmt)
          copy the state of a remote control to this control
 void BaseColorControl.syncControl(Control rmt)
          Copy the state of a remote control to this control.
 void AnimationSetControl.syncControl(Control rmt)
          copy the state of a remote control to this control

Constructors in visad with parameters of type Control
ControlEvent(Control c)
          construct a ControlEvent for Control c and LOCAL_SOURCE
ControlEvent(Control c, int remoteId)
          construct a ControlEvent for Control c and remoteId
ScalarMapControlEvent(ScalarMap map, int id, Control ctl)
          Create a control-related ScalarMap event
ToggleControl(DisplayImpl d, Control p)

Uses of Control in visad.cluster

Methods in visad.cluster with parameters of type Control
 void ShadowNodeFunctionTypeJ3D.addSwitch(Object group, Object swit, Control control, Set domain_set, DataRenderer renderer)
 Serializable[] RemoteProxyAgentImpl.prepareAction(boolean go, boolean initialize, DataShadow shadow, ConstantMap[] cms, ScalarMap[] ms, Control[] cos, String name, long time_out)
 Serializable[] RemoteProxyAgent.prepareAction(boolean go, boolean initialize, DataShadow shadow, ConstantMap[] cmaps, ScalarMap[] maps, Control[] controls, String name, long time_out)

Uses of Control in visad.collab

Methods in visad.collab that return Control
 Control ControlMonitorEvent.getControl()
          Gets the Control to which this event refers.

Methods in visad.collab with parameters of type Control
static String ControlMonitorEvent.getControlKey(Control ctl)
          Get the key used to uniquely identify this control.
 boolean RemoteDisplayMonitorImpl.hasEventQueued(Control ctl)
          Unusable stub.
 boolean DisplayMonitorImpl.hasEventQueued(Control ctl)
          Returns true if there is a MonitorEvent for the specified Control waiting to be delivered to any listener.
 boolean DisplayMonitor.hasEventQueued(Control ctl)
          Returns true if there is a MonitorEvent for the specified Control waiting to be delivered to any listener.
 boolean RemoteDisplayMonitorImpl.hasEventQueued(int originator, Control ctl)
          Unusable stub.
 boolean DisplayMonitorImpl.hasEventQueued(int listenerID, Control ctl)
          Returns true if there is a MonitorEvent for the specified Control waiting to be delivered to the listener with the specified id.
 boolean DisplayMonitor.hasEventQueued(int listenerID, Control ctl)
          Returns true if there is a MonitorEvent for the specified Control waiting to be delivered to the listener with the specified id.

Constructors in visad.collab with parameters of type Control
ControlMonitorEvent(int type, Control ctl)
          Creates a ControlMonitorEvent for the specified Control.
ControlMonitorEvent(int type, int originator, Control ctl)
          Creates a ControlMonitorEvent for the specified Control.

Uses of Control in visad.java2d

Subclasses of Control in visad.java2d
 class AnimationControlJ2D
          AnimationControlJ2D is the VisAD class for controlling Animation display scalars under Java2D.
 class AnimationSetControlJ2D
          AnimationSetControlJ2D is the VisAD class for sampling Animation steps under Java2D.
 class AVControlJ2D
          AVControlJ2D is the VisAD abstract superclass for AnimationControlJ2D and ValueControlJ2D.
 class GraphicsModeControlJ2D
          GraphicsModeControlJ2D is the VisAD class for controlling various mode settings for rendering.
 class ProjectionControlJ2D
          ProjectionControlJ2D is the VisAD class for controlling the Projection from 3-D to 2-D.
 class ValueControlJ2D
          ValueControlJ2D is the VisAD class for controlling SelectValue display scalars under Java2D.

Methods in visad.java2d that return Control
 Control DisplayRendererJ2D.makeControl(ScalarMap map)
          Factory for constructing a subclass of Control appropriate for the graphics API and for this DisplayRenderer; invoked by ScalarMap when it is addMap()ed to a Display.

Methods in visad.java2d with parameters of type Control
 void ShadowFunctionOrSetTypeJ2D.addSwitch(Object group, Object swit, Control control, Set domain_set, DataRenderer renderer)
 void ValueControlJ2D.syncControl(Control rmt)
          copy the state of a remote control to this control
 void GraphicsModeControlJ2D.syncControl(Control rmt)
          copy the state of a remote control to this control
 void AnimationControlJ2D.syncControl(Control rmt)
          copy the state of a remote control to this control

Uses of Control in visad.java3d

Subclasses of Control in visad.java3d
 class AnimationControlJ3D
          AnimationControlJ3D is the VisAD class for controlling Animation display scalars under Java3D.
 class AVControlJ3D
          AVControlJ3D is the VisAD abstract superclass for AnimationControlJ3D and ValueControlJ3D.
 class DownRoundingAnimationControlJ3D
          DownRoundingAnimationControlJ3D extends AnimationControlJ3D to provide a different sampling behavior.
 class GraphicsModeControlJ3D
          GraphicsModeControlJ3D is the VisAD class for controlling various mode settings for rendering.
 class ProjectionControlJ3D
          ProjectionControlJ3D is the VisAD class for controlling the Projection from 3-D to 2-D.
 class ValueControlJ3D
          ValueControlJ3D is the VisAD class for controlling SelectValue display scalars under Java3D.

Methods in visad.java3d that return Control
 Control DisplayRendererJ3D.makeControl(ScalarMap map)
          Factory for constructing a subclass of Control appropriate for the graphics API and for this DisplayRenderer; invoked by ScalarMap when it is addMap()ed to a Display.

Methods in visad.java3d with parameters of type Control
 void ShadowFunctionOrSetTypeJ3D.addSwitch(Object group, Object swit, Control control, Set domain_set, DataRenderer renderer)
 void ValueControlJ3D.syncControl(Control rmt)
          copy the state of a remote control to this control
 void GraphicsModeControlJ3D.syncControl(Control rmt)
          Copy the state of a remote control to this control
 void AnimationControlJ3D.syncControl(Control rmt)
          copy the state of a remote control to this control

Uses of Control in visad.util

Constructors in visad.util with parameters of type Control
SimpleColorMapWidget(String name, Control ctl, float min, float max)
          Construct a SimpleColorMapWidget.