Uses of Class

Packages that use Unit
visad The core VisAD package, providing support for VisAD's Data & MathType hierarchy, as well as for VisAD Displays and remote collaboration.   
visad.cluster Provides for importing data to and exporting data from VisAD. Provides for importing an HDF-EOS dataset into VisAD. Provides for importing a netCDF dataset into VisAD and for exporting a VisAD data object to a netCDF dataset. Provides for importing a netCDF dataset into VisAD. Provides for importing and exporting serialized Java object files into and out of VisAD.   
visad.georef Provides classes for geo-referencing. 
visad.java2d Provides support for two-dimensional VisAD Displays using Java2D. 
visad.java3d Provides support for two- and three-dimensional VisAD Displays using Java3D. 
visad.util Provides a collection of useful utilities, many of them GUI widgets, to aid in VisAD application design. 

Uses of Unit in visad

Subclasses of Unit in visad
 class BaseUnit
          A class that represents the base units of a system of units.
 class DerivedUnit
          A class that represents a unit consisting of zero or more base units.
 class LogarithmicUnit
          A class that represents a scaled unit with an offset.
 class OffsetUnit
          A class that represents a scaled unit with an offset.
 class PromiscuousUnit
          PromiscuousUnit is the VisAD class for units that are convertable with any other Unit.
 class ScaledUnit
          A class that represents a certain amount of a derived unit.

Fields in visad declared as Unit
static Unit
          CommonUnit for plane angle, not temperature
static Unit CommonUnit.dimensionless
          CommonUnit for all BaseUnits with exponent = zero
static Unit CommonUnit.meter
          CommonUnit for length
static Unit CommonUnit.meterPerSecond
          CommonUnit for speed
static Unit CommonUnit.promiscuous
          promiscuous is compatible with any Unit; useful for constants; not the same as null Unit, which is only compatible with other null Units; not the same as dimensionless, which is not compatible with other Units for addition and subtraction
static Unit CommonUnit.radian
          CommonUnit for plane angle
protected  Unit[] FlatField.RangeUnits
static Unit CommonUnit.second
          CommonUnit for time
static Unit CommonUnit.secondsSinceTheEpoch
          CommonUnit for seconds since the Epoch (i.e. 1970-01-01 00:00:00Z)

Methods in visad that return Unit
 Unit Unit.clone(String identifier)
           Clones this unit, changing the identifier.
static Unit[] Unit.copyUnitsArray(Unit[] units)
          Copys an array of units.
 Unit PromiscuousUnit.divide(PromiscuousUnit that)
abstract  Unit Unit.divide(Unit that)
          Divide this unit by another unit.
 Unit ScaledUnit.divide(Unit that)
          Divides this unit by another unit.
 Unit PromiscuousUnit.divide(Unit that)
 Unit OffsetUnit.divide(Unit that)
          Divide an offset unit by another unit.
 Unit LogarithmicUnit.divide(Unit that)
          Divide this unit by another unit.
 Unit DerivedUnit.divide(Unit that)
          Divide a derived unit by another unit.
 Unit BaseUnit.divide(Unit that)
          Divide this unit by another unit.
protected abstract  Unit Unit.divideInto(Unit that)
          Divide this unit into another unit.
protected  Unit ScaledUnit.divideInto(Unit that)
          Divides this unit into another unit.
protected  Unit PromiscuousUnit.divideInto(Unit that)
protected  Unit OffsetUnit.divideInto(Unit that)
          Divide an offset unit into another unit.
protected  Unit LogarithmicUnit.divideInto(Unit that)
          Divide this unit into another unit.
protected  Unit DerivedUnit.divideInto(Unit that)
          Divide a derived unit into another unit.
protected  Unit BaseUnit.divideInto(Unit that)
          Divide this unit into another unit.
 Unit Unit.getAbsoluteUnit()
          Gets the absolute unit of this unit.
 Unit OffsetUnit.getAbsoluteUnit()
          Gets the absolute unit of this unit.
 Unit LogarithmicUnit.getAbsoluteUnit()
          Gets the absolute unit of this unit.
 Unit[] CoordinateSystem.getCoordinateSystemUnits()
          Return the Units for this CoordinateSystem.
 Unit[] RemoteFieldImpl.getDefaultRangeUnits()
 Unit[] FlatField.getDefaultRangeUnits()
          Get default range Unit-s for 'Flat' components.
 Unit[] FieldImpl.getDefaultRangeUnits()
          get default range Unit-s for 'Flat' components
 Unit[] Field.getDefaultRangeUnits()
          get default range Unit-s for 'Flat' components
 Unit RealType.getDefaultUnit()
          get default Unit
 Unit[] RealTupleType.getDefaultUnits()
          get default Units of RealType components; copy DefaultUnits array to ensure that it cannot be altered
 Unit[] RemoteFunctionImpl.getDomainUnits()
 Unit[] RemoteFieldImpl.getDomainUnits()
 Unit[] FunctionImpl.getDomainUnits()
          Get the default Units of the Real components of the domain.
 Unit[] Function.getDomainUnits()
          Get the default Units of the Real components of the domain.
 Unit[] FieldImpl.getDomainUnits()
          Returns the units of the values in the domain set.
 Unit[] DataRenderer.getEarthUnits()
 Unit ScalarMap.getOverrideUnit()
          Return the override unit.
 Unit[][] RemoteFieldImpl.getRangeUnits()
 Unit[][] FlatField.getRangeUnits()
          return array of Units associated with each RealType component of range; these may differ from default Units of range RealTypes, but must be convertable; the second index has length = 1 (since all samples have the same Units)
 Unit[][] FieldImpl.getRangeUnits()
          return array of Units associated with each RealType component of range; these may differ from default Units of range RealTypes, but must be convertable; the second index enumerates samples since Units may differ between samples
 Unit[][] Field.getRangeUnits()
          get range Unit-s for 'Flat' components; second index may enumerate samples, if they differ
 Unit[] CoordinateSystem.getReferenceUnits()
          Return the Units for this CoordinateSystem's reference RealTupleType.
 Unit[] SetIface.getSetUnits()
          Returns the units of the samples in the set.
 Unit[] Set.getSetUnits()
          Returns the units of the values in the set.
 Unit[] RealTupleIface.getTupleUnits()
          Returns the units of the components.
 Unit[] RealTuple.getTupleUnits()
          get Units of Real components
 Unit[] DoubleTuple.getTupleUnits()
          Get Units of Real components
 Unit ScaledUnit.getUnit()
          Get the underlying unit
 Unit RealIface.getUnit()
          Returns the unit of this instance.
 Unit Real.getUnit()
 Unit ErrorEstimate.getUnit()
          Get the Unit for this error distribution.
abstract  Unit Unit.log(double base)
          Returns the logarithmic unit that has this unit as its reference level.
 Unit ScaledUnit.log(double base)
 Unit PromiscuousUnit.log(double base)
 Unit OffsetUnit.log(double base)
 Unit LogarithmicUnit.log(double base)
 Unit DerivedUnit.log(double base)
 Unit BaseUnit.log(double base)
 Unit DerivedUnit.multiply(DerivedUnit that)
          Multiply a derived unit by a derived unit.
abstract  Unit Unit.multiply(Unit that)
          Multiply this unit by another unit.
 Unit ScaledUnit.multiply(Unit that)
          Multiplies this unit by another unit.
 Unit PromiscuousUnit.multiply(Unit that)
 Unit OffsetUnit.multiply(Unit that)
          Multiply an offset unit by another unit.
 Unit LogarithmicUnit.multiply(Unit that)
          Multiply this unit by another unit.
 Unit DerivedUnit.multiply(Unit that)
          Multiply a derived unit by another unit.
 Unit BaseUnit.multiply(Unit that)
          Multiply this unit by another unit.
abstract  Unit Unit.pow(double power)
          Raise a unit to a power.
 Unit ScaledUnit.pow(double power)
          Raises this unit to a power.
 Unit PromiscuousUnit.pow(double power)
 Unit OffsetUnit.pow(double power)
          Raises an offset unit to a power.
 Unit LogarithmicUnit.pow(double power)
          Raises this unit to a power.
 Unit DerivedUnit.pow(double power)
          Raise a derived unit to a power.
 Unit BaseUnit.pow(double power)
          Raise a unit to a power.
abstract  Unit Unit.pow(int power)
          Raise this unit to a power.
 Unit ScaledUnit.pow(int power)
          Raises this unit to a power.
 Unit PromiscuousUnit.pow(int power)
 Unit OffsetUnit.pow(int power)
          Raises an offset unit to a power.
 Unit LogarithmicUnit.pow(int power)
          Raises this unit to a power.
 Unit DerivedUnit.pow(int power)
          Raise a derived unit to a power.
 Unit BaseUnit.pow(int power)
          Raise a base unit to a power.
protected abstract  Unit Unit.protectedClone(String identifier)
          Clones this unit, changing the identifier.
protected  Unit ScaledUnit.protectedClone(String identifier)
          Clones this unit, changing the identifier.
protected  Unit PromiscuousUnit.protectedClone(String identifier)
          Clones this unit, changing the identifier.
protected  Unit OffsetUnit.protectedClone(String identifier)
          Clones this unit, changing the identifier.
protected  Unit LogarithmicUnit.protectedClone(String identifier)
          Clones this unit, changing the identifier.
protected  Unit DerivedUnit.protectedClone(String identifier)
          Clones this unit, changing the identifier.
protected  Unit BaseUnit.protectedClone(String identifier)
          Clones this unit, changing the identifier.
abstract  Unit Unit.root(int root)
          Returns the N-th root of this unit.
 Unit ScaledUnit.root(int root)
          Returns the N-th root of this unit.
 Unit PromiscuousUnit.root(int root)
 Unit OffsetUnit.root(int root)
          Returns the N-th root of this unit.
 Unit LogarithmicUnit.root(int root)
          Returns the N-th root of this unit.
 Unit DerivedUnit.root(int root)
          Returns the N-th root of this unit.
 Unit BaseUnit.root(int root)
          Returns the N-th root of this unit.
abstract  Unit Unit.scale(double amount)
          Scale this unit by an amount.
 Unit ScaledUnit.scale(double amount)
 Unit PromiscuousUnit.scale(double amount)
 Unit OffsetUnit.scale(double amount)
 Unit LogarithmicUnit.scale(double scale)
 Unit DerivedUnit.scale(double amount)
          Scale this unit by an amount.
 Unit BaseUnit.scale(double amount)
abstract  Unit Unit.shift(double offset)
          Shift this unit by an amount.
 Unit ScaledUnit.shift(double offset)
 Unit PromiscuousUnit.shift(double offset)
 Unit OffsetUnit.shift(double offset)
 Unit LogarithmicUnit.shift(double offset)
 Unit DerivedUnit.shift(double offset)
          Shift this unit by an amount.
 Unit BaseUnit.shift(double offset)
 Unit Unit.sqrt()
          Returns the square-root of this unit.

Methods in visad with parameters of type Unit
static boolean Unit.canConvert(Unit unita, Unit unitb)
          Indicates if values in two units are convertible.
static boolean Unit.canConvertArray(Unit[] unita, Unit[] unitb)
           Indicates whether or not two unit arrays are convertible.
static boolean Unit.canConvertArray(Unit[] unita, Unit[] unitb)
           Indicates whether or not two unit arrays are convertible.
 Real RealIface.cloneButUnit(Unit u)
          Returns a clone of this instance but with a new Unit.
 Real Real.cloneButUnit(Unit u)
          clone this, but with a new Unit
protected  FlatField FlatField.cloneDouble(MathType f_type, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors)
protected  FlatField FlatField.cloneDouble(MathType f_type, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, double[][] newValues)
protected  FlatField FlatField.cloneFloat(MathType f_type, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors)
protected  FlatField FlatField.cloneFloat(MathType f_type, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, float[][] newValues)
static double[][] Unit.convertTuple(double[][] value, Unit[] units_in, Unit[] units_out)
           Converts a tuple of double value arrays; returning a new tuple.
static double[][] Unit.convertTuple(double[][] value, Unit[] units_in, Unit[] units_out)
           Converts a tuple of double value arrays; returning a new tuple.
static double[][] Unit.convertTuple(double[][] value, Unit[] units_in, Unit[] units_out, boolean copy)
           Converts a tuple of double value arrays, optionally returning a new tuple depending on the value of copy.
static double[][] Unit.convertTuple(double[][] value, Unit[] units_in, Unit[] units_out, boolean copy)
           Converts a tuple of double value arrays, optionally returning a new tuple depending on the value of copy.
static float[][] Unit.convertTuple(float[][] value, Unit[] units_in, Unit[] units_out)
           Converts a tuple of float value arrays; returning a new tuple.
static float[][] Unit.convertTuple(float[][] value, Unit[] units_in, Unit[] units_out)
           Converts a tuple of float value arrays; returning a new tuple.
static float[][] Unit.convertTuple(float[][] value, Unit[] units_in, Unit[] units_out, boolean copy)
           Converts a tuple of float value arrays, optionally returning a new tuple depending on the value of copy.
static float[][] Unit.convertTuple(float[][] value, Unit[] units_in, Unit[] units_out, boolean copy)
           Converts a tuple of float value arrays, optionally returning a new tuple depending on the value of copy.
static Unit[] Unit.copyUnitsArray(Unit[] units)
          Copys an array of units.
static ScaledUnit ScaledUnit.create(double amount, Unit unit)
          Factory method for creating a scaled unit.
static Gridded1DDoubleSet Gridded1DDoubleSet.create(MathType type, double[] samples, CoordinateSystem coordSys, Unit unit, ErrorEstimate error)
          Returns an instance of this class.
static LinearSet LinearNDSet.create(MathType type, double[] firsts, double[] lasts, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors)
static GriddedSet GriddedSet.create(MathType type, float[][] samples, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors)
          General Factory method for creating the proper gridded set (Gridded1DSet, Gridded2DSet, etc.).
static GriddedSet GriddedSet.create(MathType type, float[][] samples, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, boolean copy)
          General Factory method for creating the proper gridded set (Gridded1DSet, Gridded2DSet, etc.).
static GriddedSet GriddedSet.create(MathType type, float[][] samples, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, boolean copy, boolean test)
          General Factory method for creating the proper gridded set (Gridded1DSet, Gridded2DSet, etc.).
static Gridded1DSet Gridded1DSet.create(MathType type, float[] samples, CoordinateSystem coordSys, Unit unit, ErrorEstimate error)
          Returns an instance of this class.
static GriddedSet IntegerNDSet.create(MathType type, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors)
          General factory method for creating the proper integer set (Integer1DSet, Integer2DSet, etc.).
abstract  Unit Unit.divide(Unit that)
          Divide this unit by another unit.
 Unit ScaledUnit.divide(Unit that)
          Divides this unit by another unit.
 Unit PromiscuousUnit.divide(Unit that)
 Unit OffsetUnit.divide(Unit that)
          Divide an offset unit by another unit.
 Unit LogarithmicUnit.divide(Unit that)
          Divide this unit by another unit.
 Unit DerivedUnit.divide(Unit that)
          Divide a derived unit by another unit.
 Unit BaseUnit.divide(Unit that)
          Divide this unit by another unit.
protected abstract  Unit Unit.divideInto(Unit that)
          Divide this unit into another unit.
protected  Unit ScaledUnit.divideInto(Unit that)
          Divides this unit into another unit.
protected  Unit PromiscuousUnit.divideInto(Unit that)
protected  Unit OffsetUnit.divideInto(Unit that)
          Divide an offset unit into another unit.
protected  Unit LogarithmicUnit.divideInto(Unit that)
          Divide this unit into another unit.
protected  Unit DerivedUnit.divideInto(Unit that)
          Divide a derived unit into another unit.
protected  Unit BaseUnit.divideInto(Unit that)
          Divide this unit into another unit.
abstract  boolean Unit.equals(Unit unit)
          Indicates whether or not this instance is equal to a unit.
 boolean ScaledUnit.equals(Unit unit)
          Indicates if this instance is equal to a unit.
 boolean PromiscuousUnit.equals(Unit unit)
 boolean OffsetUnit.equals(Unit unit)
          Indicates if this instance equals a unit.
 boolean LogarithmicUnit.equals(Unit unit)
          Indicates if this instance equals a unit.
 boolean DerivedUnit.equals(Unit unit)
          Indicates if this instance equals a unit.
 boolean BaseUnit.equals(Unit unit)
          Indicates whether or not this instance equals a unit.
 double[][] CoordinateSystem.fromReference(double[][] value, Unit[] units)
          Convert values in Units specified to this CoordinateSystem's Units.
 float[][] CoordinateSystem.fromReference(float[][] value, Unit[] units)
          Convert values in Units specified to this CoordinateSystem's Units.
static RealType RealType.getRealType(String name, Unit u)
          Returns a RealType corresponding to a name and unit.
static RealType RealType.getRealType(String name, Unit u, int attrMask)
          Returns a RealType corresponding to a name, unit, and attribute mask.
static RealType RealType.getRealType(String name, Unit u, Set set)
          Returns a RealType corresponding to a name, unit, and representational set.
static RealType RealType.getRealType(String name, Unit u, Set set, int attrMask)
          Returns a RealType corresponding to a name, unit, representational set, and attribute mask.
 double RealIface.getValue(Unit unit_out)
          Returns the numeric value in a particular unit.
 double Real.getValue(Unit unit_out)
          Get the value for this Real converted to unit_out.
abstract  boolean Unit.isConvertible(Unit unit)
          Indicate whether this unit is convertible with another unit.
 boolean ScaledUnit.isConvertible(Unit unit)
          Indicate whether this unit is convertible with another unit.
 boolean PromiscuousUnit.isConvertible(Unit unit)
          Indicate whether this unit is convertible with another unit.
 boolean OffsetUnit.isConvertible(Unit unit)
          Indicate whether this unit is convertible with another unit.
 boolean LogarithmicUnit.isConvertible(Unit unit)
          Indicate whether this unit is convertible with another unit.
 boolean DerivedUnit.isConvertible(Unit unit)
          Indicate whether this unit is convertible with another unit.
 boolean BaseUnit.isConvertible(Unit unit)
          Indicate whether this unit is convertible with another unit.
 boolean ShadowType.makeContour(int valueArrayLength, int[] valueToScalar, float[][] display_values, int[] inherited_values, Vector MapVector, int[] valueToMap, int domain_length, boolean[][] range_select, int spatialManifoldDimension, Set spatial_set, byte[][] color_values, boolean indexed, Object group, GraphicsModeControl mode, boolean[] swap, float constant_alpha, float[] constant_color, ShadowType shadow_api, ShadowRealTupleType Domain, ShadowRealType[] DomainReferenceComponents, Set domain_set, Unit[] domain_units, CoordinateSystem dataCoordinateSystem)
 VisADGeometryArray Gridded3DSet.makeIsoSurfaceMissingSpatial(float isolevel, float[] fieldValues, byte[][] color_values, boolean indexed, ShadowRealTupleType Domain, ShadowRealTupleType domain_reference, Unit[] domain_units, CoordinateSystem dataCoordinateSystem, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, ShadowRealType[] DomainReferenceComponents, DisplayTupleType spatial_tuple, float[][] spatial_offset_values)
protected static void FlatField.makeRational(double[][] values, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors)
          Ensure that numeric values and units are in rational form, i.e. one in which ratios of data values make sense (e.g.
protected static void FlatField.makeRational(float[][] values, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors)
abstract  Unit Unit.multiply(Unit that)
          Multiply this unit by another unit.
 Unit ScaledUnit.multiply(Unit that)
          Multiplies this unit by another unit.
 Unit PromiscuousUnit.multiply(Unit that)
 Unit OffsetUnit.multiply(Unit that)
          Multiply an offset unit by another unit.
 Unit LogarithmicUnit.multiply(Unit that)
          Multiply this unit by another unit.
 Unit DerivedUnit.multiply(Unit that)
          Multiply a derived unit by another unit.
 Unit BaseUnit.multiply(Unit that)
          Multiply this unit by another unit.
 void DataRenderer.setEarthSpatialData(ShadowRealTupleType s_d_i, ShadowRealTupleType s_d_o, RealTupleType d_o, Unit[] d_u_o, RealTupleType d_i, CoordinateSystem[] d_c_i, Unit[] d_u_i)
          save information about relation between earth and display spatial coordinates, IF the arguments do define the relation
 void DataRenderer.setEarthSpatialData(ShadowRealTupleType s_d_i, ShadowRealTupleType s_d_o, RealTupleType d_o, Unit[] d_u_o, RealTupleType d_i, CoordinateSystem[] d_c_i, Unit[] d_u_i)
          save information about relation between earth and display spatial coordinates, IF the arguments do define the relation
 void ScalarMap.setOverrideUnit(Unit unit)
          Set display Unit to override default Unit of Scalar; MUST be called before any data are displayed
 double[][] CoordinateSystem.toReference(double[][] value, Unit[] units)
          Convert values in Units specified to Reference coordinates.
 float[][] CoordinateSystem.toReference(float[][] value, Unit[] units)
          Convert values in Units specified to Reference coordinates.
abstract  double[] Unit.toThat(double[] values, Unit that)
          Convert values from this unit to another unit.
 double[] ScaledUnit.toThat(double[] values, Unit that)
          Convert values from this unit to another unit.
 double[] PromiscuousUnit.toThat(double[] values, Unit that)
 double[] OffsetUnit.toThat(double[] values, Unit that)
          Convert values from this unit to another unit.
 double[] LogarithmicUnit.toThat(double[] values, Unit that)
          Convert values from this unit to another unit.
 double[] DerivedUnit.toThat(double[] values, Unit that)
          Convert values from this unit to another unit.
 double[] BaseUnit.toThat(double[] values, Unit that)
          Convert values from this unit to another unit.
 double[] Unit.toThat(double[] values, Unit that, boolean copy)
          Convert values from this unit to another unit.
 double[] ScaledUnit.toThat(double[] values, Unit that, boolean copy)
          Convert values from this unit to another unit.
 double[] OffsetUnit.toThat(double[] values, Unit that, boolean copy)
          Convert values from this unit to another unit.
 double[] LogarithmicUnit.toThat(double[] values, Unit that, boolean copy)
          Convert values from this unit to another unit.
 double[] DerivedUnit.toThat(double[] values, Unit that, boolean copy)
          Convert values from this unit to another unit.
 double[] BaseUnit.toThat(double[] values, Unit that, boolean copy)
          Convert values from this unit to another unit.
 double Unit.toThat(double value, Unit that)
          Convert a value from this unit to another unit.
abstract  float[] Unit.toThat(float[] values, Unit that)
          Convert values from this unit to another unit.
 float[] ScaledUnit.toThat(float[] values, Unit that)
          Convert values from this unit to another unit.
 float[] PromiscuousUnit.toThat(float[] values, Unit that)
 float[] OffsetUnit.toThat(float[] values, Unit that)
          Convert values from this unit to another unit.
 float[] LogarithmicUnit.toThat(float[] values, Unit that)
          Convert values from this unit to another unit.
 float[] DerivedUnit.toThat(float[] values, Unit that)
          Convert values from this unit to another unit.
 float[] BaseUnit.toThat(float[] values, Unit that)
          Convert values from this unit to another unit.
 float[] Unit.toThat(float[] values, Unit that, boolean copy)
          Convert values from this unit to another unit.
 float[] ScaledUnit.toThat(float[] values, Unit that, boolean copy)
          Convert values from this unit to another unit.
 float[] OffsetUnit.toThat(float[] values, Unit that, boolean copy)
          Convert values from this unit to another unit.
 float[] LogarithmicUnit.toThat(float[] values, Unit that, boolean copy)
          Convert values from this unit to another unit.
 float[] DerivedUnit.toThat(float[] values, Unit that, boolean copy)
          Convert values from this unit to another unit.
 float[] BaseUnit.toThat(float[] values, Unit that, boolean copy)
          Convert values from this unit to another unit.
abstract  double[] Unit.toThis(double[] values, Unit that)
          Convert values to this unit from another unit.
 double[] ScaledUnit.toThis(double[] values, Unit that)
          Convert values to this unit from another unit.
 double[] PromiscuousUnit.toThis(double[] values, Unit that)
 double[] OffsetUnit.toThis(double[] values, Unit that)
          Convert values to this unit from another unit.
 double[] LogarithmicUnit.toThis(double[] values, Unit that)
          Convert values to this unit from another unit.
 double[] DerivedUnit.toThis(double[] values, Unit that)
          Convert values to this unit from another unit.
 double[] BaseUnit.toThis(double[] values, Unit that)
          Convert values to this unit from another unit.
 double[] Unit.toThis(double[] values, Unit that, boolean copy)
          Convert values to this unit from another unit.
 double[] ScaledUnit.toThis(double[] values, Unit that, boolean copy)
          Convert values to this unit from another unit.
 double[] OffsetUnit.toThis(double[] values, Unit that, boolean copy)
          Convert values to this unit from another unit.
 double[] LogarithmicUnit.toThis(double[] values, Unit that, boolean copy)
          Convert values to this unit from another unit.
 double[] DerivedUnit.toThis(double[] values, Unit that, boolean copy)
          Convert values to this unit from another unit.
 double[] BaseUnit.toThis(double[] values, Unit that, boolean copy)
          Convert values to this unit from another unit.
 double Unit.toThis(double value, Unit that)
          Convert a value to this unit from another unit.
abstract  float[] Unit.toThis(float[] values, Unit that)
          Convert values to this unit from another unit.
 float[] ScaledUnit.toThis(float[] values, Unit that)
          Convert values to this unit from another unit.
 float[] PromiscuousUnit.toThis(float[] values, Unit that)
 float[] OffsetUnit.toThis(float[] values, Unit that)
          Convert values to this unit from another unit.
 float[] LogarithmicUnit.toThis(float[] values, Unit that)
          Convert values to this unit from another unit.
 float[] DerivedUnit.toThis(float[] values, Unit that)
          Convert values to this unit from another unit.
 float[] BaseUnit.toThis(float[] values, Unit that)
          Convert values to this unit from another unit.
 float[] Unit.toThis(float[] values, Unit that, boolean copy)
          Convert values to this unit from another unit.
 float[] ScaledUnit.toThis(float[] values, Unit that, boolean copy)
          Convert values to this unit from another unit.
 float[] OffsetUnit.toThis(float[] values, Unit that, boolean copy)
          Convert values to this unit from another unit.
 float[] LogarithmicUnit.toThis(float[] values, Unit that, boolean copy)
          Convert values to this unit from another unit.
 float[] DerivedUnit.toThis(float[] values, Unit that, boolean copy)
          Convert values to this unit from another unit.
 float[] BaseUnit.toThis(float[] values, Unit that, boolean copy)
          Convert values to this unit from another unit.
static double[][] CoordinateSystem.transformCoordinates(RealTupleType out, CoordinateSystem coord_out, Unit[] units_out, ErrorEstimate[] errors_out, RealTupleType in, CoordinateSystem coord_in, Unit[] units_in, ErrorEstimate[] errors_in, double[][] value)
          Transforms double-valued coordinates between two RealTupleTypes.
static double[][] CoordinateSystem.transformCoordinates(RealTupleType out, CoordinateSystem coord_out, Unit[] units_out, ErrorEstimate[] errors_out, RealTupleType in, CoordinateSystem coord_in, Unit[] units_in, ErrorEstimate[] errors_in, double[][] value)
          Transforms double-valued coordinates between two RealTupleTypes.
static double[][] CoordinateSystem.transformCoordinates(RealTupleType out, CoordinateSystem coord_out, Unit[] units_out, ErrorEstimate[] errors_out, RealTupleType in, CoordinateSystem coord_in, Unit[] units_in, ErrorEstimate[] errors_in, double[][] value, boolean copy)
          Transforms double-valued coordinates between two RealTupleTypes.
static double[][] CoordinateSystem.transformCoordinates(RealTupleType out, CoordinateSystem coord_out, Unit[] units_out, ErrorEstimate[] errors_out, RealTupleType in, CoordinateSystem coord_in, Unit[] units_in, ErrorEstimate[] errors_in, double[][] value, boolean copy)
          Transforms double-valued coordinates between two RealTupleTypes.
static float[][] CoordinateSystem.transformCoordinates(RealTupleType out, CoordinateSystem coord_out, Unit[] units_out, ErrorEstimate[] errors_out, RealTupleType in, CoordinateSystem coord_in, Unit[] units_in, ErrorEstimate[] errors_in, float[][] value)
          Transforms float-valued coordinates between two RealTupleTypes.
static float[][] CoordinateSystem.transformCoordinates(RealTupleType out, CoordinateSystem coord_out, Unit[] units_out, ErrorEstimate[] errors_out, RealTupleType in, CoordinateSystem coord_in, Unit[] units_in, ErrorEstimate[] errors_in, float[][] value)
          Transforms float-valued coordinates between two RealTupleTypes.
static float[][] CoordinateSystem.transformCoordinates(RealTupleType out, CoordinateSystem coord_out, Unit[] units_out, ErrorEstimate[] errors_out, RealTupleType in, CoordinateSystem coord_in, Unit[] units_in, ErrorEstimate[] errors_in, float[][] value, boolean copy)
          Transforms float-valued coordinates between two RealTupleTypes.
static float[][] CoordinateSystem.transformCoordinates(RealTupleType out, CoordinateSystem coord_out, Unit[] units_out, ErrorEstimate[] errors_out, RealTupleType in, CoordinateSystem coord_in, Unit[] units_in, ErrorEstimate[] errors_in, float[][] value, boolean copy)
          Transforms float-valued coordinates between two RealTupleTypes.
static double[][] CoordinateSystem.transformCoordinatesFreeUnits(RealTupleType out, CoordinateSystem coord_out, Unit[] units_out, ErrorEstimate[] errors_out, RealTupleType in, CoordinateSystem coord_in, Unit[] units_in, ErrorEstimate[] errors_in, double[][] value)
          Transforms double-valued coordinates between two RealTupleTypes.
static double[][] CoordinateSystem.transformCoordinatesFreeUnits(RealTupleType out, CoordinateSystem coord_out, Unit[] units_out, ErrorEstimate[] errors_out, RealTupleType in, CoordinateSystem coord_in, Unit[] units_in, ErrorEstimate[] errors_in, double[][] value)
          Transforms double-valued coordinates between two RealTupleTypes.
static float[][] CoordinateSystem.transformCoordinatesFreeUnits(RealTupleType out, CoordinateSystem coord_out, Unit[] units_out, ErrorEstimate[] errors_out, RealTupleType in, CoordinateSystem coord_in, Unit[] units_in, ErrorEstimate[] errors_in, float[][] value)
          Transforms float-valued coordinates between two RealTupleTypes.
static float[][] CoordinateSystem.transformCoordinatesFreeUnits(RealTupleType out, CoordinateSystem coord_out, Unit[] units_out, ErrorEstimate[] errors_out, RealTupleType in, CoordinateSystem coord_in, Unit[] units_in, ErrorEstimate[] errors_in, float[][] value)
          Transforms float-valued coordinates between two RealTupleTypes.
static double[] Unit.transformUnits(Unit unit_out, ErrorEstimate[] errors_out, Unit unit_in, ErrorEstimate error_in, double[] value)
          Transform double values and (optionally) error estimates.
static double[] Unit.transformUnits(Unit unit_out, ErrorEstimate[] errors_out, Unit unit_in, ErrorEstimate error_in, double[] value, boolean copy)
          Transform double values and (optionally) error estimates.
static float[] Unit.transformUnits(Unit unit_out, ErrorEstimate[] errors_out, Unit unit_in, ErrorEstimate error_in, float[] value)
          Transform float values and (optionally) error estimates.
static float[] Unit.transformUnits(Unit unit_out, ErrorEstimate[] errors_out, Unit unit_in, ErrorEstimate error_in, float[] value, boolean copy)
          Transform float values and (optionally) error estimates.
 RealTuple RealVectorType.transformVectors(RealTupleType out, CoordinateSystem coord_out, Unit[] units_out, ErrorEstimate[] loc_errors_out, RealTupleType in, CoordinateSystem coord_in, Unit[] units_in, CoordinateSystem coord_vector, double[][] inloc, double[][] outloc, RealTuple tuple)
          transform a single vector in a RealTuple, based on a coordinate transform of the field domain.
 RealTuple RealVectorType.transformVectors(RealTupleType out, CoordinateSystem coord_out, Unit[] units_out, ErrorEstimate[] loc_errors_out, RealTupleType in, CoordinateSystem coord_in, Unit[] units_in, CoordinateSystem coord_vector, double[][] inloc, double[][] outloc, RealTuple tuple)
          transform a single vector in a RealTuple, based on a coordinate transform of the field domain.
abstract  double[][] RealVectorType.transformVectors(RealTupleType out, CoordinateSystem coord_out, Unit[] units_out, ErrorEstimate[] loc_errors_out, RealTupleType in, CoordinateSystem coord_in, Unit[] units_in, CoordinateSystem coord_vector, ErrorEstimate[] errors_in, ErrorEstimate[] errors_out, double[][] inloc, double[][] outloc, double[][] value)
          transform an array of vector values from a field, based on a coordinate transform of the field domain.
abstract  double[][] RealVectorType.transformVectors(RealTupleType out, CoordinateSystem coord_out, Unit[] units_out, ErrorEstimate[] loc_errors_out, RealTupleType in, CoordinateSystem coord_in, Unit[] units_in, CoordinateSystem coord_vector, ErrorEstimate[] errors_in, ErrorEstimate[] errors_out, double[][] inloc, double[][] outloc, double[][] value)
          transform an array of vector values from a field, based on a coordinate transform of the field domain.
 double[][] GridVectorType.transformVectors(RealTupleType out, CoordinateSystem coord_out, Unit[] units_out, ErrorEstimate[] loc_errors_out, RealTupleType in, CoordinateSystem coord_in, Unit[] units_in, CoordinateSystem coord_vector, ErrorEstimate[] errors_in, ErrorEstimate[] errors_out, double[][] inloc, double[][] outloc, double[][] value)
          transform an array of vector values from a field, based on a coordinate transform of the field domain.
 double[][] GridVectorType.transformVectors(RealTupleType out, CoordinateSystem coord_out, Unit[] units_out, ErrorEstimate[] loc_errors_out, RealTupleType in, CoordinateSystem coord_in, Unit[] units_in, CoordinateSystem coord_vector, ErrorEstimate[] errors_in, ErrorEstimate[] errors_out, double[][] inloc, double[][] outloc, double[][] value)
          transform an array of vector values from a field, based on a coordinate transform of the field domain.
 double[][] EarthVectorType.transformVectors(RealTupleType out, CoordinateSystem coord_out, Unit[] units_out, ErrorEstimate[] loc_errors_out, RealTupleType in, CoordinateSystem coord_in, Unit[] units_in, CoordinateSystem coord_vector, ErrorEstimate[] errors_in, ErrorEstimate[] errors_out, double[][] inloc, double[][] outloc, double[][] value)
          transform an array of vector values from a field, based on a coordinate transform of the field domain.
 double[][] EarthVectorType.transformVectors(RealTupleType out, CoordinateSystem coord_out, Unit[] units_out, ErrorEstimate[] loc_errors_out, RealTupleType in, CoordinateSystem coord_in, Unit[] units_in, CoordinateSystem coord_vector, ErrorEstimate[] errors_in, ErrorEstimate[] errors_out, double[][] inloc, double[][] outloc, double[][] value)
          transform an array of vector values from a field, based on a coordinate transform of the field domain.
 float[][] RealVectorType.transformVectors(RealTupleType out, CoordinateSystem coord_out, Unit[] units_out, ErrorEstimate[] loc_errors_out, RealTupleType in, CoordinateSystem coord_in, Unit[] units_in, CoordinateSystem coord_vector, ErrorEstimate[] errors_in, ErrorEstimate[] errors_out, float[][] inloc, float[][] outloc, float[][] value)
 float[][] RealVectorType.transformVectors(RealTupleType out, CoordinateSystem coord_out, Unit[] units_out, ErrorEstimate[] loc_errors_out, RealTupleType in, CoordinateSystem coord_in, Unit[] units_in, CoordinateSystem coord_vector, ErrorEstimate[] errors_in, ErrorEstimate[] errors_out, float[][] inloc, float[][] outloc, float[][] value)
 float[][] GridVectorType.transformVectors(RealTupleType out, CoordinateSystem coord_out, Unit[] units_out, ErrorEstimate[] loc_errors_out, RealTupleType in, CoordinateSystem coord_in, Unit[] units_in, CoordinateSystem coord_vector, ErrorEstimate[] errors_in, ErrorEstimate[] errors_out, float[][] inloc, float[][] outloc, float[][] value)
          transform an array of vector values from a field, based on a coordinate transform of the field domain.
 float[][] GridVectorType.transformVectors(RealTupleType out, CoordinateSystem coord_out, Unit[] units_out, ErrorEstimate[] loc_errors_out, RealTupleType in, CoordinateSystem coord_in, Unit[] units_in, CoordinateSystem coord_vector, ErrorEstimate[] errors_in, ErrorEstimate[] errors_out, float[][] inloc, float[][] outloc, float[][] value)
          transform an array of vector values from a field, based on a coordinate transform of the field domain.
 float[][] EarthVectorType.transformVectors(RealTupleType out, CoordinateSystem coord_out, Unit[] units_out, ErrorEstimate[] loc_errors_out, RealTupleType in, CoordinateSystem coord_in, Unit[] units_in, CoordinateSystem coord_vector, ErrorEstimate[] errors_in, ErrorEstimate[] errors_out, float[][] inloc, float[][] outloc, float[][] value)
          transform an array of vector values from a field, based on a coordinate transform of the field domain.
 float[][] EarthVectorType.transformVectors(RealTupleType out, CoordinateSystem coord_out, Unit[] units_out, ErrorEstimate[] loc_errors_out, RealTupleType in, CoordinateSystem coord_in, Unit[] units_in, CoordinateSystem coord_vector, ErrorEstimate[] errors_in, ErrorEstimate[] errors_out, float[][] inloc, float[][] outloc, float[][] value)
          transform an array of vector values from a field, based on a coordinate transform of the field domain.
 RealTuple RealVectorType.transformVectors(RealTupleType out, CoordinateSystem coord_out, Unit[] units_out, ErrorEstimate[] loc_errors_out, RealTupleType in, CoordinateSystem coord_in, Unit[] units_in, CoordinateSystem coord_vector, float[][] inloc, float[][] outloc, RealTuple tuple)
 RealTuple RealVectorType.transformVectors(RealTupleType out, CoordinateSystem coord_out, Unit[] units_out, ErrorEstimate[] loc_errors_out, RealTupleType in, CoordinateSystem coord_in, Unit[] units_in, CoordinateSystem coord_vector, float[][] inloc, float[][] outloc, RealTuple tuple)

Constructors in visad with parameters of type Unit
CoordinateSystem(RealTupleType reference, Unit[] units)
          Constructs from the type of the reference coordinate system and units for values in this coordinate system.
DateTime(double timeValue, Unit timeUnits)
          Construct a DateTime object from a tim value and a Unit
DisplayRealType(String name, boolean single, double low, double hi, double def, Unit unit)
          construct a DisplayRealType
DisplayRealType(String name, boolean single, double def, Unit unit)
          construct a DisplayRealType whose values are not scaled
DoubleSet(MathType type, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units)
          construct a DoubleSet with null CoordinateSystem and Units
DoubleStringTuple(TupleType type, Data[] prototypes, double[] doubles, String[] strings, Unit[] units)
DoubleStringTuple(TupleType type, double[] doubles, String[] strings, Unit[] units)
          Construct a DoubleStringTuple
DoubleTuple(RealTupleType type, Data[] prototypes, double[] doubles, Unit[] units)
DoubleTuple(RealTupleType type, double[] doubles, Unit[] units)
          Construct a new DoubleTuple
ErrorEstimate(double[] value, double error, Unit u)
          construct an ErrorEstimate for an array of values with an error
ErrorEstimate(double[] value, Unit u, int op, ErrorEstimate a, ErrorEstimate b, int error_mode)
          construct Error for an array of values that is the result of a binary operator; a and b are the ErrorEstimate-s for the operands
ErrorEstimate(double[] value, Unit u, int op, ErrorEstimate a, int error_mode)
          construct Error for an array of values that is the result of a unary operator; a is the ErrorEstimate for the operand
ErrorEstimate(double error, double mean, long number, Unit u)
          construct an error distribution of number values with given mean and error (variance), in Unit unit

Note that the mean and error parameters are reversed in this method
ErrorEstimate(double mean, double error, Unit u)
          construct an error distribution of 1 value with given mean and error (variance), in Unit unit
ErrorEstimate(double value, Unit u, int op, ErrorEstimate a, ErrorEstimate b, int error_mode)
          construct an ErrorEstimate for a value that is the result of a binary operator; a and b are the ErrorEstimate-s for the operands
ErrorEstimate(double value, Unit u, int op, ErrorEstimate a, int error_mode)
          construct an ErrorEstimate for a value that is the result of a unary operator; a is the ErrorEstimate for the operand
ErrorEstimate(float[] value, double error, Unit u)
          construct an ErrorEstimate for an array of values with an error
ErrorEstimate(float[] value, Unit u, int op, ErrorEstimate a, ErrorEstimate b, int error_mode)
          construct Error for an array of values that is the result of a binary operator; a and b are the ErrorEstimate-s for the operands
ErrorEstimate(float[] value, Unit u, int op, ErrorEstimate a, int error_mode)
          construct Error for an array of values that is the result of a unary operator; a is the ErrorEstimate for the operand
FlatField(FunctionType type, Set domain_set, CoordinateSystem[] range_coord_syses, Set[] range_sets, Unit[] units)
          Constructs a FlatField from a function type, a sampling set of the domain, coordinate systems for the range components, sampling sets for the range components, and units for the range components.
FlatField(FunctionType type, Set domain_set, CoordinateSystem range_coord_sys, CoordinateSystem[] range_coord_syses, Set[] range_sets, Unit[] units)
          Constructs a FlatField from a function type, a sampling set of the domain, a coordinate system for the range, coordinate systems for the range components, sampling sets for the range components, and units for the range components.
FlatField(FunctionType type, Set domain_set, CoordinateSystem range_coord_sys, Set[] range_sets, Unit[] units)
          Constructs a FlatField from a function type, a sampling set of the domain, a coordinate system for the range, sampling sets for the range components, and units for the range components.
FloatSet(MathType type, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units)
          the set of values representable by N floats; type must be a RealType, a RealTupleType or a SetType; coordinate_system and units must be compatible with defaults for type, or may be null; a FloatSet may not be used as a Field domain
Gridded1DDoubleSet(MathType type, double[][] samples, int lengthX, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors)
Gridded1DDoubleSet(MathType type, double[][] samples, int lengthX, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, boolean copy)
          a 1-D sorted sequence with no regular interval. samples array is organized double[1][number_of_samples] where lengthX = number_of_samples. samples must be sorted (either increasing or decreasing). coordinate_system and units must be compatible with defaults for type, or may be null. errors may be null
Gridded1DDoubleSet(MathType type, float[][] samples, int lengthX, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors)
Gridded1DDoubleSet(MathType type, float[][] samples, int lengthX, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, boolean copy)
          a 1-D sorted sequence with no regular interval. samples array is organized float[1][number_of_samples] where lengthX = number_of_samples. samples must be sorted (either increasing or decreasing). coordinate_system and units must be compatible with defaults for type, or may be null. errors may be null
Gridded1DSet(MathType type, float[][] samples, int lengthX, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors)
          Constructs a 1-D sorted sequence with no regular interval.
Gridded1DSet(MathType type, float[][] samples, int lengthX, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, boolean copy)
          Constructs a 1-D sorted sequence with no regular interval.
Gridded2DDoubleSet(MathType type, double[][] samples, int lengthX, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors)
          a 2-D set with manifold dimension = 1; samples array is organized double[2][number_of_samples] where lengthX = number_of_samples; no geometric constraint on samples; coordinate_system and units must be compatible with defaults for type, or may be null; errors may be null
Gridded2DDoubleSet(MathType type, double[][] samples, int lengthX, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, boolean copy)
Gridded2DDoubleSet(MathType type, double[][] samples, int lengthX, int lengthY, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors)
          a 2-D set whose topology is a lengthX x lengthY grid; samples array is organized double[2][number_of_samples] where lengthX * lengthY = number_of_samples; samples must form a non-degenerate 2-D grid (no bow-tie-shaped grid boxes); the X component increases fastest in the second index of samples; coordinate_system and units must be compatible with defaults for type, or may be null; errors may be null
Gridded2DDoubleSet(MathType type, double[][] samples, int lengthX, int lengthY, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, boolean copy)
Gridded2DDoubleSet(MathType type, double[][] samples, int lengthX, int lengthY, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, boolean copy, boolean test)
Gridded2DDoubleSet(MathType type, float[][] samples, int lengthX, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors)
          a 2-D set with manifold dimension = 1; samples array is organized float[2][number_of_samples] where lengthX = number_of_samples; no geometric constraint on samples; coordinate_system and units must be compatible with defaults for type, or may be null; errors may be null
Gridded2DDoubleSet(MathType type, float[][] samples, int lengthX, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, boolean copy)
Gridded2DDoubleSet(MathType type, float[][] samples, int lengthX, int lengthY, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors)
          a 2-D set whose topology is a lengthX x lengthY grid; samples array is organized float[2][number_of_samples] where lengthX * lengthY = number_of_samples; samples must form a non-degenerate 2-D grid (no bow-tie-shaped grid boxes); the X component increases fastest in the second index of samples; coordinate_system and units must be compatible with defaults for type, or may be null; errors may be null
Gridded2DSet(MathType type, float[][] samples, int lengthX, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors)
          a 2-D set with manifold dimension = 1; samples array is organized float[2][number_of_samples] where lengthX = number_of_samples; no geometric constraint on samples; coordinate_system and units must be compatible with defaults for type, or may be null; errors may be null
Gridded2DSet(MathType type, float[][] samples, int lengthX, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, boolean copy)
Gridded2DSet(MathType type, float[][] samples, int lengthX, int lengthY, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors)
          a 2-D set whose topology is a lengthX x lengthY grid; samples array is organized float[2][number_of_samples] where lengthX * lengthY = number_of_samples; samples must form a non-degenerate 2-D grid (no bow-tie-shaped grid boxes); the X component increases fastest in the second index of samples; coordinate_system and units must be compatible with defaults for type, or may be null; errors may be null
Gridded2DSet(MathType type, float[][] samples, int lengthX, int lengthY, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, boolean copy)
Gridded2DSet(MathType type, float[][] samples, int lengthX, int lengthY, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, boolean copy, boolean test)
Gridded3DDoubleSet(MathType type, double[][] samples, int lengthX, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors)
          a 3-D set with manifold dimension = 1; samples array is organized double[3][number_of_samples] where lengthX = number_of_samples; no geometric constraint on samples; coordinate_system and units must be compatible with defaults for type, or may be null; errors may be null
Gridded3DDoubleSet(MathType type, double[][] samples, int lengthX, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, boolean copy)
Gridded3DDoubleSet(MathType type, double[][] samples, int lengthX, int lengthY, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors)
          a 3-D set with manifold dimension = 2; samples array is organized double[3][number_of_samples] where lengthX * lengthY = number_of_samples; no geometric constraint on samples; the X component increases fastest in the second index of samples; coordinate_system and units must be compatible with defaults for type, or may be null; errors may be null
Gridded3DDoubleSet(MathType type, double[][] samples, int lengthX, int lengthY, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, boolean copy)
Gridded3DDoubleSet(MathType type, double[][] samples, int lengthX, int lengthY, int lengthZ, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors)
          a 3-D set whose topology is a lengthX x lengthY x lengthZ grid; samples array is organized double[3][number_of_samples] where lengthX * lengthY * lengthZ = number_of_samples; samples must form a non-degenerate 3-D grid (no bow-tie-shaped grid cubes); the X component increases fastest and the Z component slowest in the second index of samples; coordinate_system and units must be compatible with defaults for type, or may be null; errors may be null
Gridded3DDoubleSet(MathType type, double[][] samples, int lengthX, int lengthY, int lengthZ, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, boolean copy)
Gridded3DDoubleSet(MathType type, double[][] samples, int lengthX, int lengthY, int lengthZ, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, boolean copy, boolean test)
Gridded3DDoubleSet(MathType type, float[][] samples, int lengthX, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors)
          a 3-D set with manifold dimension = 1; samples array is organized float[3][number_of_samples] where lengthX = number_of_samples; no geometric constraint on samples; coordinate_system and units must be compatible with defaults for type, or may be null; errors may be null
Gridded3DDoubleSet(MathType type, float[][] samples, int lengthX, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, boolean copy)
Gridded3DDoubleSet(MathType type, float[][] samples, int lengthX, int lengthY, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors)
          a 3-D set with manifold dimension = 2; samples array is organized float[3][number_of_samples] where lengthX * lengthY = number_of_samples; no geometric constraint on samples; the X component increases fastest in the second index of samples; coordinate_system and units must be compatible with defaults for type, or may be null; errors may be null
Gridded3DDoubleSet(MathType type, float[][] samples, int lengthX, int lengthY, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, boolean copy)
Gridded3DDoubleSet(MathType type, float[][] samples, int lengthX, int lengthY, int lengthZ, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors)
          a 3-D set whose topology is a lengthX x lengthY x lengthZ grid; samples array is organized float[3][number_of_samples] where lengthX * lengthY * lengthZ = number_of_samples; samples must form a non-degenerate 3-D grid (no bow-tie-shaped grid cubes); the X component increases fastest and the Z component slowest in the second index of samples; coordinate_system and units must be compatible with defaults for type, or may be null; errors may be null
Gridded3DDoubleSet(MathType type, float[][] samples, int lengthX, int lengthY, int lengthZ, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, boolean copy)
Gridded3DSet(MathType type, float[][] samples, int lengthX, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors)
          a 3-D set with manifold dimension = 1; samples array is organized float[3][number_of_samples] where lengthX = number_of_samples; no geometric constraint on samples; coordinate_system and units must be compatible with defaults for type, or may be null; errors may be null
Gridded3DSet(MathType type, float[][] samples, int lengthX, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, boolean copy)
Gridded3DSet(MathType type, float[][] samples, int lengthX, int lengthY, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors)
          a 3-D set with manifold dimension = 2; samples array is organized float[3][number_of_samples] where lengthX * lengthY = number_of_samples; no geometric constraint on samples; the X component increases fastest in the second index of samples; coordinate_system and units must be compatible with defaults for type, or may be null; errors may be null
Gridded3DSet(MathType type, float[][] samples, int lengthX, int lengthY, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, boolean copy)
Gridded3DSet(MathType type, float[][] samples, int lengthX, int lengthY, int lengthZ, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors)
          a 3-D set whose topology is a lengthX x lengthY x lengthZ grid; samples array is organized float[3][number_of_samples] where lengthX * lengthY * lengthZ = number_of_samples; samples must form a non-degenerate 3-D grid (no bow-tie-shaped grid cubes); the X component increases fastest and the Z component slowest in the second index of samples; coordinate_system and units must be compatible with defaults for type, or may be null; errors may be null
Gridded3DSet(MathType type, float[][] samples, int lengthX, int lengthY, int lengthZ, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, boolean copy)
Gridded3DSet(MathType type, float[][] samples, int lengthX, int lengthY, int lengthZ, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, boolean copy, boolean test)
GriddedSet(MathType type, float[][] samples, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors)
          construct a GriddedSet with samples and non-default CoordinateSystem
GriddedSet(MathType type, float[][] samples, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, boolean copy)
IdentityCoordinateSystem(RealTupleType type, Unit[] units)
          Construct a new IdentityCoordinateSystem for values of the type specified.
ImageFlatField(FunctionType type, Set domain_set, CoordinateSystem[] range_coord_syses, Set[] range_sets, Unit[] units)
ImageFlatField(FunctionType type, Set domain_set, CoordinateSystem range_coord_sys, CoordinateSystem[] range_coord_syses, Set[] range_sets, Unit[] units)
ImageFlatField(FunctionType type, Set domain_set, CoordinateSystem range_coord_sys, Set[] range_sets, Unit[] units)
Integer1DSet(MathType type, int length, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors)
          construct a 1-dimensional set with values {0, 1, ..., length-1}; coordinate_system and units must be compatible with defaults for type, or may be null; errors may be null
Integer2DSet(MathType type, Integer1DSet[] sets, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors)
Integer2DSet(MathType type, int length1, int length2, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors)
          construct a 2-dimensional set with values {0, 1, ..., length1-1} x {0, 1, ..., length2-1}; coordinate_system and units must be compatible with defaults for type, or may be null; errors may be null
Integer3DSet(MathType type, Integer1DSet[] sets, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors)
Integer3DSet(MathType type, int length1, int length2, int length3, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors)
          construct a 3-dimensional set with values {0, 1, ..., length1-1} x {0, 1, ..., length2-1} x {0, 1, ..., length3-1}; coordinate_system and units must be compatible with defaults for type, or may be null; errors may be null
IntegerNDSet(MathType type, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors)
          construct an N-dimensional set with values in the cross product of {0, 1, ..., lengths[i]-1} for i=0, ..., lengths[lengths.length-1]; coordinate_system and units must be compatible with defaults for type, or may be null; errors may be null
IntegerNDSet(MathType type, Integer1DSet[] sets, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors)
          construct an N-dimensional set with values in the cross product of {0, 1, ..., lengths[i]-1} for i=0, ..., lengths[lengths.length-1]; coordinate_system and units must be compatible with defaults for type, or may be null; errors may be null
Irregular1DSet(MathType type, float[][] samples, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors)
          a 1-D irregular set; samples array is organized float[1][number_of_samples]; samples need not be sorted - the constructor sorts samples to define a 1-D "triangulation"; coordinate_system and units must be compatible with defaults for type, or may be null; errors may be null
Irregular1DSet(MathType type, float[][] samples, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, boolean copy)
Irregular2DSet(MathType type, float[][] samples, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Delaunay delan)
          a 2-D irregular set; samples array is organized float[2][number_of_samples]; no geometric constraint on samples; if delan is non-null it defines the topology of samples (which must have manifold dimension 2), else the constructor computes a topology with manifold dimension 2; note that Gridded2DSet can be used for an irregular set with domain dimension 2 and manifold dimension 1; coordinate_system and units must be compatible with defaults for type, or may be null; errors may be null
Irregular2DSet(MathType type, float[][] samples, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Delaunay delan, boolean copy)
Irregular2DSet(MathType type, float[][] samples, int[] new2old, int[] old2new, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors)
          complete constructor for constructing Irregular2DSet using sort from existing Irregular1DSet
Irregular2DSet(MathType type, float[][] samples, int[] new2old, int[] old2new, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, boolean copy)
Irregular3DSet(MathType type, float[][] samples, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Delaunay delan)
          a 3-D irregular set; samples array is organized float[3][number_of_samples]; no geometric constraint on samples; if delan is non-null it defines the topology of samples (which may have manifold dimension 2 or 3), else the constructor computes a topology with manifold dimension 3; note that Gridded3DSet can be used for an irregular set with domain dimension 3 and manifold dimension 1; coordinate_system and units must be compatible with defaults for type, or may be null; errors may be null
Irregular3DSet(MathType type, float[][] samples, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Delaunay delan, boolean copy)
Irregular3DSet(MathType type, float[][] samples, int[] new2old, int[] old2new, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors)
          construct Irregular3DSet using sort from existing Irregular1DSet
Irregular3DSet(MathType type, float[][] samples, int[] new2old, int[] old2new, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, boolean copy)
IrregularSet(MathType type, float[][] samples, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors)
          construct an IrregularSet with non-default CoordinateSystem
IrregularSet(MathType type, float[][] samples, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Delaunay delan)
          construct an IrregularSet with non-default CoordinateSystem and non-default Delaunay
IrregularSet(MathType type, float[][] samples, int manifold_dimension, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Delaunay delan)
          construct an IrregularSet with ManifoldDimension !
IrregularSet(MathType type, float[][] samples, int manifold_dimension, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Delaunay delan, boolean copy)
Linear1DSet(MathType type, double first, double last, int length, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors)
          Construct a 1-D arithmetic progression with the specified type, coord_sys, units and errors.
Linear1DSet(MathType type, double first, double last, int length, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, boolean cache)
          Construct a 1-D arithmetic progression with the specified type, coord_sys, units and errors.
Linear2DSet(MathType type, double first1, double last1, int length1, double first2, double last2, int length2, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors)
          Construct a 2-D cross product of arithmetic progressions with the specified type, coord_sys, units and errors.
Linear2DSet(MathType type, double first1, double last1, int length1, double first2, double last2, int length2, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, boolean cache)
          Construct a 2-D cross product of arithmetic progressions with the specified type, coord_sys, units and errors.
Linear2DSet(MathType type, Linear1DSet[] sets, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors)
          Construct a 2-D cross product of sets, with the specified type, coord_sys, units and errors.
Linear2DSet(MathType type, Linear1DSet[] sets, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, boolean cache)
          Construct a 2-D cross product of sets, with the specified type, coord_sys, units and errors.
Linear3DSet(MathType type, double first1, double last1, int length1, double first2, double last2, int length2, double first3, double last3, int length3, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors)
          Construct a 3-D cross product of arithmetic progressions with the specified type, coord_sys, units and errors.
Linear3DSet(MathType type, double first1, double last1, int length1, double first2, double last2, int length2, double first3, double last3, int length3, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, boolean cache)
          Construct a 3-D cross product of arithmetic progressions with the specified type, coord_sys, units and errors.
Linear3DSet(MathType type, Linear1DSet[] sets, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors)
          Construct a 3-D cross product of sets, with the specified type, coord_sys, units and errors.
Linear3DSet(MathType type, Linear1DSet[] sets, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, boolean cache)
          Construct a 3-D cross product of sets, with the specified type, coord_sys, units and errors.
LinearLatLonSet(MathType type, double first1, double last1, int length1, double first2, double last2, int length2, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors)
          Construct a 2-D cross product of arithmetic progressions whose east and west edges may be joined (for interpolation purposes), with specified errors, coord_sys and units.
LinearLatLonSet(MathType type, double first1, double last1, int length1, double first2, double last2, int length2, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, boolean cache)
          Construct a 2-D cross product of arithmetic progressions whose east and west edges may be joined (for interpolation purposes), with specified errors, coord_sys and units.
LinearLatLonSet(MathType type, Linear1DSet[] sets, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors)
          Construct a 2-D cross product of arithmetic progressions whose east and west edges may be joined (for interpolation purposes), with specified errors, coord_sys and units.
LinearLatLonSet(MathType type, Linear1DSet[] sets, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, boolean cache)
          Construct a 2-D cross product of arithmetic progressions whose east and west edges may be joined (for interpolation purposes), with specified errors, coord_sys and units.
LinearNDSet(MathType type, double[] firsts, double[] lasts, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors)
          Construct an N-dimensional set as the product of N arithmetic progressions (lengths[i] samples between firsts[i] and lasts[i]), coordinate_system and units must be compatible with defaults for type, or may be null; errors may be null.
LinearNDSet(MathType type, double[] firsts, double[] lasts, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, boolean cache)
          Construct an N-dimensional set as the product of N arithmetic progressions (lengths[i] samples between firsts[i] and lasts[i]), coordinate_system and units must be compatible with defaults for type, or may be null; errors may be null.
LinearNDSet(MathType type, Linear1DSet[] l, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors)
          Construct an N-dimensional set as the product of N Linear1DSets; coordinate_system and units must be compatible with defaults for type, or may be null; errors may be null
LinearNDSet(MathType type, Linear1DSet[] l, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, boolean cache)
          Construct an N-dimensional set as the product of N Linear1DSets; coordinate_system and units must be compatible with defaults for type, or may be null; errors may be null
List1DDoubleSet(double[] d, MathType type, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units)
          Constructs with a non-default CoordinateSystem.
List1DSet(float[] d, MathType type, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units)
          Constructs with a non-default CoordinateSystem.
OffsetUnit(double offset, Unit unit)
          Construct an offset unit from another unit.
OffsetUnit(double offset, Unit unit, String identifier)
          Construct an offset unit from another unit and an identifier.
ProductSet(MathType type, SampledSet[] sets, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors)
          create the product of the sets array; coordinate_system and units must be compatible with defaults for type, or may be null; errors may be null
QuantityDimension(Unit unit)
          Constructs from an existing Unit.
Real(RealType type, double value, Unit u)
          Constructs a Real object.
Real(RealType type, double value, Unit u, double error)
          Constructs a Real object.
Real(RealType type, double value, Unit u, ErrorEstimate error)
          Constructs a Real object.
Real(RealType type, double value, Unit u, ErrorEstimate error, boolean checkUnit)
          trusted constructor for other constructors
RealTuple(RealTupleType type, Real[] reals, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, boolean checkUnits)
          Construct a RealTuple according to an array of Real objects; coordinate_system may be null; otherwise coordinate_system.getReference() must equal type.getCoordinateSystem.getReference()
RealType(String name, Unit u)
          Deprecated. Use RealType.getRealType(String, Unit)
RealType(String name, Unit u, boolean b)
          trusted constructor for initializers
RealType(String name, Unit u, int attrMask, boolean b)
          trusted constructor for initializers
RealType(String name, Unit u, Set set)
          Deprecated. Use RealType.getRealType(String, Unit, Set)
RealType(String name, Unit u, Set set, int attrMask)
          Deprecated. Use RealType.getRealType(String, Unit, Set, int)
RealType(String name, Unit u, Set s, int attrMask, boolean b)
          trusted constructor for initializers
SampledSet(MathType type, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors)
SampledSet(MathType type, int manifold_dimension, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors)
ScaledUnit(double amount, Unit unit)
          Constructs a scaled unit from another unit.
ScaledUnit(double amount, Unit unit, String identifier)
          Constructs a scaled unit from another unit and an identifier.
Set(MathType type, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors)
          Constructs a Set object with a non-default CoordinateSystem, non-default Unit-s, and non-default errors.
SimpleSet(MathType type, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors)
SimpleSet(MathType type, int manifold_dimension, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors)
SingletonSet(RealTuple d, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors)
          Construct a SingletonSet with the single sample given by a RealTuple, and a non-default CoordinateSystem, Units and ErrorEstimates.
SingletonSet(RealTupleType type, double[] values, CoordinateSystem coordSys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors)
          Constructs from a type, numeric values, units, coordinate system, and error estimates.
UnionSet(MathType type, SampledSet[] sets, CoordinateSystem coord_sys, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, boolean copy)

Uses of Unit in

Methods in with parameters of type Unit
 void ShadowImageFunctionTypeJ3D.buildCurvedTexture(Object group, Set domain_set, Unit[] dataUnits, Unit[] domain_units, float[] default_values, ShadowRealType[] DomainComponents, int valueArrayLength, int[] inherited_values, int[] valueToScalar, GraphicsModeControl mode, float constant_alpha, float[] value_array, float[] constant_color, byte[][] color_bytes, DisplayImpl display, int curved_size, ShadowRealTupleType Domain, CoordinateSystem dataCoordinateSystem, DataRenderer renderer, ShadowFunctionOrSetType adaptedShadowType, int[] start, int lenX, int lenY, float[][] samples, int bigX, int bigY)
 void ShadowImageFunctionTypeJ3D.buildCurvedTexture(Object group, Set domain_set, Unit[] dataUnits, Unit[] domain_units, float[] default_values, ShadowRealType[] DomainComponents, int valueArrayLength, int[] inherited_values, int[] valueToScalar, GraphicsModeControl mode, float constant_alpha, float[] value_array, float[] constant_color, byte[][] color_bytes, DisplayImpl display, int curved_size, ShadowRealTupleType Domain, CoordinateSystem dataCoordinateSystem, DataRenderer renderer, ShadowFunctionOrSetType adaptedShadowType, int[] start, int lenX, int lenY, float[][] samples, int bigX, int bigY)
 void ShadowImageByRefFunctionTypeJ3D.buildCurvedTexture(Object group, Set domain_set, Unit[] dataUnits, Unit[] domain_units, float[] default_values, ShadowRealType[] DomainComponents, int valueArrayLength, int[] inherited_values, int[] valueToScalar, GraphicsModeControl mode, float constant_alpha, float[] value_array, float[] constant_color, DisplayImpl display, int curved_size, ShadowRealTupleType Domain, CoordinateSystem dataCoordinateSystem, DataRenderer renderer, ShadowFunctionOrSetType adaptedShadowType, int[] start, int lenX, int lenY, int bigX, int bigY, VisADImageTile tile)
 void ShadowImageByRefFunctionTypeJ3D.buildCurvedTexture(Object group, Set domain_set, Unit[] dataUnits, Unit[] domain_units, float[] default_values, ShadowRealType[] DomainComponents, int valueArrayLength, int[] inherited_values, int[] valueToScalar, GraphicsModeControl mode, float constant_alpha, float[] value_array, float[] constant_color, DisplayImpl display, int curved_size, ShadowRealTupleType Domain, CoordinateSystem dataCoordinateSystem, DataRenderer renderer, ShadowFunctionOrSetType adaptedShadowType, int[] start, int lenX, int lenY, int bigX, int bigY, VisADImageTile tile)
 void ShadowImageFunctionTypeJ3D.buildLinearTexture(Object group, Set domain_set, Unit[] dataUnits, Unit[] domain_units, float[] default_values, ShadowRealType[] DomainComponents, int valueArrayLength, int[] inherited_values, int[] valueToScalar, GraphicsModeControl mode, float constant_alpha, float[] value_array, float[] constant_color, byte[][] color_bytes, DisplayImpl display)
 void ShadowImageFunctionTypeJ3D.buildLinearTexture(Object group, Set domain_set, Unit[] dataUnits, Unit[] domain_units, float[] default_values, ShadowRealType[] DomainComponents, int valueArrayLength, int[] inherited_values, int[] valueToScalar, GraphicsModeControl mode, float constant_alpha, float[] value_array, float[] constant_color, byte[][] color_bytes, DisplayImpl display)
 void ShadowImageByRefFunctionTypeJ3D.buildLinearTexture(Object group, Set domain_set, Unit[] dataUnits, Unit[] domain_units, float[] default_values, ShadowRealType[] DomainComponents, int valueArrayLength, int[] inherited_values, int[] valueToScalar, GraphicsModeControl mode, float constant_alpha, float[] value_array, float[] constant_color, DisplayImpl display, VisADImageTile tile)
 void ShadowImageByRefFunctionTypeJ3D.buildLinearTexture(Object group, Set domain_set, Unit[] dataUnits, Unit[] domain_units, float[] default_values, ShadowRealType[] DomainComponents, int valueArrayLength, int[] inherited_values, int[] valueToScalar, GraphicsModeControl mode, float constant_alpha, float[] value_array, float[] constant_color, DisplayImpl display, VisADImageTile tile)

Constructors in with parameters of type Unit
WindPolarCoordinateSystem(RealTupleType reference, Unit[] units)
          constructor to set units

Uses of Unit in visad.cluster

Methods in visad.cluster that return Unit
 Unit[] RemoteNodePartitionedFieldImpl.getDefaultRangeUnits()
 Unit[] RemoteNodeFieldImpl.getDefaultRangeUnits()
 Unit[] RemoteClientPartitionedFieldImpl.getDefaultRangeUnits()
 Unit[] RemoteClientFieldImpl.getDefaultRangeUnits()
 Unit[] RemoteNodePartitionedFieldImpl.getDomainUnits()
 Unit[] RemoteNodeFieldImpl.getDomainUnits()
 Unit[] RemoteClientPartitionedFieldImpl.getDomainUnits()
 Unit[] RemoteClientFieldImpl.getDomainUnits()
 Unit[][] RemoteNodePartitionedFieldImpl.getRangeUnits()
 Unit[][] RemoteNodeFieldImpl.getRangeUnits()
 Unit[][] RemoteClientPartitionedFieldImpl.getRangeUnits()
 Unit[][] RemoteClientFieldImpl.getRangeUnits()

Uses of Unit in

Methods in that return Unit
 Unit[] FileFlatField.getDefaultRangeUnits()
 Unit[] AreaImageCacheAdapter.getDefaultRangeUnits()
 Unit[] FileFlatField.getDomainUnits()
 Unit[] AreaImageCacheAdapter.getDomainUnits()
 Unit[][] FileFlatField.getRangeUnits()
 Unit[][] AreaImageCacheAdapter.getRangeUnits()

Methods in with parameters of type Unit
 CachedFlatField CachedFlatField.cloneMe(boolean copy, FunctionType type, Set domainSet, CoordinateSystem rangeCoordSys, CoordinateSystem[] rangeCoordSysArray, Set[] rangeSets, Unit[] units)
          Clone this object
 void EmptyDataProcessor.processDoubleSet(SetType type, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, DoubleSet set, Object token)
 void DataProcessor.processDoubleSet(SetType type, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, DoubleSet set, Object token)
abstract  void BaseDataProcessor.processDoubleSet(SetType type, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, DoubleSet set, Object token)
 void EmptyDataProcessor.processFlatField(FunctionType type, Set domainSet, CoordinateSystem cs, CoordinateSystem[] rangeCS, Set[] rangeSets, Unit[] units, FlatField fld, Object token)
 void DataProcessor.processFlatField(FunctionType type, Set domainSet, CoordinateSystem cs, CoordinateSystem[] rangeCS, Set[] rangeSets, Unit[] units, FlatField fld, Object token)
abstract  void BaseDataProcessor.processFlatField(FunctionType type, Set domainSet, CoordinateSystem cs, CoordinateSystem[] rangeCS, Set[] rangeSets, Unit[] units, FlatField fld, Object token)
 void EmptyDataProcessor.processFloatSet(SetType type, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, FloatSet set, Object token)
 void DataProcessor.processFloatSet(SetType type, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, FloatSet set, Object token)
abstract  void BaseDataProcessor.processFloatSet(SetType type, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, FloatSet set, Object token)
 void EmptyDataProcessor.processGridded1DDoubleSet(SetType type, double[][] samples, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Gridded1DDoubleSet set, Object token)
 void DataProcessor.processGridded1DDoubleSet(SetType type, double[][] samples, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Gridded1DDoubleSet set, Object token)
abstract  void BaseDataProcessor.processGridded1DDoubleSet(SetType type, double[][] samples, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Gridded1DDoubleSet set, Object token)
 void EmptyDataProcessor.processGridded1DSet(SetType type, float[][] samples, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Gridded1DSet set, Object token)
 void DataProcessor.processGridded1DSet(SetType type, float[][] samples, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Gridded1DSet set, Object token)
abstract  void BaseDataProcessor.processGridded1DSet(SetType type, float[][] samples, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Gridded1DSet set, Object token)
 void EmptyDataProcessor.processGridded2DDoubleSet(SetType type, double[][] samples, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Gridded2DDoubleSet set, Object token)
 void DataProcessor.processGridded2DDoubleSet(SetType type, double[][] samples, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Gridded2DDoubleSet set, Object token)
abstract  void BaseDataProcessor.processGridded2DDoubleSet(SetType type, double[][] samples, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Gridded2DDoubleSet set, Object token)
 void EmptyDataProcessor.processGridded2DSet(SetType type, float[][] samples, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Gridded2DSet set, Object token)
 void DataProcessor.processGridded2DSet(SetType type, float[][] samples, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Gridded2DSet set, Object token)
abstract  void BaseDataProcessor.processGridded2DSet(SetType type, float[][] samples, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Gridded2DSet set, Object token)
 void EmptyDataProcessor.processGridded3DDoubleSet(SetType type, double[][] samples, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Gridded3DDoubleSet set, Object token)
 void DataProcessor.processGridded3DDoubleSet(SetType type, double[][] samples, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Gridded3DDoubleSet set, Object token)
abstract  void BaseDataProcessor.processGridded3DDoubleSet(SetType type, double[][] samples, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Gridded3DDoubleSet set, Object token)
 void EmptyDataProcessor.processGridded3DSet(SetType type, float[][] samples, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Gridded3DSet set, Object token)
 void DataProcessor.processGridded3DSet(SetType type, float[][] samples, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Gridded3DSet set, Object token)
abstract  void BaseDataProcessor.processGridded3DSet(SetType type, float[][] samples, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Gridded3DSet set, Object token)
 void EmptyDataProcessor.processGriddedSet(SetType type, float[][] samples, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, GriddedSet set, Object token)
 void DataProcessor.processGriddedSet(SetType type, float[][] samples, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, GriddedSet set, Object token)
abstract  void BaseDataProcessor.processGriddedSet(SetType type, float[][] samples, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, GriddedSet set, Object token)
 void EmptyDataProcessor.processInteger1DSet(SetType type, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Integer1DSet set, Object token)
 void DataProcessor.processInteger1DSet(SetType type, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Integer1DSet set, Object token)
abstract  void BaseDataProcessor.processInteger1DSet(SetType type, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Integer1DSet set, Object token)
 void EmptyDataProcessor.processInteger2DSet(SetType type, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Integer2DSet set, Object token)
 void DataProcessor.processInteger2DSet(SetType type, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Integer2DSet set, Object token)
abstract  void BaseDataProcessor.processInteger2DSet(SetType type, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Integer2DSet set, Object token)
 void EmptyDataProcessor.processInteger3DSet(SetType type, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Integer3DSet set, Object token)
 void DataProcessor.processInteger3DSet(SetType type, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Integer3DSet set, Object token)
abstract  void BaseDataProcessor.processInteger3DSet(SetType type, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Integer3DSet set, Object token)
 void EmptyDataProcessor.processIntegerNDSet(SetType type, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, IntegerNDSet set, Object token)
 void DataProcessor.processIntegerNDSet(SetType type, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, IntegerNDSet set, Object token)
abstract  void BaseDataProcessor.processIntegerNDSet(SetType type, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, IntegerNDSet set, Object token)
 void EmptyDataProcessor.processIrregular1DSet(SetType type, float[][] samples, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Irregular1DSet set, Object token)
 void DataProcessor.processIrregular1DSet(SetType type, float[][] samples, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Irregular1DSet set, Object token)
abstract  void BaseDataProcessor.processIrregular1DSet(SetType type, float[][] samples, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Irregular1DSet set, Object token)
 void EmptyDataProcessor.processIrregular2DSet(SetType type, float[][] samples, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Delaunay delaunay, Irregular2DSet set, Object token)
 void DataProcessor.processIrregular2DSet(SetType type, float[][] samples, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Delaunay delaunay, Irregular2DSet set, Object token)
abstract  void BaseDataProcessor.processIrregular2DSet(SetType type, float[][] samples, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Delaunay delaunay, Irregular2DSet set, Object token)
 void EmptyDataProcessor.processIrregular3DSet(SetType type, float[][] samples, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Delaunay delaunay, Irregular3DSet set, Object token)
 void DataProcessor.processIrregular3DSet(SetType type, float[][] samples, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Delaunay delaunay, Irregular3DSet set, Object token)
abstract  void BaseDataProcessor.processIrregular3DSet(SetType type, float[][] samples, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Delaunay delaunay, Irregular3DSet set, Object token)
 void EmptyDataProcessor.processIrregularSet(SetType type, float[][] samples, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Delaunay delaunay, IrregularSet set, Object token)
 void DataProcessor.processIrregularSet(SetType type, float[][] samples, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Delaunay delaunay, IrregularSet set, Object token)
abstract  void BaseDataProcessor.processIrregularSet(SetType type, float[][] samples, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Delaunay delaunay, IrregularSet set, Object token)
 void EmptyDataProcessor.processLinear1DSet(SetType type, double[] firsts, double[] lasts, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Linear1DSet set, Object token)
 void DataProcessor.processLinear1DSet(SetType type, double[] firsts, double[] lasts, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Linear1DSet set, Object token)
abstract  void BaseDataProcessor.processLinear1DSet(SetType type, double[] firsts, double[] lasts, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Linear1DSet set, Object token)
 void EmptyDataProcessor.processLinear2DSet(SetType type, double[] firsts, double[] lasts, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Linear2DSet set, Object token)
 void DataProcessor.processLinear2DSet(SetType type, double[] firsts, double[] lasts, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Linear2DSet set, Object token)
abstract  void BaseDataProcessor.processLinear2DSet(SetType type, double[] firsts, double[] lasts, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Linear2DSet set, Object token)
 void EmptyDataProcessor.processLinear3DSet(SetType type, double[] firsts, double[] lasts, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Linear3DSet set, Object token)
 void DataProcessor.processLinear3DSet(SetType type, double[] firsts, double[] lasts, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Linear3DSet set, Object token)
abstract  void BaseDataProcessor.processLinear3DSet(SetType type, double[] firsts, double[] lasts, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Linear3DSet set, Object token)
 void EmptyDataProcessor.processLinearLatLonSet(SetType type, double[] firsts, double[] lasts, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, LinearLatLonSet set, Object token)
 void DataProcessor.processLinearLatLonSet(SetType type, double[] firsts, double[] lasts, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, LinearLatLonSet set, Object token)
abstract  void BaseDataProcessor.processLinearLatLonSet(SetType type, double[] firsts, double[] lasts, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, LinearLatLonSet set, Object token)
 void EmptyDataProcessor.processLinearNDSet(SetType type, double[] firsts, double[] lasts, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, LinearNDSet set, Object token)
 void DataProcessor.processLinearNDSet(SetType type, double[] firsts, double[] lasts, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, LinearNDSet set, Object token)
abstract  void BaseDataProcessor.processLinearNDSet(SetType type, double[] firsts, double[] lasts, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, LinearNDSet set, Object token)
 void EmptyDataProcessor.processList1DSet(SetType type, float[] list, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, List1DSet set, Object token)
 void DataProcessor.processList1DSet(SetType type, float[] list, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, List1DSet set, Object token)
abstract  void BaseDataProcessor.processList1DSet(SetType type, float[] list, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, List1DSet set, Object token)
 void EmptyDataProcessor.processProductSet(SetType type, SampledSet[] sets, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, ProductSet set, Object token)
 void DataProcessor.processProductSet(SetType type, SampledSet[] sets, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, ProductSet set, Object token)
abstract  void BaseDataProcessor.processProductSet(SetType type, SampledSet[] sets, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, ProductSet set, Object token)
 void EmptyDataProcessor.processReal(RealType type, double value, Unit unit, ErrorEstimate error, Real real, Object token)
 void DataProcessor.processReal(RealType type, double value, Unit unit, ErrorEstimate error, Real real, Object token)
abstract  void BaseDataProcessor.processReal(RealType type, double value, Unit unit, ErrorEstimate error, Real real, Object token)
 void EmptyDataProcessor.processSampledSet(SetType st, int manifold_dimension, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, SampledSet set, Object token)
 void DataProcessor.processSampledSet(SetType st, int manifold_dimension, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, SampledSet set, Object token)
abstract  void BaseDataProcessor.processSampledSet(SetType st, int manifold_dimension, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, SampledSet set, Object token)
 void EmptyDataProcessor.processSimpleSet(SetType st, int manifold_dimension, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, SimpleSet set, Object token)
 void DataProcessor.processSimpleSet(SetType st, int manifold_dimension, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, SimpleSet set, Object token)
abstract  void BaseDataProcessor.processSimpleSet(SetType st, int manifold_dimension, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, SimpleSet set, Object token)
 void EmptyDataProcessor.processSingletonSet(RealTuple sample, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, SingletonSet set, Object token)
 void DataProcessor.processSingletonSet(RealTuple sample, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, SingletonSet set, Object token)
abstract  void BaseDataProcessor.processSingletonSet(RealTuple sample, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, SingletonSet set, Object token)

Constructors in with parameters of type Unit
CachedFlatField(CachedFlatField that, boolean copy, FunctionType type, Set domainSet, CoordinateSystem rangeCoordSys, CoordinateSystem[] rangeCoordSysArray, Set[] rangeSets, Unit[] units)
          Copy constructor
CachedFlatField(FunctionType type, Set domainSet, CoordinateSystem rangeCoordSys, CoordinateSystem[] rangeCoordSyses, Set[] rangeSets, Unit[] units, float[][] floats)
          Create a new CachedFlatField
CachedFlatField(FunctionType type, Set domainSet, CoordinateSystem rangeCoordSys, Set[] rangeSets, Unit[] units, float[][] floats)
          Create a new CachedFlatField

Uses of Unit in

Methods in that return Unit
 Unit ArcAsciiGridAdapter.getDataUnit()
          Get the data units

Methods in with parameters of type Unit
 void ArcAsciiGridAdapter.setDataUnit(Unit newUnit)
          Set the data units

Constructors in with parameters of type Unit
ArcAsciiGridAdapter(String filename, RealTupleType spatialType, RealType dataType, Unit dataUnit)
          Create an ArcAsciiGridAdapter for the particular file and use the supplied RealType for the data values, and units if different from default from RealType.
ArcAsciiGridAdapter(String filename, RealType dataType, Unit dataUnit)
          Create an ArcAsciiGridAdapter for the particular file and use the supplied RealType for the data values, and units if different from default from RealType.
ArcAsciiGridAdapter(String filename, Unit dataUnit)
          Create an ArcAsciiGridAdapter for the particular file and use units specified for the data.

Uses of Unit in

Methods in that return Unit
 Unit[] GctpMap.getUnits()

Uses of Unit in

Fields in declared as Unit
protected  Unit QuantityDBImpl.UnitKey.unit
          The default unit of the quantity.

Methods in with parameters of type Unit
 Quantity[] QuantityDBImpl.get(Unit unit)
          Returns all quantities in the database whose default unit is convertible with a given unit.
abstract  Quantity[] QuantityDB.get(Unit unit)
          Returns all quantities in the database whose default unit is convertible with a given unit.

Constructors in with parameters of type Unit
QuantityDBImpl.UnitKey(Unit unit, String name)
          Constructs from the unit of a quantity and its name.

Uses of Unit in

Methods in that return Unit
 Unit VirtualScalar.getUnit()
          Gets the unit of the value.
 Unit VirtualReal.getUnit()
          Gets the unit of the value.
protected  Unit View.getUnitFromAttribute(ucar.netcdf.Variable var)
          Returns the unit of a netCDF variable according to the variable's unit attribute.

Methods in with parameters of type Unit
 Quantity[] NetcdfQuantityDB.get(Unit unit)
          Returns all quantities in the database whose default unit is convertible with a given unit.
protected  boolean View.isTime(Unit unit)
          Indicates if a unit is a unit of time.

Constructors in with parameters of type Unit
VirtualReal(RealType type, ucar.netcdf.Variable var, SimpleSet rangeSet, Unit unit, vetter)
          Constructs from a scalar type, a 1-D netCDF variable, a range set, a unit, and a value vetter.
VirtualScalar(ScalarType type, ucar.netcdf.Variable var, SimpleSet rangeSet, Unit unit, vetter)
          Constructs from a scalar type, a 1-D netCDF variable, a range set, a unit, and a value vetter.

Uses of Unit in

Methods in that return Unit
 Unit DefaultUnitsDB.get(String name)
          Deprecated. Use instead
static Unit Parser.parse(String spec)
          Deprecated. Use instead

Methods in with parameters of type Unit
 void DefaultUnitsDB.putName(String name, Unit u)
          Deprecated. Use, u) instead
 void DefaultUnitsDB.putSymbol(String name, Unit u)
          Deprecated. Use, u) instead

Uses of Unit in

Fields in declared as Unit
protected static Unit UnitParser.SECOND
          The canonical time unit.

Methods in that return Unit
 Unit UnitParser.basicExpr()
 Unit UnitTable.get(String name)
          Get a unit.
 Unit UnitsDB.get(String name)
          Get a unit.
 Unit DefaultUnitsDB.get(String name)
          Get a unit.
protected  Unit UnitTable.getByName(String name)
          Get a unit by name.
protected  Unit UnitTable.getBySymbol(String symbol)
          Get a unit by symbol.
 Unit UnitParser.logExpr()
 Unit UnitParser.parse(String spec)
          Parses a string unit specification.
static Unit Parser.parse(String spec)
          Parse a string unit-specification.
 Unit UnitParser.powerExpr()
 Unit UnitParser.productExpr()
 Unit UnitParser.shiftExpr()
 Unit UnitParser.unitIdentifier()
 Unit UnitParser.unitSpec()

Methods in with parameters of type Unit
protected  void name, Unit unit)
          Adds a name, the plural form of the name, and a new unit to the database.
protected  void symbol, Unit unit)
          Adds a symbol and a new unit to the database.
 void UnitTable.putName(String name, Unit unit)
          Adds a name and a unit to the name table.
 void UnitsDB.putName(String name, Unit unit)
          Adds a name and a unit to the name table.
 void UnitTable.putSymbol(String symbol, Unit unit)
          Adds a symbol and a unit to the symbol table.
 void UnitsDB.putSymbol(String symbol, Unit unit)
          Adds a symbol and a unit to the symbol table.
protected  void DefaultUnitsDB.px(String name, Unit unit)
          Adds a name that has no plural form and a new unit to the database.

Uses of Unit in

Methods in with parameters of type Unit
 void BinaryWriter.processDoubleSet(SetType type, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, DoubleSet set, Object token)
 void BinarySizer.processDoubleSet(SetType type, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, DoubleSet set, Object token)
 void BinaryWriter.processFlatField(FunctionType type, Set domainSet, CoordinateSystem cs, CoordinateSystem[] rangeCS, Set[] rangeSets, Unit[] units, FlatField fld, Object token)
 void BinarySizer.processFlatField(FunctionType type, Set domainSet, CoordinateSystem cs, CoordinateSystem[] rangeCS, Set[] rangeSets, Unit[] units, FlatField fld, Object token)
 void BinaryWriter.processFloatSet(SetType type, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, FloatSet set, Object token)
 void BinarySizer.processFloatSet(SetType type, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, FloatSet set, Object token)
 void BinaryWriter.processGridded1DDoubleSet(SetType type, double[][] samples, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Gridded1DDoubleSet set, Object token)
 void BinarySizer.processGridded1DDoubleSet(SetType type, double[][] samples, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Gridded1DDoubleSet set, Object token)
 void BinaryWriter.processGridded1DSet(SetType type, float[][] samples, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Gridded1DSet set, Object token)
 void BinarySizer.processGridded1DSet(SetType type, float[][] samples, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Gridded1DSet set, Object token)
 void BinaryWriter.processGridded2DDoubleSet(SetType type, double[][] samples, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Gridded2DDoubleSet set, Object token)
 void BinarySizer.processGridded2DDoubleSet(SetType type, double[][] samples, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Gridded2DDoubleSet set, Object token)
 void BinaryWriter.processGridded2DSet(SetType type, float[][] samples, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Gridded2DSet set, Object token)
 void BinarySizer.processGridded2DSet(SetType type, float[][] samples, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Gridded2DSet set, Object token)
 void BinaryWriter.processGridded3DDoubleSet(SetType type, double[][] samples, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Gridded3DDoubleSet set, Object token)
 void BinarySizer.processGridded3DDoubleSet(SetType type, double[][] samples, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Gridded3DDoubleSet set, Object token)
 void BinaryWriter.processGridded3DSet(SetType type, float[][] samples, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Gridded3DSet set, Object token)
 void BinarySizer.processGridded3DSet(SetType type, float[][] samples, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Gridded3DSet set, Object token)
 void BinaryWriter.processGriddedSet(SetType type, float[][] samples, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, GriddedSet set, Object token)
 void BinarySizer.processGriddedSet(SetType type, float[][] samples, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, GriddedSet set, Object token)
 void BinaryWriter.processInteger1DSet(SetType type, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Integer1DSet set, Object token)
 void BinarySizer.processInteger1DSet(SetType type, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Integer1DSet set, Object token)
 void BinaryWriter.processInteger2DSet(SetType type, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Integer2DSet set, Object token)
 void BinarySizer.processInteger2DSet(SetType type, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Integer2DSet set, Object token)
 void BinaryWriter.processInteger3DSet(SetType type, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Integer3DSet set, Object token)
 void BinarySizer.processInteger3DSet(SetType type, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Integer3DSet set, Object token)
 void BinaryWriter.processIntegerNDSet(SetType type, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, IntegerNDSet set, Object token)
 void BinarySizer.processIntegerNDSet(SetType type, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, IntegerNDSet set, Object token)
 void BinaryWriter.processIrregular1DSet(SetType type, float[][] samples, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Irregular1DSet set, Object token)
 void BinarySizer.processIrregular1DSet(SetType type, float[][] samples, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Irregular1DSet set, Object token)
 void BinaryWriter.processIrregular2DSet(SetType type, float[][] samples, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Delaunay delaunay, Irregular2DSet set, Object token)
 void BinarySizer.processIrregular2DSet(SetType type, float[][] samples, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Delaunay delaunay, Irregular2DSet set, Object token)
 void BinaryWriter.processIrregular3DSet(SetType type, float[][] samples, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Delaunay delaunay, Irregular3DSet set, Object token)
 void BinarySizer.processIrregular3DSet(SetType type, float[][] samples, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Delaunay delaunay, Irregular3DSet set, Object token)
 void BinaryWriter.processIrregularSet(SetType type, float[][] samples, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Delaunay delaunay, IrregularSet set, Object token)
 void BinarySizer.processIrregularSet(SetType type, float[][] samples, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Delaunay delaunay, IrregularSet set, Object token)
 void BinaryWriter.processLinear1DSet(SetType type, double[] firsts, double[] lasts, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Linear1DSet set, Object token)
 void BinarySizer.processLinear1DSet(SetType type, double[] firsts, double[] lasts, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Linear1DSet set, Object token)
 void BinaryWriter.processLinear2DSet(SetType type, double[] firsts, double[] lasts, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Linear2DSet set, Object token)
 void BinarySizer.processLinear2DSet(SetType type, double[] firsts, double[] lasts, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Linear2DSet set, Object token)
 void BinaryWriter.processLinear3DSet(SetType type, double[] firsts, double[] lasts, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Linear3DSet set, Object token)
 void BinarySizer.processLinear3DSet(SetType type, double[] firsts, double[] lasts, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Linear3DSet set, Object token)
 void BinaryWriter.processLinearLatLonSet(SetType type, double[] firsts, double[] lasts, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, LinearLatLonSet set, Object token)
 void BinarySizer.processLinearLatLonSet(SetType type, double[] firsts, double[] lasts, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, LinearLatLonSet set, Object token)
 void BinaryWriter.processLinearNDSet(SetType type, double[] firsts, double[] lasts, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, LinearNDSet set, Object token)
 void BinarySizer.processLinearNDSet(SetType type, double[] firsts, double[] lasts, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, LinearNDSet set, Object token)
 void BinaryWriter.processList1DSet(SetType type, float[] list, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, List1DSet set, Object token)
 void BinarySizer.processList1DSet(SetType type, float[] list, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, List1DSet set, Object token)
 void BinaryWriter.processProductSet(SetType type, SampledSet[] sets, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, ProductSet set, Object token)
 void BinarySizer.processProductSet(SetType type, SampledSet[] sets, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, ProductSet set, Object token)
 void BinaryWriter.processReal(RealType type, double value, Unit unit, ErrorEstimate error, Real real, Object token)
 void BinarySizer.processReal(RealType type, double value, Unit unit, ErrorEstimate error, Real real, Object token)
 void BinaryWriter.processSampledSet(SetType st, int manifold_dimension, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, SampledSet set, Object token)
 void BinarySizer.processSampledSet(SetType st, int manifold_dimension, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, SampledSet set, Object token)
 void BinaryWriter.processSimpleSet(SetType st, int manifold_dimension, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, SimpleSet set, Object token)
 void BinarySizer.processSimpleSet(SetType st, int manifold_dimension, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, SimpleSet set, Object token)
 void BinaryWriter.processSingletonSet(RealTuple sample, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, SingletonSet set, Object token)
 void BinarySizer.processSingletonSet(RealTuple sample, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, SingletonSet set, Object token)

Uses of Unit in

Methods in that return Unit
static Unit reader)
static Unit[] BinaryUnit.readList(BinaryReader reader)

Methods in with parameters of type Unit
static int BinaryLinearSet.computeBytes(boolean matchedTypes, double[] firsts, double[] lasts, int[] lengths, Linear1DSet[] comps, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors)
static int BinaryIntegerSet.computeBytes(boolean matchedTypes, int[] lengths, Integer1DSet[] comps, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors)
static int BinarySimpleSet.computeBytes(CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units)
static int BinaryGriddedDoubleSet.computeBytes(double[][] samples, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors)
static int BinaryIrregularSet.computeBytes(float[][] samples, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Delaunay delaunay)
static int BinaryGriddedSet.computeBytes(float[][] samples, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors)
static int BinaryList1DSet.computeBytes(float[] list, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units)
static int BinarySingletonSet.computeBytes(RealTupleType sampleType, Real[] sampleReals, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors)
static int BinaryProductSet.computeBytes(SampledSet[] sets, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors)
static int BinaryFlatField.computeBytes(Set domainSet, CoordinateSystem cs, CoordinateSystem[] rangeCS, Set[] rangeSets, Unit[] units, FlatField fld)
static int BinaryUnit.computeBytes(Unit u)
static int BinaryUnit.computeBytes(Unit[] array)
static int BinaryReal.computeBytes(Unit u, ErrorEstimate err)
static int[] BinaryUnit.lookupList(BinaryObjectCache cache, Unit[] units)
static void BinaryFlatField.write(BinaryWriter writer, FunctionType type, Set domainSet, CoordinateSystem cs, CoordinateSystem[] rangeCS, Set[] rangeSets, Unit[] units, FlatField fld, Object token)
static void BinarySingletonSet.write(BinaryWriter writer, RealTuple sample, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, SingletonSet set, Object token)
static void BinaryReal.write(BinaryWriter writer, RealType type, double value, Unit unit, ErrorEstimate error, Real real, Object token)
static void BinarySimpleSet.write(BinaryWriter writer, SetType type, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, SimpleSet set, Class canonicalClass, byte dataType, Object token)
static void BinaryGriddedDoubleSet.write(BinaryWriter writer, SetType type, double[][] samples, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, GriddedSet set, Class canonicalClass, byte dataType, Object token)
static void BinaryLinearSet.write(BinaryWriter writer, SetType type, double[] firsts, double[] lasts, int[] lengths, Linear1DSet[] comps, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, GriddedSet set, Class canonicalClass, byte dataType, Object token)
static void BinaryIrregularSet.write(BinaryWriter writer, SetType type, float[][] samples, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, Delaunay delaunay, IrregularSet set, Class canonicalClass, byte dataType, Object token)
static void BinaryGriddedSet.write(BinaryWriter writer, SetType type, float[][] samples, int[] lengths, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, GriddedSet set, Class canonicalClass, byte dataType, Object token)
static void BinaryList1DSet.write(BinaryWriter writer, SetType type, float[] list, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, List1DSet set, Object token)
static void BinaryIntegerSet.write(BinaryWriter writer, SetType type, int[] lengths, Integer1DSet[] comps, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, GriddedSet set, Class canonicalClass, byte dataType, Object token)
static void BinaryProductSet.write(BinaryWriter writer, SetType type, SampledSet[] sets, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, ProductSet set, Object token)
static int BinaryUnit.write(BinaryWriter writer, Unit u, Object token)
static void BinaryFlatField.writeDependentData(BinaryWriter writer, FunctionType type, Set domainSet, CoordinateSystem cs, CoordinateSystem[] rangeCS, Set[] rangeSets, Unit[] units, FlatField fld, Object token)
static void BinarySingletonSet.writeDependentData(BinaryWriter writer, RealTuple sample, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, SingletonSet set, Object token)
static void BinaryReal.writeDependentData(BinaryWriter writer, RealType type, Unit unit, ErrorEstimate error, Real real, Object token)
static void BinaryGriddedSet.writeDependentData(BinaryWriter writer, SetType type, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, GriddedSet set, Class canonicalClass, Object token)
static void BinaryGriddedDoubleSet.writeDependentData(BinaryWriter writer, SetType type, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, GriddedSet set, Class canonicalClass, Object token)
static void BinaryIrregularSet.writeDependentData(BinaryWriter writer, SetType type, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, IrregularSet set, Class canonicalClass, Object token)
static void BinaryList1DSet.writeDependentData(BinaryWriter writer, SetType type, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, List1DSet set, Object token)
static void BinarySimpleSet.writeDependentData(BinaryWriter writer, SetType type, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, SimpleSet set, Class canonicalClass, Object token)
static void BinaryIntegerSet.writeDependentData(BinaryWriter writer, SetType type, Integer1DSet[] comps, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, GriddedSet set, Class canonicalClass, Object token)
static void BinaryLinearSet.writeDependentData(BinaryWriter writer, SetType type, Linear1DSet[] comps, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, GriddedSet set, Class canonicalClass, Object token)
static void BinaryProductSet.writeDependentData(BinaryWriter writer, SetType type, SampledSet[] sets, CoordinateSystem cs, Unit[] units, ErrorEstimate[] errors, ProductSet set, Object token)
static int[] BinaryUnit.writeList(BinaryWriter writer, Unit[] units, Object token)

Uses of Unit in visad.georef

Fields in visad.georef declared as Unit
static Unit[] LatLonTuple.DEFAULT_UNITS
static Unit[] EarthLocationTuple.DEFAULT_UNITS

Constructors in visad.georef with parameters of type Unit
EarthLocationTuple(Real lat, Real lon, Real alt, Unit[] units, boolean checkUnits)
          Construct an EarthLocationTuple from Reals of lat, lon, alt
LatLonTuple(Real lat, Real lon, Unit[] units, boolean checkUnits)
          Construct a LatLonTuple from Reals representing the latitude and longitude.
MapProjection(RealTupleType reference, Unit[] units)
          Constructs from the type of the reference coordinate system and units for values in this coordinate system.
NavigatedCoordinateSystem(RealTupleType reference, Unit[] units)
          Constructs from the type of the reference coordinate system and units for values in this coordinate system.

Uses of Unit in visad.java2d

Methods in visad.java2d with parameters of type Unit
 boolean ShadowTypeJ2D.makeContour(int valueArrayLength, int[] valueToScalar, float[][] display_values, int[] inherited_values, Vector MapVector, int[] valueToMap, int domain_length, boolean[][] range_select, int spatialManifoldDimension, Set spatial_set, byte[][] color_values, boolean indexed, Object group, GraphicsModeControl mode, boolean[] swap, float constant_alpha, float[] constant_color, ShadowType shadow_api, ShadowRealTupleType Domain, ShadowRealType[] DomainReferenceComponents, Set domain_set, Unit[] domain_units, CoordinateSystem dataCoordinateSystem)

Uses of Unit in visad.java3d

Methods in visad.java3d with parameters of type Unit
 boolean ShadowTypeJ3D.makeContour(int valueArrayLength, int[] valueToScalar, float[][] display_values, int[] inherited_values, Vector MapVector, int[] valueToMap, int domain_length, boolean[][] range_select, int spatialManifoldDimension, Set spatial_set, byte[][] color_values, boolean indexed, Object group, GraphicsModeControl mode, boolean[] swap, float constant_alpha, float[] constant_color, ShadowType shadow_api, ShadowRealTupleType Domain, ShadowRealType[] DomainReferenceComponents, Set domain_set, Unit[] domain_units, CoordinateSystem dataCoordinateSystem)

Uses of Unit in visad.jmet

Fields in visad.jmet declared as Unit
protected  Unit MetGridDirectory.levelUnit
protected  Unit MetGridDirectory.paramUnit

Methods in visad.jmet that return Unit
 Unit MetGridDirectory.getLevelUnit()
 Unit MetGridDirectory.getParamUnit()

Uses of Unit in visad.math

Methods in visad.math with parameters of type Unit
static FlatField FFT.fourierTransform(Field field, boolean forward, FunctionType ftype, GriddedSet domain_set, CoordinateSystem range_coord_sys, Set[] range_sets, Unit[] units)
          return Fourier Transform of field, use FFT if domain dimension(s) are powers of 2

Uses of Unit in visad.matrix

Constructors in visad.matrix with parameters of type Unit
JamaMatrix(Object matrix, CoordinateSystem range_coord_sys, CoordinateSystem[] range_coord_syses, Set[] range_sets, Unit[] units)
          Construct a new JamaMatrix from the specified JAMA Matrix, coordinate systems, range sets and units.
JamaMatrix(Object matrix, FunctionType type, Gridded2DSet domain_set, CoordinateSystem range_coord_sys, CoordinateSystem[] range_coord_syses, Set[] range_sets, Unit[] units)
          Construct a new JamaMatrix from the specified JAMA Matrix, MathType, domain set, coordinate systems, range sets and units.

Uses of Unit in visad.python

Methods in visad.python that return Unit
static Unit JPythonMethods.makeUnit(String name)
          get a VisAD Unit from the name given

Methods in visad.python with parameters of type Unit
static RealType JPythonMethods.getRealType(String name, Unit unit)
          Make or get the RealType corresponding to the name; if none exists, make one and return it.
static RealType JPythonMethods.makeRealType(String name, Unit unit)
          Make or get the RealType corresponding to the name; if none exists, make one and return it.

Uses of Unit in visad.sounder

Constructors in visad.sounder with parameters of type Unit
Spectrum(float[] wavelength_domain, Unit domain_unit, float[] radiance_range, Unit range_unit)

Uses of Unit in visad.util

Methods in visad.util that return Unit
static Unit[] DataUtility.getRangeUnits(FlatField field)
          Gets the units of the (flat) components of the range of a FlatField.

Methods in visad.util with parameters of type Unit
static RealType DataUtility.getUniqueRealType(String name, Unit unit)
          Make a RealType with a unique name for the given unit
static RealType DataUtility.getUniqueRealType(String name, Unit unit, Set set, int attrMask)
          Make a RealType with a unique name for the given unit