AERI Keysight Swap Procedure
AERI Keysight (formerly Agilent) Mulimeter (L4411A) Replacement Instructions
Rev Jan 15, 2015 -JG
- Perform Resistance Validation and 3rd Body Test prior to swap
- Note ‘old’ and ‘new’ L4411A unit serial numbers
- Power OFF AERI instrument
- Remove the old L4411A unit
- The L4411A unit (and the two other units below it) are secured to the back-end using two square brackets. In order to be able to remove the L4411A unit:
- Loosen the top screw on the front bracket
- Remove the two screws at the bottom at the back bracket
- Remove all connectors from the back of the L4411A unit, note/mark similar connectors
- Banana plugs (4)
- BNC plugs (2)
- Ethernet
- Power
- Ground wire
- There is some mechanical interference from the serial switch (blue box) near the back of the L4411A unit: Remove the ethernet and green connector (note orientation) from the serial switch
- Slide out old L4411A unit from the back
- The L4411A unit (and the two other units below it) are secured to the back-end using two square brackets. In order to be able to remove the L4411A unit:
- Install the new L4411A unit
- Loosen philips head ground screw
- Slide in new Agilent unit
- Replace ethernet and green connectors on serial switch (blue box)
- Ensure green connector is oriented correctly and mated correctly. It needs to be flush with the surface
- Replace all Agilent connectors, including ground wire/screw
- Banana plugs (4)
- BNC plugs (2)
- Ethernet
- Power
- Ground wire
- Tighten front bracket
- Replace back bracket
- Power ON instrument
- Configure L4411A unit, if necessary
- If the L4411A unit is already configured with the correct IP address, then no configuration should be necessary
- (e.g. AERI L4411A =; 3rd body controller L4411A =
- If the L4411A unit does not have the correct IP address
- Quick instructions
- Enter L4411A unit current IP address (from the Agilent front display) into a web browser (e.g.
- View and modify configuration
- Modify configuration
- Ensure DHCP is OFF
- Enter new IP address
- Save, OK, Yes
- Restart L4411A LAN, OK
- ?Steps in Agilent connection expert window
- Full instructions can be found in the ABB 3rd body instruction manual (p32-34)
- Note for Step 7, type in IP address shown on front of Agilent unit into a browser on the AERI computer (e.g.
- Quick instructions
- If the L4411A unit is already configured with the correct IP address, then no configuration should be necessary
- Repeat Resistance Validation and 3rd Body Test to ensure new Agilent unit is working