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January 2011

Director's Note

roberts John Roberts

Happy New Year!

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season. For those of you who made New Year’s resolutions, good luck and work hard to stay with them...more


Department News


UW Forward, a New Experimental Catalog...more

Technical Computing

Filesystems and Performance - Part One: I/O Bound Systems by Scott Nolin...more

Data Center

New 6.3 Meter Rooftop Antenna Update. In the spring of 2010...more


2010 was a big year for the McIDAS-V team. We emerged out of "beta"...more

Equity & Diversity

As you know, the SSEC Climate Survey was completed in early November. Thank you to...more

Academic Staff

Opening Academic Positions at SSEC...more


Comings and Goings




As you may have noticed, we are trying out a new format for the in-house "Employee Newsletter"...more

revercomb and chancellor

Hank Revercomb Delivers His Annual "State of the Center" Address

On 09 December 2009, Hank Revercomb gave his annual State of the Center Address...more



SSEC Celebrates the Holidays

Keeping with SSEC Holiday Tradition, the Center Party started immediately after Hank Revercomb's "State of the Center" address...more


venus and satellite

SSEC Scientist Sanjay Limaye Explains Venus Mission Status

SSEC scientist Sanjay Limaye is quoted in an AP news article explaining the status of the Akatsuki Venus Probe.


CIMSS Hourly AMVs Used in U.S. Navy Model

In the week of 09 December 2010, the United States Navy Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center (FNMOC) began operationally assimilating...more


Chian-Yi Liu Describes Advances in Thunderstorm Prediction for UW Press Release

CIMSS Scientist Chian-Yi Liu describes his research on thunderstorms in an article released by UW Campus Communications.


radiative forcing chart

AGU Presentation Describes Radiative Effects of Asian Wildfires

A poster entitled “Radiative effects due to tropospheric ozone and carbonaceous aerosol enhancements caused by Asian wildfires...more


Companion Publications Describe AVHRR Capabilities

Two companion papers describe a calibration of the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer's (AVHRR) visible and NIR channels...more


Manuscript Published

A manuscript entitled "An objective methodology for infrared land surface emissivity evaluation" has been published...more



building top

The scientist does not study nature because it is useful; he studies it because he delights in it, and he delights in it because it is beautiful. If nature were not beautiful, it would not be worth knowing, and if nature were not worth knowing, life would not be worth living.

Jules Henri Poincare