Over the past several decades, there have been many Observing System Simulation Experiment (OSSE) studies dedicated to the importance of GEO hyperspectral IR sounders for weather forecasts.
Global NWP impact studies
McGrath-Spangler, E. L., N. C. Privé, B. M. Karpowicz, I. Moradi, and A. K. Heidinger, 2024: Using OSSEs to Evaluate GXS Impact in the Context of International Coordination. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., https://doi.org/10.1175/JTECH-D-23-0141.1.
McGrath-Spangler, Erica L., Will McCarty, N. C. Privé, Isaac Moradi, Bryan M. Karpowicz, and Joel McCorkel. “Using OSSEs to Evaluate the Impacts of Geostationary Infrared Sounders”, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology (published online ahead of print 2022), https://doi.org/10.1175/JTECH-D-22-0033.1
A global OSE study by Bormann et al. 2019 show the lack of hyperspectral IR sounder measurements in low latitude region.
Wang, P., Z. Li, Jun Li, T. J. Schmit, 2021: Added value of GEO-Hyperspectral infrared radiances for local severe storm forecasts using hybrid OSSE method. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences,DOI: 10.1007/s00376-021-0443-1. (link)
Okamoto, K., H. Owada, T. Fujita, M. Kazumori, M. Otsuka, H. Seko, Y. Ota, N. Uekiyo, H. Ishimoto, M. Hayashi, H. Ishida, A. Ando, M. Takahashi, K. Bessho, and H. Yokota, 2020: Assessment of the potential impact of a hyperspectral infrared sounder on the Himawari follow-on geostationary satellite. SOLA, 16, 162−168, doi:10.2151/sola.2020-028. (link)
K. Bessho, H. Owada, K. Okamoto and T. Fujita, “Himawari-8/9 Follow-on Satellite Program and Impacts of Potential Usage of Hyperspectral IR Sounder,” 2021 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium IGARSS, 2021, pp. 1507-1510, doi: 10.1109/IGARSS47720.2021.9553888.
Bormann, N., H. Lawrence, and J. Farnan, 2019: Global observing system experiments in the ECMWF assimilation system, ECMWF Technical Memorandum 839. (link)
Casey, Sean, R. Atlas, R. N. Hoffman, L. Cucurull, and A. C. Kren, 2018: Geostationary HyperSpectral Sounder (Geo-HSS) Constellation: A Global OSSE Assessment, 22nd Conference on Integrated Observing and Assimilation Systems for the Atmosphere, Oceans, and Land Surface (IOAS-AOLS), 98th American Meteorological Society annual meeting, Austin, Texas, 7-11 January, 2018. (link)
Local severe storms forecast and nowcast
On local severe storms, Li et al. 2018, show that GEO hyperspectral IR sounders may provide value-added impact on the forecast as well as analysis field.
Li, Zhenglong, Jun Li, Pei Wang, Agnes Lim, Jinlong Li, Timothy J. Schmit, Robert Atlas, Sid-Ahmed Boukabara, and Ross N. Hoffman, 2018: Value-added Impact of Geostationary Hyperspectral Infrared Sounders on Local Severe Storm Forecasts—via a Quick Regional OSSE, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 35(10): 1217-1230. (link)
Jones, Thomas A.; Koch, Steven, and Li, Zhenglong. Assimilating synthetic hyperspectral sounder temperature and humidity retrievals to improve severe weather forecasts. Atmospheric Research v.186, no.1, 2017, pp9-25. (link)
Wang et al., 2013: An Observing System Simulation Experiment for the Impact of MTG Candidate Infrared Sounding Mission on Regional Forecasts: System Development and Preliminary Results, ISRN Meteorology, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/971501.(link)
Li, J., Jinlong. Li, J. Otkin, T. J. Schmit, and C. Liu, 2011: Warning information in a preconvection environment from the geostationary advanced infrared sounding system – A simulation study using IHOP case, Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 50, 776 – 783. (link)
Aune, Bob. “Preliminary findings from the geostationary interferometer observing system simulation experiments (OSSE).” (2000).(NOAA Technical Report)
Tropical cyclone forecast improvement
Li, Jun et al., 2016: Value-added Impact from FengYun-4 hyperspectral IR sounder observations on regional NWP, 6th Workshop on the Impact of Various Observing Systems on NWP, Shanghai, China (10-13 May 2016) (link)