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Meteosat-8/9 Effective vs Spectral Radiances

Beginning in April 2008, EUMETSAT will start sending Effective Radiance in MSG Level 1.5 Image Products (Meteosat-8/9). This will replace the existing Spectral Radiance. Further details can be found in the EUMETSAT publication: A Planned Change to the MSG Level 1.5 Image Product Radiance Definition


Sample McIDAS area files for 17-Jan-2008 00:45 and 13:00

Use the McIDAS command DSSERVE to create a datasets containing the above files. For example:

  • DSSERVE ADD TESTMSG/EFFECTIVE AREA DIRFILE='/home/mcadde/mcidas/data/msg_cal/effective-17-JAN*'
  • DSSERVE ADD TESTMSG/SPECTRAL AREA DIRFILE='/home/mcadde/mcidas/data/msg_cal/spectral-17-JAN*'

Required Code Changes

The module kbxmsg.dlm needs to be updated to read in the larger calibration block in the sample area files. A fastrack prior to April, will include necessary updates to the MSG servers to correctly write the new calibration block. Instructions for installing updated version of kbxmsg.dlm:

  • backup/rename the file kbxmsg.dlm in the directory ~mcidas/mcidas2007a/src/.
  • Download the new version of kbxmsg.dlm to the ~mcidas/mcidas2007a/src/ directory.
  • Rebuild applications by running the following commands from /home/mcidas:
    • sh ./mcidas2007a.sh make
    • sh ./mcidas2007a.sh install

The McIDAS User Services has done some preliminary tests to show the differences between the two radiance type for Meteosat-9 17-Jan-08 00:45

Interactive Spectral Radiance Temperature vs Effective Radiance Temperature Differences
Scatter Plots

Statistical Analyses