Package edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.ui

McIDAS-V specific user interface code.


Class Summary
BetterJTable.StripedViewport Creates a JViewport that draws a striped backgroud corresponding to the row positions of the given JTable.
ComponentPopup A popup window that attaches itself to a parent and can display an component without preventing user interaction like a JComboBox.
DraggableTabbedPane This is a rather simplistic drag and drop enabled JTabbedPane.
DraggableTabbedPane.DraggableTabFlavor To be perfectly honest I'm still a bit fuzzy about DataFlavors.
DraggableTabbedPane.TransferableIndex Used to simply provide a reference to the originating DraggableTabbedPane while we're dragging and dropping.
HeavyTabbedPane A JTabbedPane implementation that allows tabbed heavy-weight components.
JPanelImage Extend JPanel to draw an optionally anti-aliased image filling the panel
McIdasColorTableDefaults A class to provide color tables suitable for data displays.
McIdasColorTableManager A class to manage Hydra color tables
McIDASVViewPanel This class has largely been copied over wholesale from the IDV code.
McIDASVXmlUi McIDAS-V mostly extends this class to preempt the IDV.
McvComponentGroup Extends the IDV component groups so that we can intercept clicks for Bruce's tab popup menu and handle drag and drop.
McvComponentHolder McIDAS-V needs its own ComponentHolder merely to associate ViewManagers with their parent ComponentHolders.
McvHelpTipDialog Represents a dialog that holds "help tips".
McvSplash This is a straight up copy of IdvSplash with the easter egg taken out.
McvToolbarEditor.IconCellRenderer Renders a toolbar action and its icon within the TwoListPanel's JLists.
McvToolbarEditor.SpaceIcon SpaceIcon is a class that represents a "space" entry in the TwoListPanel that holds the current toolbar actions.
ParameterTree Class ParameterTree Gives a tree gui for editing parameter sets
PartialLineBorder This is a better version of LineBorder which allows you to show line only at one side or several sides and supports rounded corner.
UIManager Derive our own UI manager to do some specific things: Removing displays Showing the dashboard Adding toolbar customization options Implement the McIDAS-V toolbar as a JToolbar.
UIManager.FormEntry A type of HttpFormEntry that supports line wrapping for text area entries.
UIManager.IdvAction Represents an individual IDV action.
UIManager.IdvActions Represents the set of known UIManager.IdvActions in an idiom that can be easily used by both the IDV and McIDAS-V.

Enum Summary
UIManager.ActionAttribute Represents what McIDAS-V "knows" about IDV actions.
UIManager.ToolbarStyle A ToolbarStyle is a representation of the way icons associated with current toolbar actions should be displayed.

Package edu.wisc.ssec.mcidasv.ui Description

McIDAS-V specific user interface code.

Related Documentation

For overviews, tutorials, examples, guides, and tool documentation, please see: