M-AERI Software Notes and Troubleshooting
- Occasionally the AERI software may experience an outage. This may happen a few times a day. This is very difficult to correct, however a watchdog timer is installed to restart the Ingest
- During a software outage the black Ingest window may not be displaying scenes (e.g. S42) and the Monitoring display may be all blue (missing data) and the hatch may close
- The watchdog timer should restart the software within 20-60 mins
- If Ingest has not restarted, power cycle the instrument components. First attempt to cycle Ingest, then the VM, then the hardware if needed as a last resort
- Cycle Ingest
- Stop Ingest (In black cygwin window press <ctrl>-c multiple times until stopped, then close all windows including FTSW)
- Restart Ingest from desktop icon
- Cycle the VM
- Restart Windows
- VM should reboot and Ingest will start automatically
- Cycle M-AERI power + Cycle the VM
- Open iBootBar link on desktop
- user/pass = admin/admin
- Cycle interferometer power (port #1)
- Note: it takes about 2 mins for the M-AERI hardware to initialize before the Ingest software can be started
- Open iBootBar link on desktop
- Cycle Ingest
- On rare occasion, a 0000 UTC reboot may be needed for the sofware to be able to reset correctly
- If the problem persists, note the errors in the black Ingest window and contact the mentor team
FTSW Monitoring display
- Usage
- The displayed values are not real-time (unlike the housekeeping Status list). They may be 5-15 mins old. Check the UTC time box
- Hover over a box to see the value
- Click on a box to see the acceptable range of values
- Click on the arrows at the top to scroll between times/records
- Some values may become temporarily yellow/red. This is often not a concern, unless the state persists ~>30 mins
- Hatch status / Rain State / Rain Intensity will change color with precipitation events
- LW/SW Responsivity & LW/SW NBB NEN may momentarily change color when the hatch changes state
- Interfer. Humidity may indicate that the desiccant needs to be replaced
- The right column temperature variables are all inside the back-end. Alarms here may indicate an issue with the TEC cooler/heater
- If a problem persists, note the values and contact the mentor team