10th Annual Science Expeditions Visits AOSS

May 11, 2012 | Mark Hobson

Enthusiastic learners of all ages flooded the UW-Madison campus on Saturday, 14 April 2012, for the 10th Annual Science Expeditions event.

noah welcomes guests

An estimated 250 explorers made their way to the AOSS Building where they were guided through several displays, demonstrations, and spectacular views of satellite dishes and the Madison campus from the roof.

explorers in lobby

On hand to give the explorers a good look at the work done in the AOSS Building were:

sam displays wisconsinview

Sam Batzli presented the impressive images of WisconsinView.

tom shows apps

Tom Whittaker introduced young explorers to his collection of weather applets.

george with AMRC assistants

George Weidner gave demonstrations of the Antarctic Automatic
Weather Station Program with David Mikolajczyk and Nick Weber.

As presented by Rick Kohrs and Patrick Rowley,
the 3D Science on a Sphere captivated crowds.

britta with explorers

Margaret Mooney and Patrick Rowley (center in top image) and Britta Gjermo (center above), along with Mark Hobson and Tom Whittaker, answered questions on the roof.
