Uses of Class

Packages that use ScalarMap
visad The core VisAD package, providing support for VisAD's Data & MathType hierarchy, as well as for VisAD Displays and remote collaboration.   
visad.java2d Provides support for two-dimensional VisAD Displays using Java2D. 
visad.java3d Provides support for two- and three-dimensional VisAD Displays using Java3D. 
visad.python Provides a spreadsheet user interface for VisAD that can import data from any form VisAD supports and compute new data objects using formulas by utilizing the visad.formula package. 
visad.util Provides a collection of useful utilities, many of them GUI widgets, to aid in VisAD application design. 

Uses of ScalarMap in visad

Subclasses of ScalarMap in visad
 class ConstantMap
          mapping from constant to DisplayRealType

Methods in visad that return ScalarMap
 ScalarMap DisplayMapEvent.getMap()
          get the ScalarMap referenced by this DisplayMapEvent
 ScalarMap ScalarMapEvent.getScalarMap()
          Get the ScalarMap that sent this ScalarMapEvent (or a copy if the ScalarMap was on a different JVM)
 ScalarMap[] MathType.guessMaps(boolean threeD)
          Guesses at a set of "default" mappings for this MathType.

Methods in visad with parameters of type ScalarMap
 void RemoteDisplayImpl.addMap(ScalarMap map)
          add a ScalarMap to this Display
 void DisplayImpl.addMap(ScalarMap map)
          add a ScalarMap to this Display, assuming a local source
 void Display.addMap(ScalarMap map)
          link a ScalarMap (may be a ConstantMap) to this Display
 void DisplayImpl.addMap(ScalarMap map, int remoteId)
          add a ScalarMap to this Display
 void DataDisplayLink.addSelectedMapVector(ScalarMap map)
          add a ScalarMap applying to this Data
protected  int ScalarMap.compareTo(ScalarMap that)
          Compares this ScalarMap with another ScalarMap.
protected  int ConstantMap.compareTo(ScalarMap that)
          Compares this instance to a ScalarMap.
protected  void ScalarMap.copy(ScalarMap map)
abstract  Control DisplayRenderer.makeControl(ScalarMap map)
          Factory for constructing a subclass of Control appropriate for the graphics API and for this DisplayRenderer; invoked by ScalarMap when it is addMap()ed to a Display.
 VisADGeometryArray[][] UnionSet.makeIsoLines(float[] intervals, float low, float hi, float base, float[] fieldValues, byte[][] color_values, boolean[] swap, boolean dash, boolean fill, ScalarMap[] smap, double[] scale, double label_size, boolean sphericalDisplayCS)
          return basic lines in array[0], fill-ins in array[1] and labels in array[2]
 VisADGeometryArray[][] SetIface.makeIsoLines(float[] intervals, float lowlimit, float highlimit, float base, float[] fieldValues, byte[][] color_values, boolean[] swap, boolean dash, boolean fill, ScalarMap[] smap, double[] scale, double label_size, boolean sphericalDisplayCS)
 VisADGeometryArray[][] Set.makeIsoLines(float[] intervals, float lowlimit, float highlimit, float base, float[] fieldValues, byte[][] color_values, boolean[] swap, boolean dash, boolean fill, ScalarMap[] smap, double[] scale, double label_size, boolean sphericalDisplayCS)
          return basic lines in array[0], fill-ins in array[1] and labels in array[2]
 VisADGeometryArray[][] Irregular3DSet.makeIsoLines(float[] intervals, float lowlimit, float highlimit, float base, float[] fieldValues, byte[][] color_values, boolean[] swap, boolean dash, boolean fill, ScalarMap[] smap, double[] scale, double label_size, boolean sphericalDisplayCS)
          return basic lines in array[0], fill-ins in array[1] and labels in array[2]
 VisADGeometryArray[][] Gridded3DSet.makeIsoLines(float[] intervals, float lowlimit, float highlimit, float base, float[] fieldValues, byte[][] color_values, boolean[] swap, boolean dash, boolean fill, ScalarMap[] smap, double[] scale, double label_size, boolean sphericalDisplayCS)
 VisADGeometryArray Linear3DSet.makeLinearIsoSurface(float isolevel, float[] fieldValues, byte[][] color_values, boolean indexed, ScalarMap[] spatial_maps, int[] permute)
 void RemoteDisplayImpl.removeMap(ScalarMap map)
          remove a ScalarMap from this Display
 void DisplayImpl.removeMap(ScalarMap map)
          remove a ScalarMap from this Display, assuming a local source
 void Display.removeMap(ScalarMap map)
          remove a ScalarMap (may be a ConstantMap) from this Display
 void DisplayImpl.removeMap(ScalarMap map, int remoteId)
          remove a ScalarMap from this Display

Constructors in visad with parameters of type ScalarMap
AxisScale(ScalarMap map)
          Construct a new AxisScale for the given ScalarMap
DisplayMapEvent(Display d, int id, ScalarMap m)
          Constructs a DisplayMapEvent object with the specified source display, type of event, and ScalarMap.
DisplayMapEvent(Display d, int id, ScalarMap m, int remoteId)
          Constructs a DisplayMapEvent object with the specified source display, type of event, and ScalarMap.
ScalarMapControlEvent(ScalarMap map, int id, Control ctl)
          Create a control-related ScalarMap event
ScalarMapEvent(ScalarMap map, boolean auto)
          Deprecated. - Explicitly cite the event ID using the ScalarMapEvent(ScalarMap map, int id) constructor.
ScalarMapEvent(ScalarMap map, int id)
          Create a ScalarMap event
ScalarMapEvent(ScalarMap map, int id, int remoteId)
          Create a ScalarMap event

Uses of ScalarMap in

Methods in with parameters of type ScalarMap
static boolean TextureFillRendererJ3D.isRendererUsable(MathType type, ScalarMap[] maps)
          determine whether the given MathType and collection of ScalarMaps meets the criteria to use TextureFillRendererJ3D.
static boolean ImageRendererJ3D.isRendererUsable(MathType type, ScalarMap[] maps)
          determine whether the given MathType and collection of ScalarMaps meets the criteria to use ImageRendererJ3D.
 void ShadowImageByRefFunctionTypeJ3D.makeColorBytes(Data data, ScalarMap cmap, ScalarMap[] cmaps, float constant_alpha, ShadowRealType[] RangeComponents, int color_length, int domain_length, int[] permute, byte[] byteData, int data_width, int data_height, int tile_width, int tile_height, int xStart, int yStart, int texture_width, int texture_height)
 void ShadowImageByRefFunctionTypeJ3D.makeColorBytes(Data data, ScalarMap cmap, ScalarMap[] cmaps, float constant_alpha, ShadowRealType[] RangeComponents, int color_length, int domain_length, int[] permute, byte[] byteData, int data_width, int data_height, int tile_width, int tile_height, int xStart, int yStart, int texture_width, int texture_height)
 void ShadowImageByRefFunctionTypeJ3D.makeColorBytesDriver(Data imgFlatField, ScalarMap cmap, ScalarMap[] cmaps, float constant_alpha, ShadowRealType[] RangeComponents, int color_length, int domain_length, int[] permute, int data_width, int data_height, int imageType, VisADImageTile tile, int image_index)
 void ShadowImageByRefFunctionTypeJ3D.makeColorBytesDriver(Data imgFlatField, ScalarMap cmap, ScalarMap[] cmaps, float constant_alpha, ShadowRealType[] RangeComponents, int color_length, int domain_length, int[] permute, int data_width, int data_height, int imageType, VisADImageTile tile, int image_index)
static void ImageRendererJ3D.verifyImageRendererUsable(MathType type, ScalarMap[] maps)
          Deprecated. Use isRendererUsable(MathType, ScalarMap[]) instead.

Constructors in with parameters of type ScalarMap
FlexibleTrackManipulation(DataReferenceImpl tr, DisplayImplJ3D d, ScalarMap shape_map1, ScalarMap shape_map2, boolean need_monitor)
          constructor Uses default size of 0.1 and default cyclone symbol geometry
FlexibleTrackManipulation(DataReferenceImpl tr, DisplayImplJ3D d, ScalarMap shape_map1, ScalarMap shape_map2, boolean need_monitor, float size)
          Constructor - Use default cyclone shape geometry
FlexibleTrackManipulation(DataReferenceImpl tr, DisplayImplJ3D d, ScalarMap shape_map1, ScalarMap shape_map2, boolean need_monitor, float size, VisADGeometryArray[][] ga, float[] shapeColour)
          Construct the FTM stuff

Uses of ScalarMap in visad.cluster

Methods in visad.cluster with parameters of type ScalarMap
 Serializable[] RemoteProxyAgentImpl.prepareAction(boolean go, boolean initialize, DataShadow shadow, ConstantMap[] cms, ScalarMap[] ms, Control[] cos, String name, long time_out)
 Serializable[] RemoteProxyAgent.prepareAction(boolean go, boolean initialize, DataShadow shadow, ConstantMap[] cmaps, ScalarMap[] maps, Control[] controls, String name, long time_out)
 void TestWRFCluster.setMaps(ScalarMap[] maps)
          override method from BasicSSCell
 void TestSSCluster.setMaps(ScalarMap[] maps)
          override method from BasicSSCell
 void TestProxyCluster.setMaps(ScalarMap[] maps)
          override method from BasicSSCell

Uses of ScalarMap in visad.collab

Methods in visad.collab that return ScalarMap
 ScalarMap MapMonitorEvent.getMap()
          Gets the ScalarMap to which this event refers.

Constructors in visad.collab with parameters of type ScalarMap
MapMonitorEvent(int type, int originator, ScalarMap map)
          Creates a MapMonitorEvent for the specified ScalarMap.
MapMonitorEvent(int type, ScalarMap map)
          Creates a MapMonitorEvent for the specified ScalarMap.

Uses of ScalarMap in

Methods in with parameters of type ScalarMap
static void F2000Util.invertColorTable(ScalarMap colorMap)
 float[][] Event.makeHistogram(ScalarMap xMap, ScalarMap yMap, ScalarMap cMap, ScalarMap dpyColorMap)

Constructors in with parameters of type ScalarMap
EventWidget(AmandaFile fileData, DataReferenceImpl eventRef, DataReferenceImpl trackRef, AnimationControl animCtl, ScalarMap trackMap, HistogramWidget histoWidget)
HistogramWidget(ScalarMap dpyColorMap)
TrackWidget(ScalarMap map, DataReferenceImpl ref)

Uses of ScalarMap in visad.java2d

Methods in visad.java2d with parameters of type ScalarMap
 Control DisplayRendererJ2D.makeControl(ScalarMap map)
          Factory for constructing a subclass of Control appropriate for the graphics API and for this DisplayRenderer; invoked by ScalarMap when it is addMap()ed to a Display.

Uses of ScalarMap in visad.java3d

Methods in visad.java3d with parameters of type ScalarMap
 Control DisplayRendererJ3D.makeControl(ScalarMap map)
          Factory for constructing a subclass of Control appropriate for the graphics API and for this DisplayRenderer; invoked by ScalarMap when it is addMap()ed to a Display.

Uses of ScalarMap in visad.python

Methods in visad.python with parameters of type ScalarMap
static double[][] JPythonMethods.getScale(ScalarMap smap)
          Helper method for getScale(double[], double[], double[]).
static void JPythonMethods.plot(DataImpl data, ScalarMap[] maps)
static void JPythonMethods.plot(float[][] data, ScalarMap[] maps)
static void JPythonMethods.plot(float[] data, ScalarMap[] maps)
          Displays the given data onscreen.
static void JPythonMethods.plot(String name, DataImpl data, boolean editMaps, double red, double green, double blue, ScalarMap[] maps)
static void JPythonMethods.plot(String name, DataImpl data, ScalarMap[] maps)
static void JPythonMethods.plot(String name, float[][] data, ScalarMap[] maps)
static void JPythonMethods.plot(String name, float[] data, ScalarMap[] maps)
          Displays the given data onscreen.
static void JPythonMethods.setAxesScalesFont(ScalarMap[] sm, Font f)
          Set the font to be used for the axes labels and scales
static void JPythonMethods.setAxesScalesLabel(ScalarMap[] sm, String[] labels)
          Set the Label to be used for the axes

Uses of ScalarMap in

Methods in that return ScalarMap
 ScalarMap[] MappingDialog.getMaps()
          Gets the mappings selected by the user.
 ScalarMap[] BasicSSCell.getMaps()
          Gets this cell's mappings.

Methods in with parameters of type ScalarMap
 void FancySSCell.setMaps(ScalarMap[] maps)
          Sets the ScalarMaps for this cell and creates needed control widgets.
 void BasicSSCell.setMaps(ScalarMap[] maps)
          Maps RealTypes to the display according to the specified ScalarMaps.
 void FancySSCell.setMapsAuto(ScalarMap[] maps)
          Switches to 3-D mode if necessary and available.

Constructors in with parameters of type ScalarMap
MappingDialog(Frame parent, Data[] data, ScalarMap[] startMaps, boolean allowAlpha, boolean allow3D)
          Constructs a MappingDialog from multiple Data objects.
MappingDialog(Frame parent, Data data, ScalarMap[] startMaps, boolean allowAlpha, boolean allow3D)
          Constructs a MappingDialog from a single Data object.

Uses of ScalarMap in visad.util

Methods in visad.util that return ScalarMap
static ScalarMap[] DataUtility.convertStringToMaps(String mapString, Data[] data, boolean showErrors)
          Converts the given map string to its corresponding array of mappings.
static ScalarMap[] DataUtility.convertStringToMaps(String mapString, Data data, boolean showErrors)
          Converts the given map string to its corresponding array of mappings.
static ScalarMap[] DataUtility.convertStringToMaps(String mapString, Vector types, boolean showErrors)
          Converts the given map string to its corresponding array of mappings.
static ScalarMap[] CursorUtil.getXYZMaps(DisplayImpl d, RealType[] types)
          Gets X, Y and Z maps for the given display, corresponding to the specified RealTypes, or the first ScalarMaps to X, Y and Z if types is null.
static ScalarMap[] DataUtility.guessMaps(MathType[] types, boolean allow3d)
          Attempts to guess a good set of mappings for a display containing Data objects of the given types.

Methods in visad.util with parameters of type ScalarMap
static String DataUtility.convertMapsToString(ScalarMap[] sm)
          Converts the given array of mappings to an easy-to-read String form.

Constructors in visad.util with parameters of type ScalarMap
AnimationWidget(ScalarMap smap)
          construct an AnimationWidget linked to the Control in smap (which must be to Display.Animation) with auto-detecting ms/frame
AnimationWidget(ScalarMap smap, int st)
          construct an AnimationWidget linked to the Control in smap (which must be to Display.Animation) with specified ms/frame
ChosenColorWidget(ScalarMap smap)
          Construct a ChosenColorWidget linked to the color control in the ScalarMap (which must be to either Display.RGB or Display.RGBA and already have been added to a Display).
ColorMapWidget(ScalarMap smap)
          Construct a LabeledColorWidget linked to the color control in the ScalarMap (which must be to either Display.RGB or Display.RGBA and already have been added to a Display).
ColorMapWidget(ScalarMap smap, boolean immediate)
          Construct a LabeledColorWidget linked to the color control in the ScalarMap (which must be to either Display.RGB or Display.RGBA and already have been added to a Display).
ColorMapWidget(ScalarMap smap, float[][] table)
          Construct a LabeledColorWidget linked to the color control in the ScalarMap (which must be to either Display.RGB or Display.RGBA and already have been added to a Display).
ColorMapWidget(ScalarMap smap, float[][] table, boolean update)
          Construct a LabeledColorWidget linked to the color control in the ScalarMap (which must be to either Display.RGB or Display.RGBA and already have been added to a Display).
ColorMapWidget(ScalarMap smap, float[][] table, boolean update, boolean immediate)
          Construct a LabeledColorWidget linked to the color control in the ScalarMap (which must be to either Display.RGB or Display.RGBA and already have been added to a Display).
ContourWidget(ScalarMap smap)
          construct a ContourWidget linked to the Control in the map (which must be to Display.IsoContour), with default interval, base, min, max, and surface value, and auto-scaling min and max.
ContourWidget(ScalarMap smap, float surf)
          construct a ContourWidget linked to the Control in the map (which must be to Display.IsoContour), with specified surface value, and default interval, min, max, and base, and auto-scaling min and max.
ContourWidget(ScalarMap smap, float interv, float min, float max, float ba)
          construct a ContourWidget linked to the Control in the map (which must be to Display.IsoContour), with specified interval and base, default surface value, min, and max, and auto-scaling min and max.
ContourWidget(ScalarMap smap, float interv, float min, float max, float ba, float surf, boolean update)
          construct a ContourWidget linked to the Control in the map (which must be to Display.IsoContour), with specified interval, minimum, maximum, base, surface value, and auto-scale behavior.
LabeledColorWidget(ScalarMap smap)
          Construct a LabeledColorWidget linked to the color control in the ScalarMap (which must be to either Display.RGB or Display.RGBA and already have been added to a Display).
LabeledColorWidget(ScalarMap smap, float[][] table)
          Construct a LabeledColorWidget linked to the color control in the ScalarMap (which must be to either Display.RGB or Display.RGBA and already have been added to a Display).
LabeledColorWidget(ScalarMap smap, float[][] in_table, boolean update)
          Construct a LabeledColorWidget linked to the color control in the ScalarMap (which must be to either Display.RGB or Display.RGBA and already have been added to a Display).
LabeledColorWidget(ScalarMap smap, float min, float max)
          Deprecated. - 'min' and 'max' are ignored
LabeledColorWidget(ScalarMap smap, float min, float max, float[][] table)
          Deprecated. - 'min' and 'max' are ignored
LabeledRGBAWidget(ScalarMap smap)
          Deprecated. - use LabeledColorWidget instead
LabeledRGBAWidget(ScalarMap smap, float min, float max)
          Deprecated. - use LabeledColorWidget instead
LabeledRGBAWidget(ScalarMap smap, float min, float max, float[][] table)
          Deprecated. - use LabeledColorWidget instead
LabeledRGBAWidget(ScalarMap smap, float min, float max, float[][] table, boolean update)
          Deprecated. - use LabeledColorWidget instead
LabeledRGBWidget(ScalarMap smap)
          Deprecated. - use LabeledColorWidget instead
LabeledRGBWidget(ScalarMap smap, float min, float max)
          Deprecated. - use LabeledColorWidget instead
LabeledRGBWidget(ScalarMap smap, float min, float max, float[][] table)
          Deprecated. - use LabeledColorWidget instead
LabeledRGBWidget(ScalarMap smap, float min, float max, float[][] table, boolean update)
          Deprecated. - use LabeledColorWidget instead
RangeWidget(ScalarMap smap)
          construct a RangeWidget linked to the ScalarMap smap
SelectRangeWidget(ScalarMap smap)
          this will be labeled with the name of smap's RealType, and the range of RealType values defining the bounds of the selectable range is taken from smap.getRange().
SelectRangeWidget(ScalarMap smap, boolean update)
          this will be labeled with the name of smap's RealType, and the range of RealType values defining the bounds of the selectable range is taken from smap.getRange().
SelectRangeWidget(ScalarMap smap, float min, float max)
          Deprecated. - set range in map instead
SelectRangeWidget(ScalarMap smap, float min, float max, boolean update)
          Deprecated. - set range in map instead
VisADSlider(ScalarMap smap)
          construct a VisADSlider from a ScalarMap that maps to Display.SelectValue, with auto-scaling minimum and maximum bounds, non-integral values, and a statically sized label.
VisADSlider(ScalarMap smap, boolean integralTicks)
          construct a VisADSlider from a ScalarMap that maps to Display.SelectValue, with auto-scaling minimum and maximum bounds, either integer or floating-point values, depending on the setting of integralTicks, and a statically sized label.
VisADSlider(ScalarMap smap, boolean integralTicks, boolean dynamicLabelWidth)
          construct a VisADSlider from a ScalarMap that maps to Display.SelectValue, with auto-scaling minimum and maximum bounds, either integer or floating-point values (depending on the setting of integralTicks, and either a static or dynamically sized label (depending on the setting of dynamicLabelWidth.
VisADSlider(ScalarMap smap, float min, float max)
          construct a VisADSlider from a ScalarMap that maps to Display.SelectValue, with minimum and maximum bounds min and max, no auto-scaling, non-integer values, and a static label width.